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soc / / foundation of human understanding

* foundation of human understandingroy masters
`- Re: foundation of human understandingAtticus Barber

Subject: foundation of human understanding
From: roy masters
Date: Sat, 5 Mar 2011 02:18 UTC
From: (roy masters)
Subject: foundation of human understanding
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The Opposite to What Roy Masters says is whats he,s up

Roy Masters leaves his body and kills people.

The problems Roys Listeners are experiencing are being caused by Roy
Masters AND THE Evil demon that controls Roy Masters.The
solution ,cult leader Roy Masters is promoting, is to practise the
meditation exercise .Once you do that a piece of the demons
counsciousess is put in yours. That would defeat the purpose of having
meditators,a buffer between that person and the demon,so that that
person is to blame once if there ever found out.The essence of this
person,s counsciousness is either willing or not willing to go along
with it.Thats why you never talk to Cult Leader Roy Masters ,your
inviting evil into your life and community.It then causes you
problems, the only way out it wants you to take is the meditation

Cult Leader Roy Masters leaves his body and kills people this is the
secret he doesn,t want anyone to know.He can also leave his and take
control of peoples consciousness making them do anything ,especially
commit criminal acts.He used to just kill people with no apparent
cause of death ,the next day their found dead.But that started
becoming suspicious so he now kills them with a heart attack or even
takes control of you when your driving making you have a deadly car
accident.He can even set up some serious mishap to kill you.

Roy Masters can leave his body and see who is connected to who , or
who knows who , so if he wants to destroy someone , he,ll manipulate
things to meet that person ,then put something evil in that persons
counsciousness to make then do anything he desires to destroy them.

The meditators are a buffer to protect this demon should anyone find
out the source of their evil.The meditators have no idea about this
demon that has replaced their consciousness.They don,t know why their
in Grants Pass.
It operates through them .It likes to remain hidden in the background
thats how it operates.It s really a 160 or so others like Roy masters
causing these problems in people,then steering them into discovering
Roy masters Advice line or as previously known "How Your Mind Can Keep
You Well".

The meditation he teaches is a trick to get people to give up their
essence of their consciousness.They,ve lost everthing then .The evil
then looks through their consciousness .Thats why their so sad after
this evil is born again in them.Their now just an extension of the
demon .They also leave their bodies and make everyone else look bad
like their doing something wrong in their life and the meditators are
the pillar of society.These stupid followers like to act like they
knew what they were doing all along.Instead of admitting their wrong.

The fear you feel listening to Roy Masters or trying his meditation
is your consciousness warning you that its in danger.

This demon has the entire life of the meditator mapped out for them
what they,ll do and when they,ll die

Anyone whose a threat to the foundation of human understanding is a
target.The demon through Roy Masters will make them do something bad
to destroy their lives ,so nobody will listen to them. This often
happening to them without them even knowing why,that there a threat to
the demon.Its actually a 160 or so others like Roy masters leaving
their bodies and attacking the inner person,good people.So if your a
threat ,like myself,they,ll try to make you look crazy,for
example,making me say ignorant things to people I,ve known for years
or worked with.All the sudden not even talking to them.

Roy Masters is always bragging ,on his show, how he likes to give
people two years for them to straighten up.
What he,s really saying is he waits to years before leaving his body
and killing them. He knows he,s being watched.

Roy Masters is always getting people to talk to him, don,t.Once you
talk to him your really talking to the demon that controls him.Then it
can start messing with your consciousness.Making you have compulsive
problems,medical problems (at the most inappropriate time ),make bad
business decisions and mistake to ruin your life.This is how it
works ,its your fault for talking to them.In the evil,s eyes.

Right at key moments Roy Masters can make you make a mistake.He does
this by leaving his body.He can make you do or say something to
destroy your life .He can even put the thought in your mind so you
think it originated in you.This is so you don,t go looking for the

Roy Masters leaves his body and travels at a conscious level
attacking people,s consciousness and killing them.

No one that goes to Roy Masters seminars are possessed by demons.This
is just a big act Roy and the demon that controls him put on.They take
control of a persons nervous system and consciousness making them
growl like their possessed and crawl around on the floor like their
affraid of his cross.Its just the 160 or so others like Roy
Masters ,leaving their bodies and making them act this way.

If Roy Masters cannot get you he,ll go after your children or
relatives in another city or state.He can leave his body and see who
your related to.He can kill them or set up an accident or have them be
a victim of a crime.As in the case of the FBI,he goes after other FBI
agents children,for example,putting a crimminal mind in them or
pushing aside their normal sexuality and replacing it with

Roy Masters and the demon trhat controls him can cause all manner of
medical problems in people ,breast cancer,colon cancer,heart
attacks,strokes,kidney failure.

Roy masters can see who your connected to so he,ll go out of his way
to be nice to you so either you,ll say nice things to someone you know
or to destroy someone your connected to.He leaves his body and can see

It,s Roy Masters and the demon that controls him doing these things
to the people of Grants Pass and Eugene Oregon and southern Oregon.The
demon operates through the meditators,so when you go looking to find
who did this you only find a person.,If their caught,their a buffer to
protect the evil.This is how evil operates to protect itself so it
won,t be found out.
Really its a 160 or so others like Roy Masters operating through his
followers,their the ones that don,t want to found out.Roys followers
are all marked,so they can be found when its time to punish
why the 160 or so others don,t want his followers knowing of their
existence,if they ,his followers,leave their bodies and find them,its
like a pointer pointing at them as the cause.

At key moments Cult Leader Roy Masters can inject sentences or
phrases into your conversations to make you look bad.

Roy Masters wants to ruin all the original towns people of Grants
Pass so that they cannot fight back against him.
He wants to replace them with creepy cult members.He screws with their
consciousness making a mess of their lives so that every day is a
struggle.So that they can bearly go on.

Theres no sense in calling down to the Grants Pass police or
josphine county to inquire or complain about roy masters,you,ll just
be eventually directed to a fhu cult member or someone their operating
The opposite to what Roy Masters says on his radio program is what
he,s up to he wants to destroy america.
This evil is always with him .It travels through the darkness.
That,s how it gets around. And hurts people.Causing them heart
attacks ,pain and suffering.Any problem you could imagine making
peoples life a personal hell

Roy Masters has destoyed many lives even Hollywood stars.He Will
leave his body and take control of their consciousness making them
spew out racist comments about Jews or Blacks.Or even get caught up in
drugs and alcohol leading to their arrest and subsequent end of their
carreers.Thats why you should never talk to Roy Masters.

Cult leader Roy Masters hides behind a mask of christianity , he,s
not really a christian.In the end his meditation exercise has nothing
to do with christianity , it just puts a piece of th demons
counsciousness inside yours.

Roy Masters is always calling his followers stupid , its like a bad
person calling you stupid because you won,t do something they want you
to do.This something they want you to do will probably harm you. Of
course if you don,t what Roy Masters wants your no longer stupid.This
being his meditation exercise. Once you practise this and your
sucessful in going to this other place in your head ,and have a piece
of the demons counsciousness put in yours,thats the end of you, now it
really too late.Yes before its too late , that being he,s found out to
be a complete liar.Once people have this piece of the demons
counsciousnees in their counsciousness they cannot complain or do the
demon ,that they are not aware of, any harm.
It probably is not too late if you have something put in your
counsciousness throught the meditation,I have yet to see
away back for them.I,d definetely stop meditating.

Roy Masters leaves his body and attack the inner person ,your
soul,the next day you wake up feeling sore all over,your first though
is to blame someone else for this,routine everyday activities become
a chore,you don,t want to work or go to school,you nearly give
up.Thats what he wants.

Click here to read the complete article
Subject: Re: foundation of human understanding
From: Atticus Barber
Organization: ETT newsserver
Date: Sat, 5 Mar 2011 08:06 UTC
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From: (Atticus Barber)
Subject: Re: foundation of human understanding
Date: Sat, 5 Mar 2011 03:06:12 -0500
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You need some serious Haldol, a lobotomy,
and perhaps if you sniff & lick a Japanese schoolgirl's
ass, Roy Masters will leave you alone.


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