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rocksolid / Freenet / New Path for Freenet

* New Path for FreenetAnonymous
`- Re: New Path for FreenetAnonymous

Subject: New Path for Freenet
From: Anonymous
Newsgroups: rocksolid.shared.freenet
Organization: RetroBBS
Date: Sat, 17 Jun 2023 08:13 UTC
From: (Anonymous)
Newsgroups: rocksolid.shared.freenet
Subject: New Path for Freenet
Date: Sat, 17 Jun 2023 08:13:07 +0000
Organization: RetroBBS
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I haven't been keeping up with Freenet but it looks like they're switching plans.

They are no longer going to be just an anonymous distributed file storage and retrieval and it seems like they're going the decentralized and distributed applications (dapps) route now and they've ditched the anonymous-first design.

My main issue with peer-to-peer applications has always been privacy, it's bad enough to let a single centralized server or a single decentalized server know too much about you but it's even worse to broadcast information about you to everyone that's interested in your information.

>Anonymity: Fred was designed with a strong focus on anonymity. In contrast, Locutus does not offer built-in anonymity, but it is designed to allow anonymizing systems to be layered on top if required.

I think this is a huge mistake. If you don't design your programs to be anonymous-first you'll end up leaking information everywhere.

>Declare your digital independence

>The centralization of the internet poses a fundamental threat to individual freedom. In 2023, a few corporations control most internet services and infrastructure. These corporations wield immense power over most of us with little accountability, enabling them to censor content, exploit our data, and exclude users from services they depend on —all with profound implications for democracy. We need a solution urgently.

>In 1999, we created the original Freenet—the world's first scalable, decentralized, peer-to-peer network. It introduced revolutionary ideas such as cryptographic contracts and small-world networks, and was analogous to a shared hard disk.

>Building on this legacy, we present Freenet 2023— a drop-in decentralized replacement for the world wide web. This new Freenet is analogous to a global shared computer, a platform for sophisticated decentralized software systems. Designed for simplicity and flexibility, Freenet 2023 can be used seamlessly through your web browser, providing an experience that feels just like using the traditional web.

>Freenet 2023 allows developers to create decentralized alternatives to centralized services, including messaging, social media, email, and e-commerce. Our user-friendly decentralized applications are scalable, interoperable, and secured with cryptography.

Posted on RetroBBS

Subject: Re: New Path for Freenet
From: Anonymous
Newsgroups: rocksolid.shared.freenet
Organization: RetroBBS
Date: Sat, 17 Jun 2023 19:05 UTC
References: 1
From: (Anonymous)
Newsgroups: rocksolid.shared.freenet
Subject: Re: New Path for Freenet
Date: Sat, 17 Jun 2023 19:05:08 +0000
Organization: RetroBBS
Message-ID: <>
References: <>
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X-Rslight-Posting-User: b47da4f5d75d2e6d622c05424a406bf5739a21a2
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Anonymous wrote:

> I haven't been keeping up with Freenet but it looks like they're switching plans.

> They are no longer going to be just an anonymous distributed file storage and retrieval and it seems like they're going the decentralized and distributed applications (dapps) route now and they've ditched the anonymous-first design.

> My main issue with peer-to-peer applications has always been privacy, it's bad enough to let a single centralized server or a single decentalized server know too much about you but it's even worse to broadcast information about you to everyone that's interested in your information.


>>Anonymity: Fred was designed with a strong focus on anonymity. In contrast, Locutus does not offer built-in anonymity, but it is designed to allow anonymizing systems to be layered on top if required.

> I think this is a huge mistake. If you don't design your programs to be anonymous-first you'll end up leaking information everywhere.

It sounds like a complete rethink of Freenet. This might lead to users sticking with Freenet7 just like some still stick to Freenet5.

Looks like a completely different project and should probably not be a replacement of Freenet, but a different idea completely.

Posted on RetroBBS


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