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comp / comp.os.linux.advocacy / Re: A New Machine Progresses

Subject: Re: A New Machine Progresses
From: pothead
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy, talk.politics.guns,, alt.politics.trump
Organization: Libtard Rehabilitation Program
Date: Mon, 30 Dec 2024 02:04 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
From: (pothead)
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy,talk.politics.guns,,alt.politics.trump
Subject: Re: A New Machine Progresses
Date: Mon, 30 Dec 2024 02:04:17 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: Libtard Rehabilitation Program
Lines: 362
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On 2024-12-30, -hh <> wrote:
> On 12/29/24 5:37 PM, pothead wrote:
>> On 2024-12-29, -hh <> wrote:
>>> On 12/28/24 9:48 PM, pothead wrote:
>>>> On 2024-12-28, Scout <> wrote:
>>>>> "Joel" <> wrote in message
>>>>>> rbowman <> wrote:
>>>>>>>> -hh is warmer on the scale than old Joe [Biden, POTUS], not to
>>>>>>>> disrespect our outgoing
>>>>>>>> president, he's a great man.
>>>>>>> Adlai Stevenson was well-spoken to the point he was labeled 'egghead'.
>>>>>>> Probably apocryphal but the legend goes that after a speech a supporter
>>>>>>> said every intelligent person would vote for him. Stevenson said that was
>>>>>>> well and good but he needed a majority.
>>>>>>> He ran against Eisenhower in '52 and '56, losing by a landslide each time.
>>>>>>> People lapped up Eisenhower's avuncular style and much of the country
>>>>>>> looked at him and Mamie as grandparents.
>>>>>>> I don't know if Biden had it in him to be articulate but a successful
>>>>>>> politician may not want to present as very erudite.
>>>>>> Biden is WYSIWYG - he's a man who appears as he really is, a guy who
>>>>>> isn't a genius but works hard, follows the rules, gets things done.
>>>>> Biden certainly isn't a genius, 1 Point
>>>> He's a moron.
>>>>> Biden is not a hard worker - 0 Points
>>>> He spent 40% or more of his presidency on vacation.
>>>>> Biden does follow the rules for Democrats - 1 Point
>>>> They are all in lock step.
>>>>> Biden hasn't gotten anything done - 0 Points.
>>>> Biden has made a mess of the USA.
>>>>>> It was a good thing for four years.
>>>>> It was a miserable four years with most American's ending up worse off.
>>>> Exactly.
>>> As if its going to now get better, with the Tech Bros pushing for more
>>> H1-N's to avoid hiring Americans, and Trump supporting them.
>> I do not support that however it's still better to have people here legally
>> than jumping the fence.
> Unfortunately, the structure of the H1-N program is Corporate Welfare
> and represss wages of honest American workers. Been that way for far
> far too long, because of the corporate money in US politics.

I agree.
It also allows the corporations to have more control over their employees
as they are afraid to make waves lest they get sent home.

>>>>>> expanding on the successes of the administration,
>>>>> So nothing from her either.
>>>> What successes?
>>>> Everything Biden has done has been a mess.
>>> Such as? Note that not everything offers immediate gratification for
>>> shortsighted people to see. For example, infrastructure is a multi-year
>>> effort which takes time to build because how it was given to the States.
>> Infrastructure?
>> With 7.5 billion and 8 total chargers built?
>> How long is it going to take them build the rest?
>> 50 years?
> Go bitch to your local State officials for why its been so slow.

Elon Musk seems to have no troubles.
Maybe the government and Mayor Pete should ask him how he does it?

> Because (and as I said), the money was handed to the States to execute,
> adding a layer of lag. This inefficieny is a direct consequence of what
> you asked for with the Right's "Small Government" & "Don't Tread on
> Me/States Rights!" petulance.

The buck stops with Biden.
And is anyone keeping track of this money?
Sounds like another CA high speed train to nowhere.

>> Of course with Pete "pothole" Buttigieg in charge and Biden at the helm,
>> that ship sank a long time ago.
> Or look to Baltimore where that bridge got taken down and how fast the
> channel got cleared by the Fed when they're free to lead when not mired
> down in partisan & State turf war politics.

That was an excellent effort but an outlier and not typical.

>> And then there is his BEAD portion of the bill.
>> How's that going?
> Sorry, not familiar with it; please elaborate.

Broadband Equity Access And Deployment.
$42.45 billion to expand high speed Internet.
As of September 2024 it has connected 0 people.


Both of the above are part of Biden's infrastructure bill and jobs act of 2021.

>> Border crossings overwhelming states.
> Yet down by 75%.

Typical cherry picking.
So Biden allows 10's of millions of illegals into the country mostly unvetted
and then during election season he clamps down a bit so it drops.
And BTW those are only the ones BP know about.
The gottaways raise that number.

And besides that under Trump were cities like NYC crying for relief from the feds due to mass migration?
Was crime in said cities increasing under Trump?

No bueno.

>> Crime going through the roof due in part. And oh, the FBI revised their figures
>> massively upwards.
> Some are moving higher, but are still below recent highs.

Tell that to the people of NYC or Chicago or Portland or......

>>> In the meantime, the old DJT tune was "hows your 401k doing?", so how's
>>> that been? Well, during Biden's term, the DJIA is up by +38%, NASDAQ
>>> +46%, SP500 +55% .. if you didn't do well, be comforted by how Social
>>> Programs are slated to be on the chopping block starting in 2025. For
>>> everyone else, there were ~6.6M millionaires in the USA when DJT left
>>> office, and there's 7.5M today, a +14% increase:
>>> <>
>>> -hh
>> Yada, yada, yada.
>> Step back from your facts and figures and spun up numbers and try asking the people
>> how they are doing?
>> Oh, silly me, that was already done on November 5th and they spoke with their votes.
> Because of years of union busting including falsely named "Right to
> Work" laws in Red States which took away workers' rights, which gave
> Enterprise even more power over workers wages & compensation...

Unions have become ultra corrupt in recent years and they have served their purpose.
They pretend to support the rank and file but the leaders are getting rich
on shady deals. Even Trump knows all about that one as he was greasing the correct palms in NYC
in order to get his buildings built.
It's just part of doing business in NYC.
So even when the leaders support a candidate, which is almost always a democrat,
the rank and file vote however they want.

Speaking of unions, here is a good video with Tucker interviewing Teamsters boss Sean O'Brian.
He sure has some choice words regarding Kamala Harris.


> ...but the GOP's propaganda machine distracted them to "values" instead
> of their own financial best interests. Next!

GOP propaganda machine?
When the democrats have the MSM, virtually all of them, in their back pocket
running cover for them.
Hunter laptop.
Biden is sharp as a tack.
Paid for Russian dossier.
The FBI lying about the Hunter laptop so social media/big tech could censor it.

The WSJ recently had an article describing how the MSM covered for Biden and was the real
reason he won in 2020.

So no bueno again.

BTW, I don't think you really believe that the GOP has the power to influence like the DNC does
with MSM, Hollywood, Sports stars and so forth backing them.
You are simply attempting to make excuses for why you lost in November.
And the answer is, the people saw 4 years of hell under Biden, you put up a loser of a candidate
who didn't receive a single vote but was appointed and the media could no longer cover
for these people although they tried.
>> Groceries and home goods up some 20% plus.
> What would they have cost since 2008 had we had the historical average
> of +2.5%/year inflation? Because the brief pop we had to 8% inflation
> represents a Reversion to the Mean. Next.

2008 called and they want their copy of Visicalc back :) .
Numbers again.
Hint, we are talking about reality here and even you must notice your grocery cart
has fewer items and you pay more for them.
Put away the spreadsheet and listen to the people.

Your excuses are exactly why Kamala lost the election.
When Biden was still a candidate he tried telling the people that Bidenomics was working
but the people, the average people, weren't falling for it so his advisors told him not to speak
about it.

It's classic democrat behavior.
Another example is the Governor of CO telling the people there are no Venezuelan gangs taking
over apartment building all the while videos were all over the place.

And more recently the WH Kirby I believe telling the people seeing drones that they are seeing
regular aircraft, stars or the like.
Sound familiar?
Basically the democrats use the same strategy as the Iraqi War Minister who was on TV telling his people
that they were winning the war as coalition tanks were breaching a hill right behind him.

>> Wages not keeping pace with inflation.
> Except for how wage increases have exceeded inflation for the past year.
> Next.

Throughout the Biden presidency and including items like groceries and fuel/utilities
which are not in the calculations.

>> Credit card debt going through the roof.
> Normalize it by GDP growth and get back to us to show that it actually
> is "up". Next.

You lose again.

>> Taxes going up to pay for illegal migrants.
> Except that tax rates haven't changed...

State and local.
And they will go up in places like NYC who have to pay for the migrants somehow.
Either that or cut programs, which is also happening.

> ...and FYI, if the 2017 TCJA gets extended by Trump in 2025, the amount
> of economic stimulus from it as a result will be exactly zero. The
> reason why is obvious once you think about it for a minute. Next.

People in states that have fiscal responsibility did well under his plan.
People in fiscally out of control states mostly did not because they lost the
SALT deduction.

>> And then of course we have wars in every corner of the planet.
>> Thank Joe Biden's weakness for that.
> Nope. You've never been read in on that picture to know what's really
> going on.

I see exactly what is going on and Biden's weakness on the world stage is
a big part of it.

>> As for me, my 401k has mostly recovered, I am retired, house paid for and
>> things are good.
> 2022 was Biden's only down year, and it affected mostly those who were
> aggressively invested in the Equities market ... which at your age &
> retired, you shouldn't have been to have seen much of any loss.
> Even so, 2022 merely was giving back 2021's gains, and since 2023, & 24
> have both been up years at 2x the historical average rate: the net sum
> has been roughly a +40% growth over the past four years. Next.
>> But that's me.
>> Kids starting out now don't stand a chance and certainly don't have the same
>> opportunities that I've had where hard work, a lucrative career can provide.
> Yup, but then why are you so opposed to the social and infrastructure
> programs intended & designed to help them...?

Because they are money pits that don't help the right people.
Why are migrants in NYC staying in 4 star hotels while homeless veterans are sleeping
on the streets?

Under Joe Biden's "America Last Program"" the country has lost faith in our system.
Billions and billions go to Ukraine and other foreign countries and yet FEMA runs out of money
for our own citizens.
People see that and are disgusted.
America first and once we are on an even keel then we can worry about the rest of the world.
Peace by strength works.
Appeasement does not.

>> And that is why confidence in Biden sits at 34% or so in Gallop's latest poll.
> Polls have become so toxic as to be irrelevant: Biden could wipe out
> the entire National Debt tomorrow *and* cure cancer *and* wipe Russia &
> China off the map and he still wouldn't crack 50%.

I'm not a fan of polls but Biden and Kamala Harris are horrible people and horrible
candidates who have lost touch with the people.
It's going to take the democrat party a long time to win back the trust of the people.
Even the hardcore left wing media admits that.

>> Joe Biden is a complete disaster and has totally screwed this country into the ground.
> You believe whatever you want ... but you're going to have to first
> survive the consequences of what you asked for, for at least the next
> four years.

Trump will either make things better or worse. Nobody knows however everyone knows
what the country has been like under Biden and the democrats and it's not positive which
is why the democrats lost in November.

Time will tell.

> -hh


"Give a man a fish and you turn him into a Democrat for life"
"Teach a man to fish and he might become a self-sufficient conservative Republican"
"Don't underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up,"
--- Barack H. Obama

o A New Machine Progresses

By: Farley Flud on Wed, 25 Dec 2024

111Farley Flud

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