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talk / talk.religion.course-miracle / Re: Magic vs. Miracles

Subject: Re: Magic vs. Miracles
From: Miracles Are Seen In
Newsgroups: talk.religion.course-miracle
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Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2023 21:51 UTC
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From: (Miracles Are Seen In Light)
Newsgroups: talk.religion.course-miracle
Subject: Re: Magic vs. Miracles
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2023 14:51:56 -0700
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On 7/31/2022 12:03, Miracles Are Seen In Light wrote:
> "The avoidance of magic is the avoidance of temptation. For all temptation is
> nothing more than the attempt to substitute another will for God's. These
> attempts may indeed seem frightening, but they are merely pathetic. They can have
> no effects; neither good nor bad, neither rewarding nor demanding sacrifice,
> healing nor destructive, quieting nor fearful. When all magic is recognized as
> merely nothing, the teacher of God has reached the most advanced state. All
> intermediate lessons will but lead to this, and bring this goal nearer to
> recognition. For magic of any kind, in all its forms, simply does nothing. Its
> powerlessness is the reason it can be so easily escaped. What has no effects can
> hardly terrify.
> There is no substitute for the Will of God. In simple statement, it is to this
> fact that the teacher of God devotes his day. Each substitute he may accept as
> real can but deceive him. But he is safe from all deception if he so decides.
> Perhaps he needs to remember, "God is with me. I cannot be deceived." Perhaps he
> prefers other words, or only one, or none at all. Yet each temptation to accept
> magic as true must be abandoned through his recognition, not that it is fearful,
> not that it is sinful, not that it is dangerous, but merely that it is
> meaningless. Rooted in sacrifice and separation, two aspects of one error and no
> more, he merely chooses to give up all that he never had. And for this
> "sacrifice" is Heaven restored to his awareness.
> Is not this an exchange that you would want? The world would gladly make it, if
> it knew it could be made. It is God's teachers who must teach it that it can. And
> so it is their function to make sure that they have learned it. No risk is
> possible throughout the day except to put your trust in magic, for it is only this
> that leads to pain. "There is no will but God's." His teachers know that this is
> so, and have learned that everything but this is magic. All belief in magic is
> maintained by just one simple-minded illusion;--that it works. All through their
> training, every day and every hour, and even every minute and second, must God's
> teachers learn to recognize the forms of magic and perceive their meaninglessness.
> Fear is withdrawn from them, and so they go. And thus the gate of Heaven is
> reopened, and its light can shine again on an untroubled mind."
> - A Course in Miracles, Manual For Teachers, Section 16, "How Should the Teacher
> of God Spend His Day?"
> So, when you press the gas pedal and the car goes forward, that's magic. When you
> stitch up a cut, that's magic. When you move a cup across your desk, that's
> magic. The miracle just goes, "stupid, what is?" and you go: "the cups there;"
> and so it is. *You see what you want to see*. There is no substitute for the
> will of God. Did you want to be a monkey? Did you want to move a cup across your
> desk? Did you want to stitch up a cut? If you wanted to, then it was God's will.
> So any response to poverty, health, or people problems, other than the will of
> God, is magic. If you want to be at the end of the two hour car trip, be there.
> The internal combustion engine is not the answer. God is the answer. Whatever you
> want, is God's will:
> "What is the peace of God? No more than this; the simple understanding that His
> Will is wholly without opposite. There is no thought that contradicts His Will,
> yet can be true. The contrast between His Will and yours but seemed to be
> reality. In truth there was no conflict, for His Will is yours. Now is the
> mighty Will of God Himself His gift to you. He does not seek to keep it for
> Himself. Why would you seek to keep your tiny frail imaginings apart from Him?
> The Will of God is One and all there is. This is your heritage. The universe
> beyond the sun and stars, and all the thoughts of which you can conceive, belong
> to you. God's peace is the condition for His Will. Attain His peace, and you
> remember Him."
> - A Course in Miracles, Manual For Teachers, Section 20, "What Is the Peace of God?"
> "There is no will except the will of love."
> - A Course in Miracles, Workbook, Lesson 331, "There is no conflict, for my will
> is Yours."
> "the advanced teachers of God... seek for God's Voice in this brother who would so
> deceive himself as to believe God's Son can suffer. And they remind him that he
> did not make himself, and must remain as God created him. They recognize
> illusions can have no effect. The truth in their minds reaches out to the truth
> in the minds of their brothers, so that illusions are not reinforced. They are
> thus brought to truth; truth is not brought to them. So are they dispelled, not
> by the will of another, but by the union of the one Will with itself. And this is
> the function of God's teachers; to see no will as separate from their own, nor
> theirs as separate from God's."
> - A Course in Miracles, Manual For Teachers, Section 5, "How Is Healing
> Accomplished?"
> So you remind your brother of his true self.
> "The miracle is the act of a Son of God who has laid aside all false gods, and
> calls on his brothers to do likewise. It is an act of faith, because it is the
> recognition that his brother can do it. It is a call to the Holy Spirit in his
> mind, a call that is strengthened by joining. Because the miracle worker has
> heard God's Voice, he strengthens It in a sick brother by weakening his belief in
> sickness, which he does not share. The power of one mind can shine into another,
> because all the lamps of God were lit by the same spark. It is everywhere and it
> is eternal.
> - A Course in Miracles, Chapter 10, "The Idols of Sickness," Section 4 (5pdf),
> "The End of Sickness"
> So when someone works a miracle for you, you worked a miracle for yourself. And
> when you work a miracle for anyone else, they worked a miracle for themselves.
> "There is no conflict, for my will is Yours." Lesson 331, - you can look at that
> two ways: what I want God wants, or what God wants I want. Both are true. You
> need to stop attacking yourself and let the love of God enter. You need to search
> for this One Voice, which is One with you.
> "The Holy Spirit is in you in a very literal sense. His is the Voice that calls
> you back to where you were before and will be again. It is possible even in this
> world to hear only that Voice and no other. It takes effort and great willingness
> to learn. It is the final lesson that I learned, and God's Sons are as equal as
> learners as they are as Sons."
> - A Course in Miracles, Chapter 5, "Healing and Wholeness," Section 2 (3 pdf),
> "The Voice for God"
> "Would you know of One Who gives forever, and Who knows of nothing except giving?"
> - A Course in Miracles, Chapter 14, "Teaching for Truth," Section 4 (5pdf), "Your
> Function in the Atonement"
> So Jesus' mind does not attack anything, and is loved by God?
> "My purpose, then, is still to overcome the world. I do not attack it, but my
> light must dispel it because of what it is. Light does not attack darkness, but
> it does shine it away."
> - Jesus Christ, A Course in Miracles, Chapter 8, "The Journey Back" Section 4,
> "The Gift of Freedom"
> "Magic is the mindless or the miscreative use of mind. Physical medications are
> forms of "spells," {("but if you are afraid to use the mind to heal, is
> safer for you to rely temporarily on physical healing devices")}
> - A Course in Miracles, Chapter 5, "Healing and Wholeness," Section 2 (3 pdf),
> "The Voice for God"

"Appetites are "getting" mechanisms, representing the ego's need to confirm
itself. This is as true of body appetites as it is of the so-called "higher ego
needs." Body appetites are not physical in origin. The ego regards the body as
its home, and tries to satisfy itself through the body. But the idea that this is
possible is a decision of the mind, which has become completely confused about
what is really possible."
- A Course in Miracles, Chapter 4, Section 2 (3pdf),
"The Illusions of the Ego," "The Ego and False Autonomy"

> "The changes in wave length which the healing brings about, occur within the
> radius of 5 feet. It does not matter in what part of the body the healing takes
> place, nor by what means it is brought about. From the theoretical point of view
> it can be said that healing can only be the result of a change of mind which now
> accepts healing where it formerly accepted sickness. The change of mind alters
> the thought field around the patient, which seems to represent the place where he
> is. These changes cannot be different for a healing presumably brought about by
> medication, surgery, or faith. Healing can only be faith healing for sickness can
> only be faith in sickness."
> "the apparatus... is not capable of noting the more subtle changes that accompany
> a healing, nor of measuring the almost incalculable distances across which they
> occur. Within the 5 foot radius, however, the equipment will pick up energy
> changes that "register" a healing. In a sense, these might be called shadows of
> an illusion; in the world of dreams they signify the sound of a different voice."
> - Notes on Sound, Page 22, January 15, 1973
> * "These changes cannot be different for a healing presumably brought about by
> medication, surgery, or faith. Healing can only be faith healing for sickness can
> only be faith in sickness." *
> Thus,
> "These changes cannot be different, for an enrichment presumably brought about by
> lottery winnings, work, or faith. Enrichment can only be faith enrichment, for
> poverty can only be faith in poverty."
> Thus,
> "These changes cannot be different, for a room cleaning presumably brought about
> by vacuuming, sweeping, or faith. Cleaning a room can only be faith cleaning a
> room, for a messy room can only be faith in a mess."
> Thus,
> "Change can only be faith change, for state can only be faith in state."
> So you believe in the world you see?
> So you believe the past creates the present?
> You are lost in the past, and that is why you die:
> "Awaken. And come back to the present."
> And you shall remember yourself and see a world of light.
> CHOOSE once again.
> "If you hope to spare yourself from fear there are some things you must realize,
> and realize fully. The mind is very powerful, and never loses its creative force.
> It never sleeps. Every instant it is creating. It is hard to recognize that
> thought and belief combine into a power surge that can literally move mountains."
> - A Course in Miracles, Chapter 2, "The Separation and the Atonement," Section 7,
> "Fear and Conflict"
> "you believe that you can change what you see by putting little bits of glass
> before your eyes. This is among the many magical beliefs that come from the
> conviction you are a body, and the body's eyes can see."
> - A Course in Miracles, Workbook, Lesson 92, "Miracles are seen in light, and
> light and strength are one."

"You also believe the body's brain can think. If you but understood the nature of
thought, you could but laugh at this insane idea. It is as if you thought you
held the match that lights the sun and gives it all its warmth; or that you held
the world within your hand, securely bound until you let it go. Yet this is no
more foolish than to believe the body's eyes can see; the brain can think.
It is God's strength in you that is the light in which you see, as it is His Mind
with which you think. His strength denies your weakness."
- A Course in Miracles, Workbook, Lesson 92,
"Miracles are seen in light, and light and strength are one."

> So, if I hold my hand in front of my eyes, I will still see what I want to see?
> "It is because the thoughts you think you think appear as images that you do not
> recognize them as nothing. You think you think them, and so you think you see
> them. This is how your "seeing" was made. This is the function you have given
> your body's eyes. It is not seeing. It is image making. It takes the place of
> seeing, replacing vision with illusions.
> This introductory idea to the process of image making that you call seeing will
> not have much meaning for you. You will begin to understand it when you have seen
> little edges of light around the same familiar objects which you see now. That is
> the beginning of real vision. You can be certain that real vision will come
> quickly when this has occurred."
> - A Course in Miracles, Workbook, Lesson 15, "My thoughts are images that I have
> made."
> "When you have looked on what seemed terrifying, and seen it change to sights of
> loveliness and peace; when you have looked on scenes of violence and death, and
> watched them change to quiet views of gardens under open skies, with clear,
> life-giving water running happily beside them in dancing brooks that never waste
> away; who need persuade you to accept the gift of vision? And after vision, who
> is there who could refuse what must come after? Think but an instant just on
> this; you can behold the holiness God gave his Son. And never need you think that
> there is something else for you to see."
> - A Course in Miracles, Chapter 20, "The Vision of Holiness," Section 8, "The
> Vision of Sinlessness"
> "There is no problem, no event or situation, no perplexity that vision will not
> solve."
> "Vision is freely given to those who ask to see."
> "this world is an hallucination... Hallucinations disappear when they are
> recognized for what they are..."
> "And all you need to do is recognize that *you* did this."
> So, when you change the world in huge ways, what happens to the other people in
> it? Do you like disappear, and they keep seeing the same things, or does it
> potentially mess them up?
> Say like I wanted my house to be on the beach, so I put an ocean in in front of
> it. What happens to my neighbors?

o Magic vs. Miracles

By: Miracles Are Seen In on Sun, 31 Jul 2022

5Miracles Are Seen In Light

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