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Q: What do you call the scratches that you get when a female sheep bites you? A: Ewe nicks.

talk / talk.religion.course-miracle / Re: Magic vs. Miracles

Subject: Re: Magic vs. Miracles
From: Miracles Are Seen In
Newsgroups: talk.religion.course-miracle
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Date: Sun, 7 Aug 2022 15:15 UTC
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From: (Miracles Are Seen In Light)
Newsgroups: talk.religion.course-miracle
Subject: Re: Magic vs. Miracles
Date: Sun, 7 Aug 2022 08:15:45 -0700
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On 7/31/2022 12:03 PM, Miracles Are Seen In Light wrote:
> "The avoidance of magic is the avoidance of temptation. For all temptation is
> nothing more than the attempt to substitute another will for God's. These
> attempts may indeed seem frightening, but they are merely pathetic. They can have
> no effects; neither good nor bad, neither rewarding nor demanding sacrifice,
> healing nor destructive, quieting nor fearful. When all magic is recognized as
> merely nothing, the teacher of God has reached the most advanced state. All
> intermediate lessons will but lead to this, and bring this goal nearer to
> recognition. For magic of any kind, in all its forms, simply does nothing. Its
> powerlessness is the reason it can be so easily escaped. What has no effects can
> hardly terrify.
> There is no substitute for the Will of God. In simple statement, it is to this
> fact that the teacher of God devotes his day. Each substitute he may accept as
> real can but deceive him. But he is safe from all deception if he so decides.
> Perhaps he needs to remember, "God is with me. I cannot be deceived." Perhaps he
> prefers other words, or only one, or none at all. Yet each temptation to accept
> magic as true must be abandoned through his recognition, not that it is fearful,
> not that it is sinful, not that it is dangerous, but merely that it is
> meaningless. Rooted in sacrifice and separation, two aspects of one error and no
> more, he merely chooses to give up all that he never had. And for this
> "sacrifice" is Heaven restored to his awareness.
> Is not this an exchange that you would want? The world would gladly make it, if
> it knew it could be made. It is God's teachers who must teach it that it can. And
> so it is their function to make sure that they have learned it. No risk is
> possible throughout the day except to put your trust in magic, for it is only this
> that leads to pain. "There is no will but God's." His teachers know that this is
> so, and have learned that everything but this is magic. All belief in magic is
> maintained by just one simple-minded illusion;--that it works. All through their
> training, every day and every hour, and even every minute and second, must God's
> teachers learn to recognize the forms of magic and perceive their meaninglessness.
> Fear is withdrawn from them, and so they go. And thus the gate of Heaven is
> reopened, and its light can shine again on an untroubled mind."
> - A Course in Miracles, Manual For Teachers, Section 16, "How Should the Teacher
> of God Spend His Day?"
> So, when you press the gas pedal and the car goes forward, that's magic. When you
> stitch up a cut, that's magic. When you move a cup across your desk, that's
> magic. The miracle just goes, "stupid, what is?" and you go: "the cups there;"
> and so it is. *You see what you want to see*. There is no substitute for the
> will of God. Did you want to be a monkey? Did you want to move a cup across your
> desk? Did you want to stitch up a cut? If you wanted to, then it was God's will.
> So any response to poverty, health, or people problems, other than the will of
> God, is magic. If you want to be at the end of the two hour car trip, be there.
> The internal combustion engine is not the answer. God is the answer. Whatever you
> want, is God's will:
> "What is the peace of God? No more than this; the simple understanding that His
> Will is wholly without opposite. There is no thought that contradicts His Will,
> yet can be true. The contrast between His Will and yours but seemed to be
> reality. In truth there was no conflict, for His Will is yours. Now is the
> mighty Will of God Himself His gift to you. He does not seek to keep it for
> Himself. Why would you seek to keep your tiny frail imaginings apart from Him?
> The Will of God is One and all there is. This is your heritage. The universe
> beyond the sun and stars, and all the thoughts of which you can conceive, belong
> to you. God's peace is the condition for His Will. Attain His peace, and you
> remember Him."
> - A Course in Miracles, Manual For Teachers, Section 20, "What Is the Peace of God?"
> "There is no will except the will of love."
> - A Course in Miracles, Workbook, Lesson 331, "There is no conflict, for my will
> is Yours."
> "the advanced teachers of God... seek for God's Voice in this brother who would so
> deceive himself as to believe God's Son can suffer. And they remind him that he
> did not make himself, and must remain as God created him. They recognize
> illusions can have no effect. The truth in their minds reaches out to the truth
> in the minds of their brothers, so that illusions are not reinforced. They are
> thus brought to truth; truth is not brought to them. So are they dispelled, not
> by the will of another, but by the union of the one Will with itself. And this is
> the function of God's teachers; to see no will as separate from their own, nor
> theirs as separate from God's."
> - A Course in Miracles, Manual For Teachers, Section 5, "How Is Healing
> Accomplished?"
> So you remind your brother of his true self.
> "The miracle is the act of a Son of God who has laid aside all false gods, and
> calls on his brothers to do likewise. It is an act of faith, because it is the
> recognition that his brother can do it. It is a call to the Holy Spirit in his
> mind, a call that is strengthened by joining. Because the miracle worker has
> heard God's Voice, he strengthens It in a sick brother by weakening his belief in
> sickness, which he does not share. The power of one mind can shine into another,
> because all the lamps of God were lit by the same spark. It is everywhere and it
> is eternal.
> - A Course in Miracles, Chapter 10, "The Idols of Sickness," Section 4 (5pdf),
> "The End of Sickness"
> So when someone works a miracle for you, you worked a miracle for yourself. And
> when you work a miracle for anyone else, they worked a miracle for themselves.
> "There is no conflict, for my will is Yours." Lesson 331, - you can look at that
> two ways: what I want God wants, or what God wants I want. Both are true. You
> need to stop attacking yourself and let the love of God enter. You need to search
> for this One Voice, which is One with you.
> "The Holy Spirit is in you in a very literal sense. His is the Voice that calls
> you back to where you were before and will be again. It is possible even in this
> world to hear only that Voice and no other. It takes effort and great willingness
> to learn. It is the final lesson that I learned, and God's Sons are as equal as
> learners as they are as Sons."
> - A Course in Miracles, Chapter 5, "Healing and Wholeness," Section 2 (3 pdf),
> "The Voice for God"
> "Would you know of One Who gives forever, and Who knows of nothing except giving?"
> - A Course in Miracles, Chapter 14, "Teaching for Truth," Section 4 (5pdf), "Your
> Function in the Atonement"
> So Jesus' mind does not attack anything, and is loved by God?
> "My purpose, then, is still to overcome the world. I do not attack it, but my
> light must dispel it because of what it is. Light does not attack darkness, but
> it does shine it away."
> - Jesus Christ, A Course in Miracles, Chapter 8, "The Journey Back" Section 4,
> "The Gift of Freedom"
> "Magic is the mindless or the miscreative use of mind. Physical medications are
> forms of "spells," {("but if you are afraid to use the mind to heal, is
> safer for you to rely temporarily on physical healing devices")}
> - A Course in Miracles, Chapter 5, "Healing and Wholeness," Section 2 (3 pdf),
> "The Voice for God"

- A Course in Miracles, Chapter 2, "The Separation and the Atonement," Section 5,
"The Function of the Miracle Worker"

> "The changes in wave length which the healing brings about, occur within the
> radius of 5 feet. It does not matter in what part of the body the healing takes
> place, nor by what means it is brought about. From the theoretical point of view
> it can be said that healing can only be the result of a change of mind which now
> accepts healing where it formerly accepted sickness. The change of mind alters
> the thought field around the patient, which seems to represent the place where he
> is. These changes cannot be different for a healing presumably brought about by
> medication, surgery, or faith. Healing can only be faith healing for sickness can
> only be faith in sickness."
> "the apparatus... is not capable of noting the more subtle changes that accompany
> a healing, nor of measuring the almost incalculable distances across which they
> occur. Within the 5 foot radius, however, the equipment will pick up energy
> changes that "register" a healing. In a sense, these might be called shadows of
> an illusion; in the world of dreams they signify the sound of a different voice."
> - Notes on Sound, Page 22, January 15, 1973
> * "These changes cannot be different for a healing presumably brought about by
> medication, surgery, or faith. Healing can only be faith healing for sickness can
> only be faith in sickness." *
> Thus,
> "These changes cannot be different, for an enrichment presumably brought about by
> lottery winnings, work, or faith. Enrichment can only be faith enrichment, for
> poverty can only be faith in poverty."
> Thus,
> "These changes cannot be different, for a room cleaning presumably brought about
> by vacuuming, sweeping, or faith. Cleaning a room can only be faith cleaning a
> room, for a messy room can only be faith in a mess."
> Thus,
> "Change can only be faith change, for state can only be faith in state."
> So you believe in the world you see?
> So you believe the past creates the present?
> You are lost in the past, and that is why you die:
> "Awaken. And come back to the present."
> And you shall remember yourself and see a world of light.
> CHOOSE once again.
> "If you hope to spare yourself from fear there are some things you must realize,
> and realize fully. The mind is very powerful, and never loses its creative force.
> It never sleeps. Every instant it is creating. It is hard to recognize that
> thought and belief combine into a power surge that can literally move mountains."
> - A Course in Miracles, Chapter 2, "The Separation and the Atonement," Section 7,
> "Fear and Conflict"
> "you believe that you can change what you see by putting little bits of glass
> before your eyes. This is among the many magical beliefs that come from the
> conviction you are a body, and the body's eyes can see."
> - A Course in Miracles, Workbook, Lesson 92, "Miracles are seen in light, and
> light and strength are one."
> So, if I hold my hand in front of my eyes, I will still see what I want to see?
> "It is because the thoughts you think you think appear as images that you do not
> recognize them as nothing. You think you think them, and so you think you see
> them. This is how your "seeing" was made. This is the function you have given
> your body's eyes. It is not seeing. It is image making. It takes the place of
> seeing, replacing vision with illusions.
> This introductory idea to the process of image making that you call seeing will
> not have much meaning for you. You will begin to understand it when you have seen
> little edges of light around the same familiar objects which you see now. That is
> the beginning of real vision. You can be certain that real vision will come
> quickly when this has occurred."
> - A Course in Miracles, Workbook, Lesson 15, "My thoughts are images that I have
> made."
> "When you have looked on what seemed terrifying, and seen it change to sights of
> loveliness and peace; when you have looked on scenes of violence and death, and
> watched them change to quiet views of gardens under open skies, with clear,
> life-giving water running happily beside them in dancing brooks that never waste
> away; who need persuade you to accept the gift of vision? And after vision, who
> is there who could refuse what must come after? Think but an instant just on
> this; you can behold the holiness God gave his Son. And never need you think that
> there is something else for you to see."
> - A Course in Miracles, Chapter 20, "The Vision of Holiness," Section 8, "The
> Vision of Sinlessness"
> "There is no problem, no event or situation, no perplexity that vision will not
> solve."
> "Vision is freely given to those who ask to see."
> "this world is an hallucination... Hallucinations disappear when they are
> recognized for what they are..."
> "And all you need to do is recognize that *you* did this."
> So, when you change the world in huge ways, what happens to the other people in
> it? Do you like disappear, and they keep seeing the same things, or does it
> potentially mess them up?
> Say like I wanted my house to be on the beach, so I put an ocean in in front of
> it. What happens to my neighbors?

o Magic vs. Miracles

By: Miracles Are Seen In on Sun, 31 Jul 2022

5Miracles Are Seen In Light

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