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talk / talk.politics.medicine / Marijuana addiction is real. Those struggling often face skepticism.

Subject: Marijuana addiction is real. Those struggling often face skepticism.
From: Leroy N. Soetoro
Newsgroups: alt.politics.marijuana, talk.politics.guns, alt.society.liberalism, alt.society.mental-health,, sac.politics, talk.politics.medicine
Organization: The next war will be fought against Socialists, in America and the EU.
Date: Wed, 9 Aug 2023 20:45 UTC
From: (Leroy N. Soetoro)
Newsgroups: alt.politics.marijuana,talk.politics.guns,alt.society.liberalism,alt.society.mental-health,,sac.politics,talk.politics.medicine
Subject: Marijuana addiction is real. Those struggling often face skepticism.
Date: Wed, 9 Aug 2023 20:45:37 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: The next war will be fought against Socialists, in America and the EU.
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Courtney took her first marijuana puffs at 17. Two decades later, she was
raising a toddler son and hiding her dependence from most family members.
She would light her pipe more than a dozen times a day, sneaking to the
garage of her Missouri home while her son napped.

She still loves the earthy smell. But weed long ago stopped making her
giggly. It was not unusual for the 37-year-old to lose her train of
thought mid-conversation or zone out while playing with her son. Many
times, Courtney said, she tried to quit, flushing her stash and dumping
her pipe to no avail, except for the nine months she was pregnant.
Courtney felt she was addicted.

"It's been frustrating because you're not taken seriously," Courtney said.
"People say it's not as severe as meth, or alcohol, that it's not that
bad. They think it's not an addiction."

At a time when marijuana has been legalized for recreational and medicinal
use in more than 20 states - and the potency of the drug has been
increased - many experts believe that most people can use it without
significant negative consequences, not unlike enjoying occasional
alcoholic drinks. But for users like Courtney, the struggles to quit are
real and complicated by the powerful cultural perception that marijuana is
natural and therapeutic, not a substance that can be addicting.

Courtney's story reflects broader tensions about marijuana's health

For decades, weed's deleterious health effects were exaggerated, experts
said, leading to excessive criminalization. But as legal recreational
sales have expanded - Maryland in July became the latest state to permit
sale of marijuana products for recreational use - the suggestion that
marijuana is addictive has often met with derision, especially because
science isn't always clear on the benefits and harms. There can be
reluctance to seek treatment. And other substances stir deeper fears and
greater attention: Opioids are driving an overdose crisis killing more
than 100,000 people each year in the United States.

"Because there are so many mixed messages in our society about cannabis, I
think it's very easy for people to minimize and rationalize problematic
use of cannabis," said Aaron Norton, a Florida mental health counselor who
supports legalization of recreational and medical marijuana but believes
it should be more tightly regulated.

Courtney and other marijuana users interviewed by The Washington Post
spoke on the condition that only their first name or initials be used
because they fear being stigmatized or because relatives or employers are
not aware of their use.

Twenty-three states and D.C. have legalized recreational marijuana, and
all of those states except for Virginia and Minnesota have recreational
sales up and running. Medical use is lawful in 38 states.

The number of regular users has increased. According to a 2019 federal
government survey, an estimated 31.6 million people age 12 or older used
marijuana within the past month, up from 22.2 million five years earlier.
The estimate rose to 36.4 million in 2021, although the numbers are not
directly comparable because researchers changed how they collect data.

Medical experts and even many proponents of legalized marijuana
acknowledge it can be addictive - akin to alcohol or some prescription
drugs. Estimates vary on the prevalence of what is known as cannabis use
disorder. One study from researchers at Columbia University and the
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism found that nearly 3 in
10 users in 2012-2013 experienced cannabis use disorder.

"The majority of people who use cannabis products in general can handle
it," said Adrianne Trogden, a Louisiana addiction counselor. "But there
are still people who cannot - and they need help."

Darren Weiss, president of Verano, a cannabis company operating in 14
states, agreed that public health and industry officials should not
dismiss the potential for cannabis to be abused, but maintained that
concerns are often overwrought.

"Addiction is a fact of life," Weiss said. "There are folks who are
addicted to caffeine, to sex, to all sorts of different things."

The rise in marijuana use among teens has been highly publicized, along
with concerns about the effects of more potent products on the developing
adolescent brain. In May, the National Institute on Drug Abuse published a
study asserting that young men with cannabis-use disorder have an
increased risk of developing schizophrenia, although critics have pointed
to other studies that cast doubt on the extent of the role marijuana plays
in psychotic episodes.

Further fueling concerns among some experts: In the 1990s, THC, the
psychoactive compound responsible for inducing a high, constituted about 5
percent of a typical joint or smoke from a bong or pipe, according to the
Drug Enforcement Administration. Today, the THC content in smokable
marijuana in recreational products can range between 15 and 21 percent,
while products popular with young people such as edibles and oils can
contain well over 50 percent.

Higher THC levels could increase the risk the brain will get conditioned
to want more of the high-potency marijuana, said Nora Volkow, NIDA's
director. Last year, a study published in the journal Lancet Psychiatry
found that higher potency THC was associated with an increased risk of
cannabis use disorder.

Weiss questioned claims that higher potency marijuana is more likely to
cause addiction. Still, he acknowledged that companies market to cannabis
enthusiasts who will pay more for higher-potency products - because of the
economics of the industry.

If marijuana could be sold by pharmacy chains or liquor stores, Weiss said
there would be more incentive to sell lower-potency products marketed at
casual consumers. More sales of lower-octane marijuana to a broader
customer base would equal higher revenue, he said.

"There are a lot of people who demonize industry and think we are pushing
high potency, similar to what the tobacco industry did, as a way of
hooking consumers � and it couldn't be further from the truth," Weiss

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration estimates at
least 16.3 million people in the United States had a cannabis-use disorder
in 2021, putting it behind only alcohol. The agency's yearly estimates
rose in 2020 after it incorporated broadened American Psychiatric
Association criteria on diagnosing substance use disorders.

Most cannabis-use disorder cases were characterized as mild, which means
patients experience just two or three of 11 benchmark symptoms, such as
increased tolerance, intense cravings or repeated attempts to stop
marijuana use. An estimated 26 percent of cases are considered moderate,
while 16 percent are severe, according to SAMHSA's National Survey on Drug
Use and Health.

"It's the second-most common addiction Americans are struggling with, but
nobody hears about it," said James H. Berry, a psychiatrist and addiction
expert at West Virginia University.

Still, experts caution that mild cases of cannabis-use disorder may not
fit under what the public generally considers "addiction." The effect on
users' lives may be less severe - perhaps marijuana smoking has merely
caused friction with a spouse. For those patients, interventions are
typically geared toward minimizing the drug's harm, said Trogden, the
Louisiana counselor: "Maybe some counseling sessions, [introducing] some
coping strategies, or education on how to use responsibly," she said.

For people who consume medical marijuana, the risk of being misdiagnosed
with a use disorder is a real threat, said Tammy Chung, an addiction
researcher at Rutgers University. They can meet criteria for a use
disorder, such as developing withdrawal symptoms and a higher tolerance
for THC, despite being under the supervision of a medical provider.

"The threshold for cannabis-use disorder is relatively low," said Chung,
who has recommended revamping how the disorder is diagnosed.

E.H., a 44-year-old San Francisco-area schoolteacher, was never formally
diagnosed with cannabis use disorder but had a medical marijuana card for
years. He believes his decades of smoking marijuana day and night affected
his life in profound ways. His habit was costing up to $300 a week, and he
obsessed about needing to stay high. E.H. stopped using marijuana for a
few years - until California legalized recreational marijuana in 2016. He
waited in line at a dispensary for hours to buy a celebratory joint, then
quickly spiraled back into daily use.

Today, he said he has been sober for nearly a year after joining Marijuana
Anonymous. But he's sheepish about telling people about his struggle lest
they chide him for betraying the California counterculture cool of his

"It feels like if you don't smoke marijuana, you're one of the sellouts,"
E.H. said.

It's not unusual for people to turn to recreational marijuana products,
believing they treat assorted ailments - and doing so without a doctor's
guidance. Smita Das, an addiction psychiatrist at Stanford University,
said she encounters patients who use marijuana to treat anxiety.

"But what we know is that actually [the marijuana] is probably worsening
their anxiety over time," Das said.

People with more serious addiction issues confront challenges in seeking
care, including a lack of affordable treatment and few beds in
rehabilitation centers, said Eric A. Voth, a retired addiction specialist
and member of the International Academy on the Science and Impact of
Cannabis, an organization of doctors that educates about the potential
harms of marijuana.

Voth said that while criminal courts often mandate treatment, for others
living on the streets, "there's really no one pressing you to get into

He recalled a 24-year-old man in Colorado living under a bridge and
dealing with psychiatric problems exacerbated by marijuana. He was finally
accepted into a rehabilitation program that specializes in the
intersection of addiction and mental health disorders and improved, but
later relapsed on cannabis and then fentanyl.

The man's mother said early recovery was complicated by doctors dismissive
of THC playing a role in her son's mental health crises.

"He gets mixed messages in the recovery world and in society, he sure
does, too," said the mother, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to
protect her son's privacy. "Young people are being told it's totally

Ben Cort, who leads the Colorado center where the man was treated,
acknowledged that activists sounding alarms about the health consequences
of cannabis have a credibility problem following a history of racially
disparate enforcement of drug laws and exaggerated claims about
marijuana's harmful effects.

"'Reefer Madness' comes out, then the stiff penalties and everybody's
like, 'It's weed. What's the big deal?'" Cort said. "You went from this
huge overstatement of risk to this dramatic understatement of risk."

Unlike with opioids, alcohol and even tobacco use disorders, no medication
exists to treat marijuana addiction - although that could soon change. On
June 8, French biopharmaceutical company Aelis Farma announced promising
research on a drug that blocks harmful signals sent by THC to key
receptors in the brain, without disrupting those receptors enough to cause
harmful psychiatric effects.

Volunteers taking the drug reported marijuana had less of an effect,
without experiencing withdrawal, said Meg Haney, director of the Cannabis
Research Laboratory at Columbia University Irving Medical Center, who ran
the NIDA-funded study. She said the drug could one day help compulsive
users. "There's evidence to show if you can go from being a daily smoker
down to two, three, even four days a week, you already show important
changes in your quality of life," Haney said.

For now, treatment revolves around behavioral therapy. The Veterans Health
Administration offers patients gift cards for canteen services if they
forgo marijuana, a treatment known as contingency management. Health
records show the rate of veterans under age 35 diagnosed with the disorder
more than doubled between 2005 and 2019.

M.B., a 24-year-old from Southern California, credits her recovery to
Marijuana Anonymous, modeled after 12-step programs such as Alcoholics
Anonymous. Even within those groups, M.B. said, people with marijuana
addictions aren't always taken seriously.

"The problems that come up with cannabis-use disorder are very real. This
was not always something that was talked about," she said. "We were sort
of laughed out of 12-step spaces."

She smoked daily throughout her teen years before she was diagnosed with
cannabis-use disorder when she was about 20. At rock bottom, M.B. said,
she smoked or used a vape pen roughly every hour, often waking up at night
to take hits. M.B. said she believes her habit led to at least one
psychotic episode and to the draining of her finances, even as she lived
at home with her parents. She spent so much buying weed that she stole
money from family to pay bills.

M.B. joined the program online in 2020 during the height of the pandemic,
although the withdrawals weren't easy. For about a week, she couldn't keep
down food, suffered intense headaches and felt so uncomfortable that she
showered constantly.

"I was really angry, crying all the time," M.B. said. "I had really
intense dreams that I was smoking."

For Courtney, the young mother from Missouri, quitting wasn't made easier
after the state in fall 2022 became the 21st to legalize recreational
marijuana. Missouri's nascent weed industry has boomed - combined sales of
recreational and medical marijuana could top $1 billion this year.

"You smell it in the air when you're sitting at a stoplight," Courtney

She tried Marijuana Anonymous meetings online, but it wasn't the right
fit. She considered an outpatient treatment center, but the nearest was 45
minutes away - too far to drive while raising a toddler.

Instead, her group therapy came in the form of a Reddit forum dedicated to
supporting people who want to stop consuming marijuana products. The forum
is dotted with stories on the effects of withdrawal, including panic
attacks, insomnia and bouts of crying, but also triumphs: long anxiety-
relieving walks, regular yoga, improved family time.

A few days after detailing her struggles to a reporter, Courtney reflected
on the future. Did she want her son growing up to see her smoking
marijuana so often? So she smashed her glass pipe and flushed her
remaining weed.

The cravings weren't as bad as she feared. But she has suffered
irritability, headaches, a loss of appetite, night sweats and vivid
dreams. "I still feel like the worst is ahead of me," Courtney said after
five days without using.

She and her husband earlier bought tickets to attend a three-day music
festival, where the smell of marijuana wafting in the air would be a
certainty. They decided to forge ahead with a plan: If she felt
uncomfortable, they would leave.

The last night of the festival, Courtney relapsed with a smoke. But since
then, Courtney says, she has been clean for two months.

"I'm doing really well," she said. "I feel clearheaded and more present."

We live in a time where intelligent people are being silenced so that
stupid people won't be offended.

Durham Report: The FBI has an integrity problem. It has none.

No collusion - Special Counsel Robert Swan Mueller III, March 2019.
Officially made Nancy Pelosi a two-time impeachment loser.

Thank you for cleaning up the disaster of the 2008-2017 Obama / Biden
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Under Barack Obama's leadership, the United States of America became the
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President Trump boosted the economy, reduced illegal invasions, appointed
dozens of judges and three SCOTUS justices.

o Marijuana addiction is real. Those struggling often face skepticism.

By: Leroy N. Soetoro on Wed, 9 Aug 2023

0Leroy N. Soetoro

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