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You possess a mind not merely twisted, but actually sprained.

talk / talk.politics.medicine / Vanderbilt Health Is Gender-Bending Tennessee Minors Without Parental Consent

Subject: Vanderbilt Health Is Gender-Bending Tennessee Minors Without Parental Consent
From: Leroy N. Soetoro
Newsgroups: talk.politics.guns, tn.general, talk.politics.medicine, alt.abuse.offender, sac.politics,, alt.politics.homosexuality
Organization: The next war will be fought against Socialists, in America and the EU.
Date: Sun, 30 Oct 2022 18:33 UTC
From: (Leroy N. Soetoro)
Newsgroups: talk.politics.guns,tn.general,talk.politics.medicine,alt.abuse.offender,sac.politics,,alt.politics.homosexuality
Subject: Vanderbilt Health Is Gender-Bending Tennessee Minors Without Parental Consent
Date: Sun, 30 Oct 2022 18:33:00 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: The next war will be fought against Socialists, in America and the EU.
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When patients turn 13, they can hide their health records and schedule
private appointments with doctors who can begin the process of gender

My nonprofit dedicated to protecting children from exploitation and
fighting trafficking, Freedom Forever, has been investigating the alarming
truth of what�s happening at Vanderbilt Health, including Vanderbilt�s
Pediatric Transgender Clinics. It appears that destructive California
policies have officially made their way to Tennessee.

We discovered that Vanderbilt Health started implementing what parents
have called a �mature minor� doctrine starting in 2021. Parents told us
this policy allows minors, starting at age 13, to effectively take full
control of their medical decisions while keeping parents in the dark.

To greet you at some of these offices you�ll see a sign warning you,
�Parents of Pre-Teens Be Aware� followed by, �When your 12-year-old turns
13 you will lose access to your My Vanderbilt account. You and your teen
must present yourself to the front desk with your ID and fill out a MHAV
13-17 Form to retain access.�

After this, parents report that their kids can make their own medical
decisions, hide their health records, and schedule private one-on-one
appointments with doctors who can begin the process of gender transition
treatment without parental consent once they turn 13.

So-called �mature minor� doctrines around the country have led to
dangerous drugs being prescribed without parents knowing about it and even
procedures being performed without their knowledge. Once in the room with
a doctor, your teen will see a sign notifying them that �We provide
medical chaperones for all sensitive procedures� and assurance that �We�ll
talk with you about this.�

You�ll notice on the sign illustration that no parent is in the room for
this �talk.� The possible ways this could be abused seem endless. Why
would a child need a chaperone that�s NOT their parent for a �sensitive�

Vanderbilt Health did not respond to a request for comment.

Is the Medical Establishment More Powerful Than State Law?
State laws didn�t even have to formally change in order for the removal of
parental rights to take effect at Vanderbilt Health. When it comes to
accessing children and making life-altering and potentially life-
threatening medical decisions, Vanderbilt�s policies essentially mandate
that parents have no rights or authority once their child turns 13.

When the parent-child connection is usurped by a higher authority
injecting a new power dynamic, families experience devastating effects and
all of this is happening during one of the most critical times in their
child�s development. Parents bring their children in for care, and it
quickly becomes evident that their involvement as the parent is not valued
or necessary in the eyes of the medical establishment. This hierarchal
attitude of subverting the parent�s authority, met with the hyper-
fluctuating hormones of a teenager and sprinkled with gender theory
confusion, makes a cocktail for family division and future, pervasive
mental-health struggles for the child.

Multiple parents have reached out to me and my nonprofit, Freedom Forever,
asking for guidance and support. One thing all these parents have in
common is the fear of retribution from politically motivated medical
professionals and/or being denied health care access for their children if
they speak out. If you fear your system of health care, is that truly an
ethical medical system?

One mother told me:

All of our daughter�s life we�ve been attending Vanderbilt-affiliated
pediatric practices. At the stroke of midnight on our child�s 13th
birthday, Vanderbilt made it known that parents are secondary to the child
and they force you & your child to sign the �Mature Minor Consent Form.�

Essentially, this is a permission slip for the parent. Without our minor
child�s signature, Vanderbilt simply strips our parental authority away.
After signing the form, our daughter is still asked each appointment if
she gives her consent to have us in the room. It�s just shocking. Our
daughter is 13. She�s not on the eve of being an adult. She�s just
entering her teens and, more than likely, the most confusing time of her
life yet this is the precise time when Vanderbilt inserts themselves
directly between the child and his or her parent.

Over the course of our conversations with this parent, we learned that
while this document says a parent or guardian will accompany the minor,
the reality is that Vanderbilt will not share information as simple as a
child�s upcoming appointment time without the child signing a consent form
allowing their parents to have this information. They still allow parents
to pay the bills, but they won�t share the details of what they�re paying

This concerned mother said when she asked Vanderbilt for more information
about the policy she was told, �This is Vanderbilt Policy. If you don�t
sign, you cannot be with your child.� No one was able to explain to the
parents how Vanderbilt could lawfully transfer care from adult to minor
without cause. If a child can govern their own health affairs, what else
can a 13-year-old child consent to without their parents� knowledge or

Pandora�s box has been opened. The boundaries of consent and parental
rights are now in the hands of the medical establishment.

In Tennessee, a child can�t get their ears pierced without their birth
certificate and a parent present giving consent yet we allow them to
assume responsibility for all of their medical care? The life-altering
effects of what these gender clinics are doing has far more devastating
effects than a piercing.

Experimentation in the Name of �Tolerance�
There are hundreds of pediatric gender clinics in North America according
to The Gender Mapping Project, where children as young as 13 are being
given surgical referrals. The lack of transparency, the obvious
enticement, and the incentives being used to find �new patients� are both
unethical and immoral. From promoting services to kids at local Pride
events or even appointing special advocates that they match minors up
with, it�s clear the medical establishment is working alongside an
embedded political agenda.

Transitioning children is quickly becoming the fastest-growing medicalized
social-political initiative in America. This is medical experimentation
being carried out on minors under the guise of �scientific advancement�
and �tolerance.� These procedures, which lack long-term safety studies,
are being done in many cases without parental consent or knowledge.

This includes mental health care and the new gold standard of �affirmative
care� therapy. �Affirmative Care� only affirms what a child feels they are
at any given moment and hormonally vulnerable teens and even pre-pubescent
kids are overwhelmed with waves of propaganda telling them that they�ll be
happier if they change genders. They�re even presented with a path marked
with rainbows, unicorns, and praise for bravery and authenticity. To
reject the propaganda is to yield to your lame parents giving you
boundaries and telling you what you can and can�t do or be.

One mom said it best:

It�s upsetting to lay it out bare � that we�re in an adversarial
relationship with our daughter�s medical team and that Vanderbilt views
themselves as more important than the parents. She�s a patient at the endo
clinic for a chromosomal abnormality. This is the same clinic that
advertises its transgender clinic for minors and willingly prescribes
hormones to confused children. With their Mature Minor policy, I have no
idea if these treatments are being done with or without parental
permission. You�re so scared as a parent. � I fear that if I�m not with my
child, she could be coerced into a decision that�s not in her best
interest or that could potentially be dangerous.

In the heart of the nation�s health care capital, children are watching as
parental authority is being systematically removed. At the same time,
they�re also being handed a newfound power they aren�t emotionally or
physically ready to acquire. In the end, removing parents from a decision-
making role in the medical care of their children is an extremely
dangerous path.

We must speak up now to demand our parental rights or forever lose them as
this snowballs into full normalization.

"LOCKDOWN", left-wing COVID fearmongering. 95% of COVID infections
recover with no after effects.

No collusion - Special Counsel Robert Swan Mueller III, March 2019.
Officially made Nancy Pelosi a two-time impeachment loser.

Donald J. Trump, cheated out of a second term by fraudulent "mail-in"
ballots. Report voter fraud:

Thank you for cleaning up the disaster of the 2008-2017 Obama / Biden
fiasco, President Trump.

Under Barack Obama's leadership, the United States of America became the
The World According To Garp. Obama sold out heterosexuals for Hollywood
queer liberal democrat donors.

President Trump boosted the economy, reduced illegal invasions, appointed
dozens of judges and three SCOTUS justices.

o Vanderbilt Health Is Gender-Bending Tennessee Minors Without Parental Consent

By: Leroy N. Soetoro on Sun, 30 Oct 2022

0Leroy N. Soetoro

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