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Chicken Little only has to be right once.

talk / talk.politics.guns / Re: Thousands of sex-change surgeries performed on minors in 5-year period

Subject: Re: Thousands of sex-change surgeries performed on minors in 5-year period
From: -hh
Newsgroups:, alt.politics.republicans, alt.usenet.legends.lester-mosley, comp.os.linux.advocacy, talk.politics.guns
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2024 20:55 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
From: (-hh)
Subject: Re: Thousands of sex-change surgeries performed on minors in 5-year
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2024 16:55:36 -0400
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 10/21/24 8:49 AM, Skeeter wrote:
> In article <vf5e9i$jsii$>,
> says...
>> On 10/20/24 9:26 PM, pothead wrote:
>>> On 2024-10-20, Skeeter <> wrote:
>>>> In article <vf3sbi$iukn$>,
>>>> says...
>>>>> On 10/20/24 12:11 PM, pothead wrote:
>>>>>> On 2024-10-20, Skeeter <> wrote:
>>>>>>> In article <67147f6a$2$2760$>,
>>>>>>> says...
>>>>>>>> On Oct 19, 2024 at 7:06:32 PM MST, "Skeeter" wrote
>>>>>>>> <6714658e$0$1787$>:
>>>>>>>>> In article <67145de2$0$212405$>,
>>>>>>>>> says...
>>>>>>>>>> On Oct 19, 2024 at 5:46:33 PM MST, "marika" wrote
>>>>>>>>>> <JpYQO.243587$1m96.51316@fx15.iad>:
>>>>>>>>>>> Snit <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Oct 16, 2024 at 1:35:02 PM MST, "-hh" wrote <vep81m$28g54$>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 10/15/24 8:05 PM, pothead wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 2024-10-15, -hh <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 10/15/24 5:54 PM, pothead wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 2024-10-15, citizen winston smith <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 10/15/2024 1:36 PM, -hh wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You're now trying to claim that the "what has changed?" is that there's
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> adults now seeking to have genetically normal kids undergo sex change
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> operations.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Were you "in the navy" Huntzy?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cuz you are as gay as a swabbie with no shore leave.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'll bet hh volunteered to take other sailors "night in the barrel", if you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> get my drift.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pun intended.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Oh, we certainly do: you know that you're mad because you can't dispute
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> facts on the topic, so you try to "Shoot the Messenger" instead. Lame.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -hh
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mad?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hardly.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I stopped getting mad when I was about 12 yo.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It's a waste of energy.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> So if you're denying that it is due to anger, then what *was* your
>>>>>>>>>>>>> motivation to sling such a lame Ad Hominem? After all, you did choose
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to post, so there must have been a reason. So if its not you being
>>>>>>>>>>>>> upset & butthurt again, then just what was your motivation?
>>>>>>>>>>>> He seems unaware of his own emotional states... unless you have a signifiant
>>>>>>>>>>>> issue pretty much all people experience anger from time to time.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I prefer to look up from my spreadsheet and observe what the world is is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> saying.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That's something you seem unable to do.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On the contrary: I find that worldviews are expanded by using objective
>>>>>>>>>>>>> data, and helps to reveal my own potential personal biases.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Where Pothead makes things up, such as his recent claims that I am somehow
>>>>>>>>>>>> responsible for Carroll's flood bot.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You can spin your numbers all day and night but the fact remains that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the number 1 issue with voters is the economy/inflation and the polls
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> show that people blame Biden/Harris for the mess.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And that is a fact.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> And people are _never_ deceived? Or make a mountain out of a mole hill?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Case in point:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Initially Biden was trying to convince the people that Bidenomics was working.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> So then, just what is the definition of "working" here?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Because if it is real wage increasing to catch up with inflation, we
>>>>>>>>>>>>> know that it is already 98% of the way there by one metric, and is 102%
>>>>>>>>>>>>> of the way there by another metric.
>>>>>>>>>>>> We are still struggling based on Reagan and his absurd trickle down. Trump's
>>>>>>>>>>>> work to redistribute money to the very rich did not help. Nor did the
>>>>>>>>>>>> pandemic. Nor the war in Ukraine.
>>>>>>>>>>> Ironically, the Russians think this has been a very bad year for them also.
>>>>>>>>>>> They are going through some things.
>>>>>>>>>> The war they started is not going well for them. Turns out just tossing more
>>>>>>>>>> people to die at a war is not always a winning strategy.
>>>>>>>>>>> Amongst other nonfun things, the Russians have bombing their own people in
>>>>>>>>>>> territories like Bilhorod.
>>>>>>>>>>> For the past year.
>>>>>>>>>> The world should be harsher toward their aggression. Trump clearly would not
>>>>>>>>>> be if he wins.
>>>>>>>>> Bullshit.
>>>>>>>> Cite?
>>>>>>>>> No wars when he was in office.
>>>>>>>> In April 2017, Trump ordered missile strikes on a Syrian airbase
>>>>>>> Not a war.
>>>>>> Additionally, Trump warned the Syrians not to use poison gas on their own citizens.
>>>>>> They tested Trump and he delivered on his promise.
>>>>>> That's the difference between Trump and Biden.
>>>>>> Our ships are being fired upon in the Middle East and Biden does virtually nothing other than continue his weak policy of appeasement.
>>>>>>>> Trump ramped up military operations in Afghanistan.
>>>>>>> To end a war.
>>>>>> Yes.
>>>>>> And Biden/Harris managed to botch that one as well.
>>>>> But since you pendants are using the "not a war" bit because Congress
>>>>> never declared one, nothing about Afghanistan counts for Biden either.
>>>>> -hh
>>>> 13 dead soldiers.
>> 1/5th as many casualties as Trump had during his tenure.
> So that makes it ok? You idiot.



Because I'm showing how you're so selectively pearl-clutching.

>> And it happened while upholding what Trump had obligated the USA to do
>> under the February 2020 Doha Accord.
> Bullshit Joe fucked up. Even the "generals" said so.

Why the scare quotes around "generals"? Are these some of Trump's very
fake "But Sir!" (he said with a tear in his eye), or do you have actual
citations with names, dates, and quotes?

Plus when did these leaders first oppose? Back at the Doha Accord?
Because Doha was when the final ball was committed & put in motion.

>>> Yep.
>>> This hh assclown is a massive idiot.
>>> Congress never declared war during Vietnam.
>> Nor did Congress declare war for Korea. Yet you keep on trying to use
>> "not a war" pedantry to overlook Trump's military engagements.
> What wars did he start?

What wars did Biden start?

>> Which includes 65 soldiers who died in Afghanistan during Trump.
> Not a war.

Then by your own standard, Biden's 13 losses during the final evacuation
don't count either.

>>> What do they call it?
>>> These libbys are fools.
>> As opposed to you two being hypocrite.
> No wars caused by Trump.

So? What wars did Biden cause? Also zero, right?

>> For you're also being deliberately blind to how Trump failed to deliver
>> on his campaign promise to exit Afghanistan.
> Joe fucked that up.

How could Biden have "fucked up" Trump's campaign promise to be out of
Afghanistan by the end of Trump's term? Be specific.

Also note that Trump had issued orders to the Pentagon to be out by
December 2020, but then rescinded that order. Why didn't he keep his
campaign promise? Perhaps because he thinks his legacy would have been
one of someone who "runs away"? Or because since there hadn't been
adequate planning done, military losses then would've been even worse?

>> And blind to how there were thousands of Trump-freed Taliban military
>> which contributed to the very deaths you're claiming to be so upset about.
> But allowing crooks to cross the border and rape and kill is ok?

Oh, look: its yet another attempt to run & change the subject!

Fun fact:
most crooks smuggling fentanyl across the border are US citizens.

Need cite? Here ya go, luzer:


Much of our border dilemma is due to decades of systemic under-funding
of the Judicial department who's responsible to process refugee claims,
primarily since the Refugee Act of 1980 (Public Law 96-212), which
amended the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965.

Need cite? <>

This systemic under-funding has resulted in a years-long case backlog,
and even though the Judicial approval rate of refugee cases is under 5%,
they're legally allowed to reside in the USA until their case is heard.

Perhaps the reason why this situation has been allowed to continue is
because its good for business: they can hire those peoples cheaply
(they're 7.65% cheaper than US Citizens at the same hourly rate), plus
most (~95%) of the time, the businesses know that they don't really have
to worry about having to provide raises or pay longer term benefits.

>> But yeah sure, the next time you see a Vet, you'll say your performative
>> "Thank you for your service" to make you - not them - feel better:
>> Active Duty knows that it is bullshit, because you don't really support
>> the troops, as evidenced by your support of political candidates who
>> stole DoD housing funds to build a wall, and who try to strip services &
>> funding from the VA.
> You never served so shut the fuck up.

Unlike you, I've sworn the Oath to uphold & defend the US Constitution.
I know that that Oath is a lifetime commitment and live so accordingly.


o Thousands of sex-change surgeries performed on minors in 5-year period

By: John Smyth on Thu, 10 Oct 2024

403John Smyth

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