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talk / talk.religion.newage / Re: example special abilities determinations

* example special abilities determinationsDavid Dalton
+- Re: example special abilities determinationsDavid Dalton
+- Re: example special abilities determinationsDavid Dalton
`- Re: example special abilities determinationsDavid Dalton

Subject: example special abilities determinations
From: David Dalton
Newsgroups: alt.religion.druid, alt.atheism, sci.skeptic, alt.paranormal, talk.religion.newage, alt.religion.shamanism
Organization: Eternal September
Date: Wed, 15 May 2024 01:14 UTC
From: (David Dalton)
Newsgroups: alt.religion.druid, alt.atheism, sci.skeptic, alt.paranormal, talk.religion.newage, alt.religion.shamanism
Subject: example special abilities determinations
Date: Tue, 14 May 2024 22:44:09 -0230
Organization: Eternal September
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I am still offering special abilities determination and/or matchmaking
readings, free for now, though if you are subsequently happy with
the reading I would not reject a gift. I am open to having skeptics
test my abilities, and if I divine that you have a special ability
you could then test that yourself. If you want a reading, email
me a picture of yourself, or follow up with a link to a picture,
and say whether you want special abilities determination,
matchmaking advice, or both. Or, for skeptics, if you are
skeptical of someone else’s claim to a special ability, I could
determine what special ability/ies that (living) someone else has.
Again I would need a picture.

To demonstrate the special abilities determination ability,
I have recently divined that the following people have
the special ability/ies listed next to their name or title.

Emmylou Harris : dowsing for water
Philip Carr-Gomm : empath
Starhawk : (waking, but meditative) backcog (up to 1 year ago)
Gioia Irwin : astrology and mirror scrying divination abilities
Pope Francis : navigator, also held by Jewel
Dalai Lama : map dowsing for water, people, animals, including bodies
Saudi Grand Mufti : past life regression, also held by Tanita Tikaram
Ayatollah of Iran : weatherworking (by willing, not by prayer)
Teal Swan : out of body travel ability
Eckhart Tolle : animal husbandry, including healing (by willing, not by
prayer), of birds and animals other than cetaceans and non-human simians)
Southern Baptist leader Bart Barber : prophetic dreams ability (from
1 year in the future onward), also held by Sarah McLachlan
Richard Carl Silk : out of body travel ability and backward dreams
ability (from 1 year ago backward), possibly by lucid dreaming,
which I think he could advise Sarah and Bart on.

And if I am successful in tonight’s mystic activation sequence,
which is unlikely, they (other than Richard Carl Silk) will soon
all be assisted shaktipat recipients and will gain all of my
special abilities other than the special abilities determination
one, but including matchmaking. And it I am not
successful tonight perhaps I will be soon.

David Dalton (home page) Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
“Mary walks down to the water’s edge and there she hangs Her head to
find herself faded a shadow of what she once was" (Sarah McLachlan)

Subject: Re: example special abilities determinations
From: David Dalton
Newsgroups: alt.religion.druid, alt.atheism, sci.skeptic, alt.paranormal, talk.religion.newage, alt.religion.shamanism
Organization: Eternal September
Date: Wed, 15 May 2024 01:45 UTC
References: 1
From: (David Dalton)
Newsgroups: alt.religion.druid, alt.atheism, sci.skeptic, alt.paranormal, talk.religion.newage, alt.religion.shamanism
Subject: Re: example special abilities determinations
Date: Tue, 14 May 2024 23:15:41 -0230
Organization: Eternal September
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On May 14, 2024, David Dalton wrote
(in article<>):

> I am still offering special abilities determination and/or matchmaking
> readings, free for now, though if you are subsequently happy with
> the reading I would not reject a gift. I am open to having skeptics
> test my abilities, and if I divine that you have a special ability
> you could then test that yourself. If you want a reading, email
> me a picture of yourself, or follow up with a link to a picture,
> and say whether you want special abilities determination,
> matchmaking advice, or both. Or, for skeptics, if you are
> skeptical of someone else’s claim to a special ability, I could
> determine what special ability/ies that (living) someone else has.
> Again I would need a picture.
> To demonstrate the special abilities determination ability,
> I have recently divined that the following people have
> the special ability/ies listed next to their name or title.
> Emmylou Harris : dowsing for water
> Philip Carr-Gomm : empath
> Starhawk : (waking, but meditative) backcog (up to 1 year ago)
> Gioia Irwin : astrology and mirror scrying divination abilities
> Pope Francis : navigator, also held by Jewel
> Dalai Lama : map dowsing for water, people, animals, including bodies
> Saudi Grand Mufti : past life regression, also held by Tanita Tikaram
> Ayatollah of Iran : weatherworking (by willing, not by prayer)
> Teal Swan : out of body travel ability
> Eckhart Tolle : animal husbandry, including healing (by willing, not by
> prayer), of birds and animals other than cetaceans and non-human simians
> Southern Baptist leader Bart Barber : prophetic dreams ability (from
> 1 year in the future onward), also held by Sarah McLachlan
> Richard Carl Silk : out of body travel ability and backward dreams
> ability (from 1 year ago backward), possibly by lucid dreaming,
> which I think he could advise Sarah and Bart on.
> And if I am successful in tonight’s mystic activation sequence,
> which is unlikely, they (other than Richard Carl Silk) will soon
> all be assisted shaktipat recipients and will gain all of my
> special abilities other than the special abilities determination
> one, but including matchmaking. And it I am not
> successful tonight perhaps I will be soon.

Oh, wait, on my Dalai Lama thread I also divined:

Kuten-la : full strength regular diviner special ability
Khadro-la : wide range magickal special ability
Ram Bahadur Bomjon : wide range magickal special ability

Those three are also designated to be assisted shaktipat
recipients, maybe even tonight.

Regular diviner includes a wide array of divination abilities,
but not including dowsing or map dowsing or weather
forecasting (which could be done by someone with
precog ability or weatherworking ability).

Wide range magickal special ability includes full strength
exorcism ability, improved ability to do magick, and a
wide array (let me know if you want a list) of special
abilities at 1/3 strength, including 1/3 strength regular diviner.

There is also a psychedelic drug enhanceable ability
where the one with the ability has wide range magickal
special ability (except full strength, not 1/3 strength,
species someone negotiator and out of body travel
abilities) while enhanced. Some Latin American
shamans have this ability, but of course not all
psychedelic drug users do.

David Dalton (home page) Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
“Mary walks down to the water’s edge and there she hangs Her head to
find herself faded a shadow of what she once was" (Sarah McLachlan)

Subject: Re: example special abilities determinations
From: David Dalton
Newsgroups: alt.religion.druid, alt.atheism, sci.skeptic, alt.paranormal, talk.religion.newage, alt.religion.shamanism
Organization: Eternal September
Date: Wed, 15 May 2024 22:48 UTC
References: 1
From: (David Dalton)
Newsgroups: alt.religion.druid, alt.atheism, sci.skeptic, alt.paranormal, talk.religion.newage, alt.religion.shamanism
Subject: Re: example special abilities determinations
Date: Wed, 15 May 2024 20:18:35 -0230
Organization: Eternal September
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On May 14, 2024, David Dalton wrote
(in article<>):

> I am still offering special abilities determination and/or matchmaking
> readings, free for now, though if you are subsequently happy with
> the reading I would not reject a gift. I am open to having skeptics
> test my abilities, and if I divine that you have a special ability
> you could then test that yourself. If you want a reading, email
> me a picture of yourself, or follow up with a link to a picture,
> and say whether you want special abilities determination,
> matchmaking advice, or both. Or, for skeptics, if you are
> skeptical of someone else’s claim to a special ability, I could
> determine what special ability/ies that (living) someone else has.
> Again I would need a picture.

No skeptic has yet taken me up on my offer, but certain
blocks, including a communication block, have just
supposedly been lifted, so perhaps one will soon?

David Dalton (home page) Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
“Mary walks down to the water’s edge and there she hangs Her head to
find herself faded a shadow of what she once was" (Sarah McLachlan)

Subject: Re: example special abilities determinations
From: David Dalton
Newsgroups: alt.religion.druid, alt.atheism, sci.skeptic, alt.paranormal, talk.religion.newage, alt.religion.shamanism
Organization: Eternal September
Date: Sun, 26 May 2024 06:05 UTC
References: 1
From: (David Dalton)
Newsgroups: alt.religion.druid, alt.atheism, sci.skeptic, alt.paranormal, talk.religion.newage, alt.religion.shamanism
Subject: Re: example special abilities determinations
Date: Sun, 26 May 2024 03:35:55 -0230
Organization: Eternal September
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User-Agent: Hogwasher/5.24
Cancel-Lock: sha1:m28eWEIQbw7IYZFRCPgFLkqqfwQ=
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On May 14, 2024, David Dalton wrote
(in article<>):

> I am still offering special abilities determination and/or matchmaking
> readings, free for now, though if you are subsequently happy with
> the reading I would not reject a gift. I am open to having skeptics
> test my abilities, and if I divine that you have a special ability
> you could then test that yourself. If you want a reading, email
> me a picture of yourself, or follow up with a link to a picture,
> and say whether you want special abilities determination,
> matchmaking advice, or both. Or, for skeptics, if you are
> skeptical of someone else’s claim to a special ability, I could
> determine what special ability/ies that (living) someone else has.
> Again I would need a picture.
> To demonstrate the special abilities determination ability,
> I have recently divined that the following people have
> the special ability/ies listed next to their name or title.
> Emmylou Harris : dowsing for water
> Philip Carr-Gomm : empath
> Starhawk : (waking, but meditative) backcog (up to 1 year ago)
> Gioia Irwin : astrology and mirror scrying divination abilities
> Pope Francis : navigator, also held by Jewel
> Dalai Lama : map dowsing for water, people, animals, including bodies
> Saudi Grand Mufti : past life regression, also held by Tanita Tikaram
> Ayatollah of Iran : weatherworking (by willing, not by prayer)
> Teal Swan : out of body travel ability
> Eckhart Tolle : animal husbandry, including healing (by willing, not by
> prayer), of birds and animals other than cetaceans and non-human simians)
> Southern Baptist leader Bart Barber : prophetic dreams ability (from
> 1 year in the future onward), also held by Sarah McLachlan
> Richard Carl Silk : out of body travel ability and backward dreams
> ability (from 1 year ago backward), possibly by lucid dreaming,
> which I think he could advise Sarah and Bart on.
> And if I am successful in tonight’s mystic activation sequence,
> which is unlikely, they (other than Richard Carl Silk) will soon
> all be assisted shaktipat recipients and will gain all of my
> special abilities other than the special abilities determination
> one, but including matchmaking. And it I am not
> successful tonight perhaps I will be soon.

Two more:

Deepak Chopra : auditory (but not visual) total recall
Stanislav Grof : past life regression

David Dalton (home page) Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
“And the cart is on a wheel; And the wheel is on a hill; And the
hill is shifting sand; And inside these laws we stand" (Ferron)


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