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talk / talk.religion.course-miracle / Your Will Be Done, You Holy Child Of God

o Your Will Be Done, You Holy Child Of GodMiracles Are Seen In Light

Subject: Your Will Be Done, You Holy Child Of God
From: Miracles Are Seen In
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Date: Thu, 3 Feb 2022 08:01 UTC
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From: (Miracles Are Seen In Light)
Newsgroups: talk.religion.course-miracle
Subject: Your Will Be Done, You Holy Child Of God
Date: Thu, 3 Feb 2022 00:01:31 -0800
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On 2/9/2020 1:54 PM, course zealot wrote:
> "All that the ego is, is an idea that it is possible that things should happen to
> the Son of God without his will; and thus without the Will of his Creator, Whose
> Will cannot be separate from his own. This is the Son of God's replacement for
> his will, a mad revolt against what must forever be. This is the statement that
> he has the power to make God powerless and so to take it for himself, and leave
> himself without what God has willed for him. This is the mad idea you have
> enshrined upon your altars, and which you worship. And everything that threatens
> this seems to attack your faith, for here is it invested. Think not that you are
> faithless, for your belief and trust in this is strong indeed."
> - A Course in Miracles, Chapter 21, Section 3, "The Responsibility for Sight"
> "Your will be done, you holy child of God. It does not matter if you think you
> are in earth or Heaven. What your Father wills of you can never change. The
> truth in you remains as radiant as a star, as pure as light, as innocent as love
> itself. And you are worthy that your will be done!"
> - A Course in Miracles, Chapter 31, Section 6
> "God, being Love, is also happiness."
> - A Course in Miracles, Workbook, Lesson 103
> "Ultimately everyone must remember the Will of God, because ultimately everyone
> must recognize himself. This recognition is the recognition that his will and
> God's are one. In the presence of truth, there are no unbelievers and no
> sacrifices. In the security of reality, fear is totally meaningless. To deny
> what is can only seem to be fearful. Fear cannot be real without a cause, and God
> is the only Cause. God is Love and you do want him. This is your will. Ask for
> this and you will be answered, because you will be asking only for what belongs to
> you."
> - A Course in Miracles, Chapter 9, Section 1
> "The projection of the ego makes it appear as if God's Will is outside yourself,
> and therefore not yours. In this interpretation it seems possible for God's Will
> and yours to conflict. God, then, may seem to demand of you what you do not want
> to give, and thus deprive you of what you want. Would God, Who wants only your
> will, be capable of this? Your will is his life, which he has given to you. Even
> in time you cannot live apart from him. Sleep is not death. What he created can
> sleep, but cannot die. Immortality is his will for his Son, and his Son's will
> for himself. God's Son cannot will death for himself because his Father is life,
> and his Son is like him. Creation is your will *because* it is his."
> - A Course in Miracles, Chapter 11, Section 1, (2pdf)
> "When you accepted the Holy Spirit's purpose in place of the ego's you renounced
> death, exchanging it for life. We know that an idea leaves not its source. And
> death is the result of the thought we call the ego, as surely as life is the
> result of the Thought of God."
> - A Course in Miracles, Chapter 19, Section 9
> The idea of God, has no meaning, apart from you.
> "The world you perceive is a world of separation. Perhaps you are willing to
> accept even death to deny your Father. Yet he would not have it so, and so it is
> not so. You still cannot will against him, and that is why you have no control
> over the world you made. It is not a world of will because it is governed by the
> desire to be unlike God, and this desire is not will. The world you made is
> therefore totally chaotic, governed by arbitrary and senseless "laws," and without
> meaning of any kind. For it is made out of what you do not want, projected from
> your mind because you are afraid of it. Yet this world is only in the mind of its
> maker, along with his real salvation. Do not believe it is outside of yourself,
> for only by recognizing where it is will you gain control over it. For you do
> have control over your mind, since the mind is the mechanism of decision.
> If you will recognize that all the attack you perceive is in your own mind and
> nowhere else, you will at last have placed its source, and where it begins it must
> end. For in this same place also lies salvation.
> The altar of God where Christ abideth is there. You have defiled the altar, but
> not the world. Yet Christ has placed the Atonement on the altar for you. Bring
> your perceptions of the world to this altar, for it is the altar to truth. There
> you will see your vision changed, and there you will learn to see truly. From
> this place, where God and his Son dwell in peace and where you are welcome, you
> will look out in peace and behold the world truly.
> Yet to find the place, you must relinquish your investment in the world as you
> project it, allowing the Holy Spirit to extend the real world to you from the
> altar of God."
> - A Course in Miracles, Chapter 12, Section 7
> "If you will recognize that all the attack [disagreement] you perceive is in your
> own mind and nowhere else, you will at last have placed its source, and where it
> begins it must end. For in this same place also lies salvation.
> ...Yet to find the place, you must relinquish your investment in the world as you
> _project_ it, allowing [Your] Holy Spirit to _extend_ the real world to you from
> the altar of God."
> - A Course in Miracles, "The Holy Spirit's Curriculum" Chapter 12; "The
> Investment in Reality" Section 3
> "Possession is very closely related to projection. “Lucifer” could be
> literally translated “Light Bearer.” He literally PROJECTED himself from Heaven.
> Projection still has this “hurling” connotation, because it involves hurling
> something you DO NOT want, and regard as dangerous and frightening, to someone
> else. This is the opposite of the Golden Rule, and having placed this rule upside
> down, the reverse of miracles, or projection, follows automatically.)"
> "Possession really means “Not under Christ‐Control”, thus making him (the
> mind?) vulnerable to projection. The references to the earth‐bound entering
> bodies really refer to the “taking over” by their own earth‐bound “thoughts.” This
> IS Demon Possession. After all, Lucifer fell, but he was still an angel. He is
> thus the symbol for man. Atonement is the knowledge that the belief that angels
> can fall is false."
> "remember that error cannot really threaten Truth, which ALWAYS can withstand
> its assaults. ONLY the error is really vulnerable."
> “Casting spells” merely means “affirming error”, and error is lack of love.
> When man projects this onto others, he DOES imprison them, but only to the extent
> that he reinforces errors they have already made. This distortion makes them
> vulnerable to the curse of others, since they have already cursed themselves. The
> miracle worker can only bless [*extend*], and this undoes the curse and frees the
> soul from prison."
> - A Course in Miracles, Unedited URTEXT, pages 22-24, Combined Version pages 30-33
> "I said before that what you project or extend is up to you, but you must do one
> or the other, for that is a law of mind, and you must look in before you look out.
> As you look in, you choose the guide for seeing. And then you look out and
> behold his witnesses. This is why you find what you seek. What you want in
> yourself you will make manifest, and you will accept it from the world because you
> put it there by wanting it. When you think you are projecting what you do not
> want, it is still because you *do* want it. This leads directly to dissociation,
> for it represents the acceptance of two goals, each perceived in a different
> place; separated from each other because you made them different. The mind then
> sees a divided world outside itself, but not within. This gives it an illusion of
> integrity, and enables it to believe that it is pursuing one goal. Yet as long as
> you perceive the world as split, you are not healed. For to be healed is to
> pursue one goal, because you have accepted only one and want but one.
> When you want only love you will see nothing else. The contradictory nature of
> the witnesses you perceive is merely the reflection of your conflicting
> invitations. You have looked upon your mind and accepted opposition there, having
> sought it there. But do not then believe that the witnesses for opposition are
> true, for they attest only to your decision about reality, returning to you the
> messages you gave them. Love, too, is recognized by its messengers. If you make
> love manifest, its messengers will come to you because you invited them."
> Ch.12, Sec.7 - The Holy Spirit's Curriculum
> "There is no will except the Will of Love."
> - A Course in Miracles, Workbook, Lesson 331
> "I can teach you, but only you can choose to listen to my teaching. How else can
> it be, if God's Kingdom is freedom? Freedom cannot be learned by tyranny of any
> kind, and the perfect equality of all God's Sons cannot be recognized through the
> dominion of one mind over another. God's Sons are equal in will, all being the
> Will of their Father. This is the only lesson I came to teach."
> - A Course in Miracles, Chapter 8, Section 4
> "the advanced teachers of God... see no will as separate from their own, nor
> theirs as separate from God's."
> - Manual for Teachers, Section 5, How Is Healing Accomplished?
> We're all supposed to be totally willful, and not jack others.
> If Solipsism *was* the truth, and you said that it wasn't, it certainly wouldn't
> _be_, would _it_? But you say they hit you first hmm? But thought precedes
> action and:
> "There is another vision and another voice in which your freedom lies, awaiting
> your choice. And if you place your faith in them, you will perceive another self
> in you. This other self sees miracles as natural. They are as simple and as
> natural to it as breathing to the body. They are the obvious response to calls
> for help, the only one it makes. Miracles seem unnatural to the ego because it
> does not understand how separate minds can influence each other. Nor *could* they
> do so. But minds cannot be separate. This other self is perfectly aware of this.
> And thus it recognizes that miracles do not affect another's mind, only its own.
> They always change *your* mind. There is no other."
> - A Course in Miracles, "Reason and Perception" Chapter 21, "The Function of
> Reason" Section 5
> "You do not realize the whole extent to which the idea of separation has
> interfered with reason."
> "for now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face"
> - 1 Corinthians 13:12
> when the figure in the mirror moves, who moved? To control actions we must
> control thoughts.
> I'm...
> thinking you thinking me, thinking you thinking me,
> thinking you thinking me, thinking you thinking me,
> thinking you thinking me, thinking you thinking me,
> thinking you thinking me, thinking you thinking me,
> When you get to the point that you "perceive another self in you," it is not as if
> "outside," like separate from you and the ego, which is merely the thought of
> separation. But...
> there *is* One Self which runs through all things.
> How do you reconcile duality.
> Someone who hates themselves is communicating with me, and making me hate myself.
> Therefore making me think like him. The murderous are suicidal, and the suicidal
> are murderous. To respond to them in kind is to become murderous and suicidal.
> How do I stop someone from communicating with me? How do I stop someone from
> hitting me in the face? How do I control other's thoughts and therefore other's
> movements?
> Someone is making me think like him and hate myself like he hates himself.
> To know him is to hate him?? Irregardless, I don't want to know him.
> What is the analytical religious scientific theory on people problems? "Solipsism"
> - my dream, as "A Course in Miracles" says? Or "Duality," as "A Course in
> Miracles" apparently says elsewhere? What of someone meditating on peace, being
> slapped in the face? I think when you manifest love, you shine away your
> adversary's error; for the fact is "his" error is merely and only in _your own
> mind_. There is no error. But I'm not sure how this applies completely when
> someone declares war or takes violence on you.
> I think when you manifest love, you shine away your adversary's error; for the
> fact is "his" error is merely and only in _your own mind_. There is no error.
> If Solipsism *was* the truth, and you said that it wasn't, it certainly wouldn't
> _be_, would _it_? Moses was using war miracles, but Moses was therefore still
> getting jacked by the Egyptians. But you say they hit you first hmm? But that
> was in the past? Now you just say "oh that's not going to be," and you're not
> afraid? _But they attack you_, and apparently they mean to attack you? But you
> can change their minds with your minds if you overcome the world in your mind? Is
> this really the analytical theory?? We need the answers or we'll just be murdered
> like so many Saints murdered gruesomely throughout the ages...
> For what is salvation, but to overcome the world, or to know God, or both. And
> what is to overcome the world, but to overcome health, wealth, and people
> problems. Since the foundation of the world, only health, wealth and people
> problems have plagued mankind. If you don't overcome the world, then the world
> overcomes you. But when Jesus says in the Bible, and in A Course in Miracles, "Be
> of good cheer, for I have overcome the world," does he mean to say he has overcome
> people problems as well?
> I mean, sure, he loves you. He loves them. But has he overcome the world, when
> they won't let him live? How do you explain this. The Nazi says "God is not here
> today," just before he shoots the Jew in front of you (and Jesus was Jewish), but
> you say, "what motivates you," why get up in the morning. Why didn't the Stoneman
> Douglas killer just stay in bed that day. "Why not just, walk away Nazi," "Let's
> have a nicer time over there." "Put that razor blade away, and stop cutting
> yourself, stop self-harming."
> The Children of the Corn need better direction. The boys in William Golding's
> book "The Lord of the Flies," need to meditate, find peace, and look to the light
> within.
> This light within gives infinite power and happiness...

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