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talk / talk.politics.medicine / Re: "More Say Birth Gender Should Dictate Sports Participation"

* Re: "More Say Birth Gender Should Dictate Sports Participation"Charlie McCarthy
`- Re: "More Say Birth Gender Should Dictate Sports Participation"Governor Swill

Subject: Re: "More Say Birth Gender Should Dictate Sports Participation"
From: Charlie McCarthy
Newsgroups: can.politics,, talk.politics.guns, sac.politics, talk.politics.medicine, alt.society.mental-health, alt.transgendered
Organization: - The Internet Problem Provider
Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2023 00:21 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
From: (Charlie McCarthy)
Newsgroups: can.politics,,talk.politics.guns,sac.politics,talk.politics.medicine,alt.society.mental-health,alt.transgendered
Subject: Re: "More Say Birth Gender Should Dictate Sports Participation"
Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2023 00:21:20 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: - The Internet Problem Provider
Message-ID: <u6b141$2f8$>
References: <> <%7LhM.3274$Yxn4.2935@fx38.iad> <> <u6aaca$3ll3a$> <XnsB02287FD75EE6noemailcomcastnet@> <> <1k3iM.14353$uh74.200@fx36.iad>
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On 13 Jun 2023, rudy forging Klaus Schadenfreude
<klaus.schadenfreude.entfä> posted some

> ['can.politics' gratuitous bullshit crosspost removed]
> [subject line vandalism by squat-to-piss communist cocksucker
> repaired]
> On every date, the mental defective AlleyPussyBitch aka Neutered Pussy
> — *NOT* a three letter athlete, was *NEVER* a bouncer, *NEVER* a
> golf pro, *NEVER* a lifeguard, *NEVER* dunked a basketball, and has
> *NEVER* been laid, but just a pole-puffing no-fight squat-to-piss
> shrieking estrogen-oozing fairy — *capitulated* and *submitted* to
> Rudy:
>> On Tue, 13 Jun 2023 18:24:14 +0000, Mitchell Holman says...
>>> What makes it their business if
>>> someone they don't even know wants to
>>> change their hair color or gender or
>>> boob size or last name?
>>> Hartung whines about being "forced
>>> to accept" changes in other people make
>>> in their lives but runs away when asked
>>> how that affects HIM.
>> =====
>> Well... if they're talking about it, it MUST be a problem, else there
>> wouldn't BE anything to talk about.
>> =====
>> The TL;DR for you ADHD Ritalin-taking liberals:
>> Pedophilia Advocate Admits Conservatives Are Right: Yes, Kid Drag
>> Shows Are Sexual
> "Proper case" is wrong. This is not a title.
> AlleyPussyBitch, lying plagiarizing do-nothing zero-achieving lifelong
> loser, selectively believes shit said by "pedophilia advocates."

Lately, the gay movement seems to be making large gains in its war
on America's Judeo-Christian culture. Gay characters have become the
norm on sitcoms; it has become fashionable to attack the Boy Scouts;
homosexual propaganda inundates many of our public schools; nearly all
the mainstream religious denominations have "revised" their
understanding of Biblical teaching concerning homosexuality; and the
gay "rights" legislative agenda is succeeding beyond the advocates'
wildest imaginations.

And yet the destructive impact homosexuality has upon Western
Civilization is rarely discussed by columnists, reporters, religious
leaders, politicians or by anyone else for that matter. Even some
conservative publications choose to ignore the issue and instead have
published articles arguing for greater tolerance of the gay lifestyle.

Indeed, on the homosexual issue, conservatives seem divided
between a "live and let live" attitude and one that concludes that the
homosexual agenda will have to be curtailed if the Judeo-Christian
culture is to survive. However, overwhelming evidence supports the
belief that homosexuality is a sexual deviancy often accompanied by
disorders that have dire consequences for our culture. A vast amount of
data demonstrating the deviant nature of the gay lifestyle is ignored by
the media as well as the leadership of the psychological, psychiatric, and
medical professions.

It is difficult to convey the dark side of the homosexual culture
without appearing harsh. However, it is time to acknowledge that
homosexual behavior threatens the foundation of Western civilization -
the nuclear family. An unmistakable manifestation of the attack on the
family unit is the homosexual community's efforts to target children both
for their own sexual pleasure and to enlarge the homosexual movement.

The homosexual community and its allies in the media scoff at this
argument. They insist it is merely a tactic to demonize the homosexual
movement. After all, they argue, heterosexual molestation is a far more
serious problem.

Unfortunately, the truth is stranger than fiction. Research confirms
that homosexuals molest children at a rate vastly higher than
heterosexuals, and the mainstream homosexual culture commonly
promotes sex with children.1 Homosexual leaders repeatedly argue for
the freedom to engage in consensual sex with children, and blind surveys
reveal a shockingly high number of homosexuals admit to sexual contact
with minors. 2 Indeed, the homosexual community is driving the
worldwide campaign to lower the legal age of consent.

This trend comes at the expense of our children's safety. The
incident in Los Angeles involving group homes operated by the Gay and
Lesbian Adolescent Social Services (GLASS) exemplifies this danger.
GLASS receives taxpayer monies to take in troubled youth referred to
them by the social service departments of various southern counties in
California. 3

GLASS's own website should have been warning enough. GLASS
believes that some children are born gay (a view not backed by any
science) and announced that they target "youth who are confused about
their sexual identities."4 The website links to a myriad of gay sites
targeting the youth, including one promoting a book that promotes sex
with children. 5 GLASS's founder and former executive director, Teresa
DeCrescenzo, edited a book that helps youth discover their
homosexuality. 6

It came as no surprise that the California Department of Social
Services found "on numerous occasions beginning at least as early as
1994, adults affiliated with GLASS, including staff members, members
of the GLASS board of directors and volunteers, sexually abused or
molested children who were placed with GLASS." 7 The Department of
Social Services found that DeCrescenzo, aware of the allegations of
molestation, determined staff conduct not to be inappropriate.8

Apparently, DeCrescenzo believes molestation is part of the "coming out"
process that she glorifies in her writings.

One would think that a molestation factory disguised as a group
home would be a good reason for the State of California to shut down the
whole GLASS group home operation. Remarkably, the state of
California, allowing GLASS to continue operation, removed a few
individuals and placed GLASS on probation.9 Even though additional
molestation incidents occurred at GLASS facilities in 1999, they remain
in operation until this day.

A Los Angeles Times investigation found that, in some cases, "it
appears authorities never fully investigated those reports."'0 Indeed, not
one person has been charged with child molestation or endangerment by
state Attorney General Bill Lockyer, an avid promoter of the gay
agenda.11 After all, that would be hateful. If such a group home were
operated by heterosexuals, the facilities would be shut down, any
existing licenses revoked, and numerous criminal charges filed.

Homosexuals are targeting not just youth group homes, but all
groups that work with youth. When a California family sued the Scouts
in 1993 for exposing their son to a Scout leader who molested him, the
Scouts were ordered to turn over 25,000 pages of documents to the
plaintiff. This unprecedented glimpse into the world of Scout pedophiles
revealed that thousands of boys had been molested by Scout leaders and
other volunteers between 1971 and 1991 resulting in the expulsion of
over 1,800 Scout volunteers for pedophile activity.'2 The documents show
that some Scout leaders molested over forty boys before getting caught and
that many, once caught, simply moved to a different Scout troop and
continued abusing boys.

Gay activists have spun the Scout molestation epidemic as a
heterosexual problem. Examination of many of the higher profile cases,
however, reveals that Scout molesters are attracted exclusively to boys
and many lead mainstream gay lifestyles. John Hemstreet is a typical
example. Hemstreet is a convicted child molester, former Boy Scout
leader, and currently the President of the Toledo, Ohio chapter of
Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG). PFLAG is one of
the groups leading the nationwide attack on the Boy Scouts of America. 13

Incredibly, the pro-pedophile group, North American Man Boy Love
Association (NAMBLA), which calls itself a homosexual group, wrote a
letter to the national Scout office urging "the Boy Scouts of America to
cease its discrimination against openly gay or lesbian persons in the
appointment of its scout masters and scouters and in its membership.
This will permit scouts to be exposed to a variety of life styles and will
permit more of those individuals who genuinely wish to serve boys to do

Using twisted logic, pro-gay academics argue in various social
science journals that the molestation of boys is not a gay lifestyle issue
and that such men are not really homosexuals. It is simply amazing that
gay propagandists and sexology "experts" are successfully bamboozling
the public and the media into believing that a man's exclusive focus on
young males should not be defined as homosexuality! But if an exclusive
attraction of a male to other males of any age is not homosexuality, what

On one hand, homosexuals publicly claim that the molestation of
boys is not part of the homosexual lifestyle. On the other, they are
quietly establishing the legal parameters exempting the molestation of
boys from prosecution on anti-discrimination grounds. For example, in
Nevada a forty-two year-old man was arrested for molesting a sixteen
year-old boy but was not charged by the district attorney. The reason
given was that to do so would "discriminate against a class of people."1 5

Click here to read the complete article
Subject: Re: "More Say Birth Gender Should Dictate Sports Participation"
From: Governor Swill
Newsgroups: can.politics,, talk.politics.guns, sac.politics, talk.politics.medicine, alt.society.mental-health, alt.transgendered
Organization: Forte -
Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2023 06:12 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
From: (Governor Swill)
Newsgroups: can.politics,,talk.politics.guns,sac.politics,talk.politics.medicine,alt.society.mental-health,alt.transgendered
Subject: Re: "More Say Birth Gender Should Dictate Sports Participation"
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On Wed, 14 Jun 2023 00:21:20 -0000 (UTC), Charlie McCarthy <> wrote:

>Lately, the gay movement seems to be making large gains in its war
>on America's Judeo-Christian culture.

A war they're winning. You might want to trade in your bible for a subscription to

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