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talk / talk.politics.medicine / How Hospitals And CEOs Raked In The Covid Cash While Leaving Americans Out To Dry

o How Hospitals And CEOs Raked In The Covid Cash While Leaving Americans Out To DrFauci should be jailed

Subject: How Hospitals And CEOs Raked In The Covid Cash While Leaving Americans Out To Dry
From: Fauci should be jail
Newsgroups: talk.politics.medicine, alt.politics.democrats,, talk.politics.guns, sac.politics
Organization: Mixmin
Date: Sat, 13 May 2023 04:35 UTC
From: (Fauci should be jailed)
Newsgroups: talk.politics.medicine,alt.politics.democrats,,talk.politics.guns,sac.politics
Subject: How Hospitals And CEOs Raked In The Covid Cash While Leaving Americans Out To Dry
Date: Sat, 13 May 2023 04:35:25 -0000 (UTC)
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Twenty of the largest U.S. hospitals made enormous profits off of taxpayer
money during the Covid pandemic, a new report from Open The Books
revealed. While hospitals raked in the cash, the average, working American
got poorer and sicker.

Auditors from the Chicago-based government watchdog group revealed that
despite claiming to be �non-profit,� these hospitals raked in a combined
$23 billion in Covid aid. Additionally, their cumulative net assets
skyrocketed from $200 billion in 2018 to $324 billion in 2021 (a 62%
increase), the most recent year financial data was available. This means
that the same hospitals likely did even better in 2022, given that the
Biden administration still continued to pump Covid-related money into the
economy throughout the year. Out of the 20, only two of the hospitals
partially paid their bailout back.

It�s unclear how all of this money helped the patients these hospitals are
meant to serve, given that the life expectancy of the average American
declined over 2.5 years between 2019 and 2022. This sharp drop isn�t from
Covid alone. While other comparable countries saw a drop in life
expectancy as well, they rebounded after 2021 as Covid became just one of
many seasonal illnesses. (RELATED: �The Pandemic Is Over�: Kevin McCarthy
Says Over $50 Billion Of Unspent COVID Funds �Belongs To Taxpayers�)

Furthermore, healthcare insurance premiums remain astronomical at over
$22,000 on average, while 100 million Americans incur some amount of
medical debt. The Trump administration issued a healthcare transparency
rule to help patients make more informed medical decisions, but an
independent audit found that less than 25% of hospitals complied with the
rule as of 2023. None of the 20 hospitals listed in the Open The Books
report complied with the rule.

Perhaps the money they should have used to improve patient outcomes went
to their executives� pay. While the average American got poorer and sicker
over the past three years, hospital executives often took home eight-
figure salaries.

For example, the report shows how the Providence St. Joseph Health
hospital system operates a total of 52 hospitals and received a whopping
total of $3 billion in Covid relief funds. However, an audit found that
not one of its hospitals was in compliance with former President Donald
Trump�s transparency rule, while its top executive received a salary of
$10.9 million. Similarly, Ascension Healthcare group received $2.7 billion
in Covid aid. Only 4% of its 105 hospitals that were reviewed were in
compliance, while its top exec made $13 million.

What this report makes abundantly clear is that Democrats� perpetual focus
on improving American healthcare is nothing but empty talk. In fact,
Democrats and hospital executives both had a common interest in prolonging
the pandemic as long as possible.(RELATED: House Passes Pandemic Fraud
Bill To Recover Billions In Illicit COVID-19 Unemployment Payments)

In the run up to the 2020 election, Democrats relied on Covid to oust
Trump from office. Corporate media kept a running tally of Covid cases on
their viewers� screens for months on end to keep up the panic until
November. The worse things seemed, the more Democrats and their media
allies could portray Trump as bungling the Covid response to help sway
undecided voters.

However, it is now clear that hospitals helped Democrats pad the numbers
on Covid cases. For years, conservatives speculated that hospitals were
over-counting cases of Covid to make the pandemic appear worse than it
was. The corporate media responded by denigrating anyone who questioned
the official narrative as a crazed conspiracy theorist.

It wasn�t until 2022 that the public health establishment admitted to
manipulating the language around case counts. There is a major difference
between those hospitalized from Covid, and those hospitalized with Covid.
Up until 2022, the latter could be hospitalized for any reason but still
count as a Covid hospitalization. U.S. hospitals all went along with the
scheme. (RELATED: Teachers Fired For Refusing COVID-19 Vaccine Offered
Their Jobs Back In School Settlement)

It�s also clear that the healthcare industry overwhelmingly supported
Biden over Trump in the 2020 election. Just before the election, hospitals
and their employees donated $7 million dollars to the Biden campaign,
representing 63% of the sector�s total donations. The figures are even
worse when looking at some individual hospitals. For example, over 90
percent of Providence Health & Services� donations in the 2020 election
cycle went to Democrats.

Perhaps there was some sort of implicit understanding between the
Democrats and the public health executives: if hospitals went along with
prolonging Covid hysteria to help elect Democrats, the money would keep
flowing in.

Perhaps a grateful Democratic administration would not worry too much
about recouping Covid aid that the American taxpayers laid out.



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