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talk / talk.environment / Re: Report: California Looking To Restrict Travel For Classic Cars

o Re: Report: California Looking To Restrict Travel For Classic CarsStupid California Environmentalists

Subject: Re: Report: California Looking To Restrict Travel For Classic Cars
From: Stupid California En
Newsgroups: talk.politics.guns, talk.bizarre, talk.environment,,
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Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2024 01:04 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4
From: (Stupid California Environmentalists)
Newsgroups: talk.politics.guns,talk.bizarre,talk.environment,,
Subject: Re: Report: California Looking To Restrict Travel For Classic Cars
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Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2024 01:04:34 -0000 (UTC)
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On 15 Feb 2022, Lefty Lundquist <> posted some

> The Democrat Nazis will stop at nothing until the state is destroyed -
> then they will blame those who left the insanity created by unfettered
> left-wing government.

The state is looking at instituting �zero-emission zones� soon.
The state of California is looking seriously at instituting or allowing
local governments to institute zero-emission zones in the near future.
In preparation for such a move, the California Air Resources Board
(CARB) reportedly is gathering information about classic cars and how
their owners use them. We knew something like this was coming to the US
and California would likely be first, but this is still concerning.

Check out another ridiculous car regulation in California here.

According to a Daily Caller report, on August 2 CARB sent a survey to
owners of classic cars from model year 1978 or earlier. The questions
were aimed at ascertaining how those classics are used and store, as
well as where they�re driven. It even asks about how many miles show on
owners� odometers. Knowing how increasingly authoritarian many
government agencies seems to be trending, this is concerning to many car
enthusiasts who still live in the Golden State.

Back in the day, California was arguably the epicenter of cool car
culture with many legendary brands, builders, and other hobbyists
emerging from the state. That all emerged at a time when individual
expression, not institutionalized expression, reigned supreme.
Unfortunately, that looks to be going the way of the dodo before long.

Daily Caller also points out how CARB issued a report back in 2019
suggesting the state should allow �local jurisdictions to create
zero-emissions zones.� If that sounds a little too similar to the ULEZ
zones that have taken over all of London�s boroughs in the UK, with
plate readers fining people daily for violations, you�re not alone.

California car culture already isn�t what it used to be but is still
pretty amazing. However, moves like this could accelerate the current

Of course, the justification for full-on banning older cars from certain
areas or making the owners pay a daily fee to drive there is climate
change. After seeing the amount of emissions produced by private jets,
cruise ships, EV mining/production, Space X rockets, and many other
things that are widely celebrated, defended, and/or enjoyed one can�t
help but feel cynical about these mounting restrictions.

But California has a net-zero carbon emissions goal set for 2045 and so
we can expect even more restrictions on the horizon. We hope it doesn�t
get to the point that authorities go door to door looking for classic
cars to seize and crush, but the mere mention of zero-emission zones
would�ve been dismissed as crazy conspiracy theory only a few short
years ago.

25 September, 2023

Like electric cars, once again California does not calculate the future
impact of the life cycle of their decisions. This is more symbolic than
actually functional. Kinda like tearing down statues. As Golda Meir said
"One cannot and must not try to erase the past merely because it does
not fit the present."

25 September, 2023

California is a conservative state governed by three urban centers.
Much like Washington vs Seattle and Oregon vs Portland. The Republican
Party has forsaken the West Coast because it is not worth the money so
they have focused on strengthening other locations to increase national
over local governance. You know it is bad when even Newsom vetoes the
laws being sent to his desk. If you think having a two party system is
bad, CA has a nearly unchecked single party system.


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