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The Opposite to What Roy Masters says is whats he,s up
Roy Masters leaves his body and kills people.
The problems Roys Listeners are experiencing are being caused by Roy
Masters AND THE Evil demon that controls Roy Masters.The
solution ,cult leader Roy Masters is promoting, is to practise the
meditation exercise .Once you do that a piece of the demons
counsciousess is put in yours. That would defeat the purpose of having
meditators,a buffer between that person and the demon,so that that
person is to blame once if there ever found out.The essence of this
person,s counsciousness is either willing or not willing to go along
with it.Thats why you never talk to Cult Leader Roy Masters ,your
inviting evil into your life and community.It then causes you
problems, the only way out it wants you to take is the meditation
Cult Leader Roy Masters leaves his body and kills people this is the
secret he doesn,t want anyone to know.He can also leave his and take
control of peoples consciousness making them do anything ,especially
commit criminal acts.He used to just kill people ,with no apparent
cause of death ,the next day their found dead.But that started
becoming suspicious so he now kills them with a heart attack or even
takes control of you when your driving making you have a deadly car
accident.He can even set up some serious mishap to kill you.
Roy Masters can leave his body and see who is connected to who , or
who knows who , so if he wants to destroy someone , he,ll manipulate
things to meet
that person ,then put something evil in that persons counsciousness to
make then do anything he desires to destroy them.
The meditators are a buffer to protect this demon should anyone find
out the source of their evil.The meditators have no idea about this
demon that has replaced their consciousness.They don,t know why their
in Grants Pass.
It operates through them .It likes to remain hidden in the background
thats how it operates.It s really a 160 or so others like Roy masters
causing these problems in people,then steering them into discovering
Roy masters Advice line
or as previously know "How Your Mind Can Keep You Well".
The meditation he teaches is a trick to get people to give up their
essence of their consciousness.They,ve lost everthing then .The evil
then looks through their consciousness .Thats why their so sad after
this evil is born again in them.Their now just an extension of the
demon .They also leave their bodies and make everyone else look bad
like their doing something wrong in their life and the meditators are
the pillar of society.These stupid followers like to act like they
knew what they were doing all along.Instead of admitting their wrong.
The fear you feel listening to Roy Masters or trying his meditation
is your consciousness warning you that its in danger.
This demon has the entire life of the meditator mapped out for them
what they,ll do and when they,ll die
Anyone whose a threat to the foundation of human understanding is a
target.The demon through Roy Masters will make them do something bad
to destroy their
lives ,so nobody will listen to them. This often happening to them
without them even knowing why,that there a threat to the demon.Its
actually a 160 or so others like Roy masters leaving their bodies and
attacking the inner person,good people.So if your a threat ,like
myself,they,ll try to make you look crazy,for example,making me say
ignorant things to people I,ve known for years or worked with.All the
sudden not even talking to them.
Roy Masters is always bragging ,on his show, how he likes to give
people two years for them to straighten up.
What he,s really saying is he waits to years before leaving his body
and killing them. He knows he,s being watched.
Roy Masters is always getting people to talk to him don,t.Once you
talk to him your really talking to the demon that controls him.Then it
can start messing with your consciousness.Making you have compulsive
problems,medical problems (at the most inappropriate time ),make bad
business decisions and mistake to ruin your life.This is how it
works ,its your fault for talking to them.In the evil,s eyes.
Right at key moments Roy Masters can make you make a mistake.He does
this by leaving his body.He can make you do or say something to
destroy your life .He can even put the thought in your mind so you
think it originated in you.This is so you don,t go looking for the
Roy Masters leaves his body and travels at a conscious level
attacking people,s consciousness and killing them.
No one that goes to Roy Masters seminars are possessed by demons.This
is just a big act Roy and the demon that controls him put on.They take
control of a persons nervous system and consciousness making them
growl like their possessed and crawl around on the floor like their
affraid of his cross.Its just the 160 or so others like Roy
Masters ,leaving their bodies and making them act this way.
If Roy Masters cannot get you he,ll go after your children or
relatives in another city or state.He can leave his body and see who
your related to.He can kill them or set up an accident or have them be
a victim of a crime.As in the case of the FBI,he goes after other FBI
agents children,for example,putting a
crimminal mind in them or pushing aside their normal sexuality and
replacing it with homosexuality.
Roy Masters and the demon trhat controls him can cause all manner of
medical problems in people ,breast cancer,colon cancer,heart
attacks,strokes,kidney failure.
Roy masters can see who your connected to so he,ll go out of his way
to be nice to you so either you,ll say nice things to someone you know
or to destroy someone your connected to.He leaves his body and can see
It,s Roy Masters and the demon that controls him doing these things
to the people of Grants Pass and Eugene Oregon and southern Oregon.The
demon operates through the meditators,so when you go looking to find
who did this you only find a person.,If their caught,their a buffer to
protect the evil.This is how
evil operates to protect itself so it won,t be found out.
At key moments Cult Leader Roy Masters can inject sentences or
phrases into your conversations to make you look bad.
Roy Masters wants to ruin all the original towns people of Grants
Pass so that they cannot fight back against him.
He wants to replace them with creepy cult members.He screws with their
consciousness,making a mess of their lives so that every day is a
struggle.So that they can bearly go on.
Theres no sense in calling down to the Grants Pass police or
josphine county to inquire or complain about roy masters,you,ll just
be eventually directed to a fhu cult member or someone their operating
The opposite to what Roy Masters says on his radio program is what
he,s up to he wants to destroy america.
This evil is always with him .It travels through the darkness.
That,s how it gets around. And hurts people.Causing them heart
attacks ,pain and suffering.Any problem you could imagine making
peoples life a personal hell
Roy Masters has destoyed many lives even Hollywood stars.He Will
leave his body and take control of their consciousness making them
spew out racist comments about Jews or Blacks.Or even get caught up in
drugs and alcohol leading to their arrest and subsequent end of their
carreers.Thats why you should never talk to Roy Masters.
Cult leader Roy Masters hides behind a mask of christianity , he,s
not really a christian.In the end his meditation exercise has nothing
to do with
christianity , it just puts a piece of th demons counsciousness inside
Roy Masters is always calling his followers stupid , its like a bad
person calling you stupid because you won,t do something they want you
to do.This
something they want you to do will probably harm you. Of course if you
don,t what Roy Masters wants your no longer stupid.This being his
meditation exercise.
Once you practise this and your sucessful in going to this other place
in your head ,and have a piece of the demons counsciousness put in
the end of you, now it really too late.Yes before its too late , that
being he,s found out to be a complete liar.Once people have this piece
of the demons
counsciousnees in their counsciousness they cannot complain or do the
demon ,that they are not aware of, any harm.
It probably is not too late if you have something put in your
counsciousness throught the meditation,I have yet to see
away back fot them.I,d deffinetely stop meditating.
Roy Masters leaves his body and attack the inner person ,your
soul,the next day you wake up feeling sore all over,your first though
is to blame
someone else for this,routine everyday activities become a chore,you
don,t want to work or go to school,you nearly give up.Thats what he
Roy Masters gets all of his power from this demon,without this demon
Roy Masters is a powerless nothing.
You only need to know its Roy Masters and his followers causing this
problem ,then it goes back on them.
At a level your counsciousness is on ,the rules are different,if FHU
cult members do something to you and you find out its them doing
it,what they did
goes back on them. Thats the rule Cult Leader Roy Masters keeps from
his followers,or else they wouldn,t harm anyone.
Thats why the demon operates through Roy Masters and his
followers,once their found out, their cut off from the demon ,usually
eventually killed or commit suicide.
Once you talk to Roy Masters ,your caught in his trap,at the
counscious level thats another rule,he,ll even manipulate things to
talk to you.
Thats the perfect front and christian mask, its almost impossible to
go against,this front of helping americans ,as he says on his Advice
line,its the
oposite of what he,s up to.Taking on america,s problems , as a trick
to get people to practise his meditation.So he can hide behind this
mask and not be suspect.
Whenever Cult Leader Roy Masters does something to me , the same
thing happens right back to him. Thats why he gets his followers to do
things to me;he then has to kill then to prevent it from coming back
on him.He only transfers this power temporarily to the follower.All
the other hard core meditators
,in and around Grants Pass know this,when they leave their bodies they
avoid me like the plague;they know whats going to happen to that
He neglects to tell the followers that the same thing would happen to
Now its come to my attention,that one of his followeers is being
groomed to exclusively attack me.I guarantee this follower will not
know that the same
thing will happen right back to them.Roy Masters has something he
won,t share with his followers.
What Roy Masters is not telling his followers is, the rules that
govern your life at a counscious level are different then every day
rules as a person.
If The meditator is found out their cut off from the demon,or else it
goes right back on the demon.These meditators that fall, as Roy
Masters Calls them,
usually end up dead.Thats Why a lot of times on Roy Masters program he
tells his listeners not to tell anyone about him.He then uses them to
hurt people where there is a high chance of them being found out by
other counsciosnesses.This person is usually killed right away.
Roy Masters and his followers leave their bodies and follow around
people they are out to get or make look bad, they then make bad things
happen whenever their around so it looks like that person is a bad
omen or bad luck or only bad thinks happpen when their in the
The demons or just plain evil that controls Roy Masters needs people
to operate through.This evil is the same that controls the democratic
party.Ones right and one is left, ripping apart the real Americans in
the middle.
The more evil meditators always beat down on the less evil
Always say to yourself the same thing happens to back to foundation
of human understanding people ,no matter what the problem be it
cancer ,drug problem any other social problems ,bad business
mistakes ,they can make you make, or even back to Cult Leader Roy
Masters himself.Whatever they have done to you goes right back on
Roys followers are now also teaching the meditation ,same demons that
control Roy Masters,these new meditators have no knowledge of Roy
Masters though,but still do things for him not knowing the person they
learned this mediation from is one of Roy Masters followers.
Roy Masters liks to transfer over to his followers ay punishment he
is to receive at a conscious level.He uses this when he is caught
doing something ,thats the rules if your caught you have to take it
People don,t fall that practise his meditation exercise , they just
reject having evil put in their counsciousness.
Dec3,2008 Additions
Followers of Cult Leader Roy Masters are made to fail by the demon
that controls Roy Masters,this is a trick to get them to practise the
Roy Masters :see this is what happens when you don,t practise the
Roy Masters is just hypnotizing everyone that listens to him.
Roy Masters is putting in them the problems he,s talking
about,resentment. He builds his entire psychology around this.He,s
disrupting their inner life.Introduceing conflict in them , the
resolve of this conflict being his meditation,then your counsciousness
has evil put in it.Your already better off without listening to Roy
Roy Masters is looking for people so desperate that they will try
anything,if their not to desperate he,ll put that in them to seek out
the meditation.
Roy Masters just bables on about common problems people have as if he
knows something
The more evil meditators leaving their bodies and beating down on the
less evil mediators.
Roy Masters will put evil eg.a problem,compulsive behaviour,drug
alcohol problems,sexual problems ect in people ,he then leaves it to
his followers to come
and activate this evil,this way at a higher conscious level he,s not
to blame when their found out.Thats the rules at you consciousness
IMPORTANT: to beat roy masters at these problems (one way is just to
say the same thing happens back to foundation people).Say this to
yourself ever time the problem occurs ,they,ll keep leaving their
bodies for a while after that to make it seem like it,s not working.
When callers to thew advice line say they have fallen,whats really
happened they have rejected the evil that entered their
counsciosness.Cult leader Roy Masters just gives it this religious
label that they fell.
Once people have that evil put in their counsciousness they cannot
tell anyone about it ,it controls them.
Roy masters is always saying you have to practise his meditation
exercise to understand what he,s talking about ,this is just a trick
to get you to practise
the medatation and have evil put in your counsciousness.Then that
person goes around doing the same thing.Causing the next person
conflict and problems and the only way out is again the medatation.The
thing put in your brain now understands.
Cult talk ( Roy Masters says your scum until ou practise the
medatation ,to be like him not scum you must practise the meditation.)
Other facets of a cult (if you don,t join our group of meditators
you,ll goto hell.)
Roy Masters just wants to replace the evil in people that is causing
them problems with his own evil.This is his certain type of
person.These former alcoholics for examople and ect. now have evil in
them that leaves their bodies and kills people or takes control of
them making others do bad things
,the person with that evil in them will never do anything bad.Thats
how evil works.the evil that controls Roy Masters is just trying to
get its own army to help destroy America.Right vs. Left. Even a small
group of meditators can control a lot of people and do a lot of
damage.The 160 or so others like roy masters,leave their bodies and
find certain types of people,they are the type they put problems
in,homosexuality,drug problems,sex problems,money problems,
,medical problems ,he,ll take them away if you giv eyour life over to
him.Just like the liberals.
No one that goes to Cult Leader Roy Masters seminars are possesed by
demons.Its just the evil that is looking through roy masters
counsciousness and it
can see whose counsciousness is good .It makes them roll around on the
ground and growl and act like their possesed the more good they are
the more silly the possesion.For example running around acting like
their possesed by a chicken.Thats their punishment for being good and
going to one of his seminars.
It,s the evil operating through roy masters making them do this .Its
their punishment for being good and going there.
More cult talk :Roy Masters tells his followers that their special
because they go to his seminars and listen to his show.This draws his
followers in.Just because they listen to his show,to be more special
they must practise thr mediatation.
More cult talk Roy Masters tells his followers all their problems are
from their parents,this is just to drive a wedge between that person
and their parents.
Typical cult techniques,separating them from their families and
Roy Masters followers don,t react because their dead inside.
These followers are a buffer between them and the evil.So they get
blamed and the evil gets off scot free.
This evil has always been in America,but for some reason it has to use
someone from a foreign country.It needs a buffer to do these things to
americans or else it would be to blame.It cannot keep using itself
up.Its too risky to do these things ,it gets roy masters followers to
leave their bodies and take
control of people and make them take control of people and make them
do bad things.This evil is really right wing liberals,no not
republicans,their born in America ,every country has some like
that.Their the same as people that control
the liberal party.The increase in incidents of homosexuality is not an
of the decline of western civilization ,but ,the appearance of right
wing liberals.Which roy masters is one.
Masters.Its because there already susceptible to evil.The evil that is
causing those problems
is replaced with evil that controls Roy Masters.
To be sucessful with Roy Masters meditation you must do what the evil
wants ( as roy puts it no ticky no washy) or else you,ll problems will
come back or and you,ll fail financially,personally.
There,s no journey with the meditation exercise ,its just killing the
original person.The meditation keeps you seeing things ,its a
distraction as it replaces your counsciousness with evil.
If someone complains about cult leader Roy masters to the Grants Pass
Police they will most likely get directed to a foundation of human
understanding cult memeber.The FHU cult members and cult lead Roy
Masters have a way of leaving their bodies and manipulating things to
get their members in a position of power.
This is a tricky way of protecting cult leader roy masters. These cult
members will then manipulate things so they look like their doing a
great job ,not a blemish on their record,even some F.B.I. agents are
FHU cult members.The FHU cult members can see whose doing the hiring
(by Leaving their bodies,you cannot see your counsciousness can
you,Thats what leaves the meditators body and Roy Masters body,it then
influences whoever.)
Mediatators are people that practise the cult meditation and have
something in their counsciousness replaced with evil.
I keep forgetting to say why I am writing this about cult leader Roy
Masters,it should be obvious.It,s to save peoples lives and warn them
about him.
If thy practise the cult meditation they,ll have a piece of their
counsciousness replaced with evil ,then thats the end of the original
they were born with and they have lost their life.Or If you just talk
to cult leader Roy Masters he may someday leave his body and kill
you.Or your relatives
getting in a accident and being killed .Or just mysteriously dying or
heart attack ect.Your family could start developing problems.I can see
with my counsciousness,I can see the meditators counsciousness and how
its been replaced with evil.I can see through all the smoke and
mirrors and see what he,s really up to.These are the types of people
Roy Masters,the evil that controls him and operates through his
followers that they kill.Roy Masters likes to take pot shots at me
using his followers.He knows anything he does to me ,the same thing
mysteriously happens back to him.He,s got lots of followers to use up
and he usually has to cut them off afterwards or else it still will go
back on him.
This is to make me look bad and cult leader Roy Masters good.
Roy Masters will not allow people that have read this to ask me about
it.As soon as a meetig is set up Roy Masters leaves his body and a
group of his followers and take control of everyone .This way I look
like a nut and all the acusations against him are watered down.
I have no advanced knowledge of what Roy Masters is going to do,I can
only wonder why this happened ,I saw all at once (while living in a
hotel on the west coast) that it was Roy Masters doing these things to
me and people around me.
They,ll also take control of innocent people and make them commit
criminal acts .
Why does Roy Masters mention Jim Jones and Jones town on his
program.Thats because the investigators are listening.Some of his
followers must have said something or someone accused him of being
apart of it.He,s got it down pat making himself look innocent.It
probably took him and 300 of his followers
leaving their bodies and taking control of Jim Jones and his followers
to make them all commit suicide.Thats the missing evil in
JonesTown,Roy Masters
and yes Roy Masters knew Jim Jones.To roy masters this is what you get
for calling me a cult leader,I,ll show you.And he also did the same
with the heavens gate cult.
You Have to be careful who you complain to about cult leader Roy
Masters ,the complaint may just as well get directed to
an FHU cult member in Law enforcement without anyone knowing
their a cult member.
Don,t bother interviewing me about cult leader Roy Masters
,the evil that controls him has people leaving their bodies and
watching me 24/7.They will take control and make me say what they want
to dissuade and investigation.
They want you to go through them ,not around them to others
meanwhile the whole time their lying to you.Just trying to by more
time till they have more control.
I found the best way against the FHU cult members ,is to say in
yoorself,no matter what problem you have or compulsive problem,"the
same thing happens to Roy Masters and FHU cult Members".They will keep
making you do this for a while ,to make you think it doesn,t work and
that you have no effect on them.They won,t do it if the same thing
happens to them.They go after the best of the people in Grants Pass
This is what bothers FHU cult Members the most,that their just a
buffer between themselves and the victim and evil that controls Roy
Masters .Once Their found out at a counscious level their cut off from
the evil and dead within 2 years.
This way their to blame and not the evil ,and yes in the end they,ll
all be found out.The evil is really a 160 or so others like roy
masters ,hidden in the background.The reason I say "the 160 or so
others",roy masters followers are marked ,so that they can easily be
found and punished,once this is all over,if they leave their bodies
and find any of these "160 or so others",it leads right back to them
and they could end up being punished.They won,t do anything once their
found out.
When meditators die their counsciousness just goes into the
darkness.Roy Masters does not want their counsciousness going back to
where it came from and people back there finding out who did this to
them,Roy Masters.He wants to get away scott free ,without anyone
taking revenge on him.
So where do Roy Masters followers go after they die,into the darkness
and just sit there. there left behind and not allowed to go baCK where
they came from.there left to take the blame ,while roy masters gets
away.As long as they have someone to punish for what they did ,roy
masters is free.
Roy Masters doen,t want people to know its him leaving his body and
killing people or causing them problems.Your counsciousness then could
go after him,even then if you go after him (his counsciousness,his
inner person),its still not the real Roy Masters.It is just a
disguise,the disguise will be left behind once he dies and the real
evil inside that will go back to the dimension it came from.As a safe
guard he operates through his follower,so they end up holding the
empty bag and take the blame. When his followers die their put in a
dark place. Roy Masters even gives out their location to whomever they
have wronged ,then their punished.
There,s no since in complaning to the Grants Pass police department
about Cult Leader Roy Masters ,either their being subtlely controlled
by Roy Masters and FHU cult members or you,ll be redirected to an FHU
cult member without even knowing it.
You cannot secretly get FBI agents into Oregon without FHU cult
members leaving their bodies and seeing who they are.
Their counsciousness,s are subtlely converted.Even if you have someone
watching them ,to protect them,they,ll also be converted.Saying he,s
just a sick old man ,harmless,trying to save America.
To fhu cult members: Don,t do that or you,ll have to deal with
that,then you know what will happen.
clarence1863@hotmail.com,originally I used this address,should have
stuck with it.
davyrrr nickame cultbuster
davy56 at hubpages
Tmz is controlled by FHU cult members,they leave their bodies and make
tmz reporters go where stars are.Film them.Fhu Cult members make the
stars do stupid things and record it.They always end up with the
incriminating evidence.
There,s about a 160 others like Roy Masters that leave their bodies
and kill people.Roy Masters is the only one that set up a church to
recruite more people
to do this.These people are just being used.Of course you don,t
understand Roy Masters when you listen to him.But once you practise
the cult mediation exercise,something is put in your counsciouness
that does understand.In Roy,s words "the new you is born in you ,the
old you pushed aside" .Roy followers are to take the blame in the
end.Cult Leader Roy Masters and others like him won,t do these
things ,thats what his followers are for.
Its roy masters controlling these police officers making them steal
my money.He cannot come up here himself ,to take revenge on me for
what I,ve been saying about him on the internet,so he leaves his body
and makes them do it.
This same technique can be used to attack Roy Masters and the
FHU.One group of
people,gets another group to do something,that second group gets still
a third group to do it.These people in the third group hire
expendables to do it.Always getting new third group people.Not knowing
the existence of the first group or who their doing it for.The second
group ,knowing what the first group wants done.
This protects ,the good guys in the first group.This technique is not
for anyone in Canada,its an American problem.
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![]() By: roy masters on Sat, 1 Jan 2011 | 0 | roy masters |