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You are only young once, but you can stay immature indefinitely.

soc / soc.culture.russian / Re: -- DIFFICULT EPISTEMOLOGICAL QUESTION ...

From: dolf
Newsgroups:, alt.philosophy.taoism, alt.religion.christian.roman-catholic, alt.atheism, soc.culture.russian
Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2024 17:09 UTC
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Date: 16 Jun 2024 17:09:52 GMT
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So such "set or put or lay in order" might involve placing a document in
the cloud ☁️ -- everything so far is scientific but your irrationality is


[#35, #47]

liǎn (斂): 1. to collect, 2. to draw back; to fold back, 3. tax collection,
4. to decrease, 5. to shrink back; to retreat, 6. beautification of the
body for a funeral, 7. Lian

#984 = #451 x 2 + [#35, #47] as [#10, #8, #60, #200, #6, #700] = châçêr
(H2637): {UMBRA: #268 % #41 = #22} 1) to lack, be without, decrease, be
lacking, have a need; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to lack; 1a2) to be lacking; 1a3) to
diminish, decrease; 1b) (Piel) to cause to lack; 1c) (Hiphil) to cause to
be lacking;

#984 as [#70, #4, #400, #10, #500] = ʻêdâh (H5713): {UMBRA: #79 % #41 =
#38} 1) testimony, witness; 1a) always plural and always of laws as divine

#984 as [#4, #5, #10, #600, #9, #5, #50, #300, #1] = deiknýō (G1166):
{UMBRA: #1289 % #41 = #18} 1) to show, expose to the eyes; 2) metaph.; 2a)
to give evidence or proof of a thing; 2b) to show by words or teach;

#984 as [#5, #300, #10, #40, #8, #200, #1, #50, #300, #70] = timáō (G5091):
{UMBRA: #1151 % #41 = #3} 1) to estimate, fix the value; 1a) for the value
of something belonging to one's self; 2) to honour, to have in honour, to
revere, venerate;

#984 as [#200, #300, #8, #100, #10, #60, #1, #300, #5] = stērízō (G4741):
{UMBRA: #1425 % #41 = #31} 1) to make stable, place firmly, set fast, fix;
2) to strengthen, make firm; 3) to render constant, confirm, one's mind;

Such action is called foresight in both planning and making provision

dolf <> wrote:
> Thusly if in the past @ #35 I undertook an optimal COGITO referencing
> action relative to the noumenon where an information exchange took place then
> it ought to be still viable within this present reality where the
> referencing reoccurs.
> Is that process either supernatural or supranatural
> supernatural: (of a manifestation or event) attributed to some force beyond
> time but conformity to number / laws of nature
> Supranatural is a term that means transcending the natural or violating the
> laws of nature, often attributed to interdimensional or extradimensional
> beings
> Is it 4th dimensional or does it have a stasis beyond such?
> Thus we have semantical confusion where when you hear a word your
> experience is a stupidly.
> dolf <> wrote:
>> dolf <> wrote:
>>> We want clarity and not vagueness -- do you have any awareness of time?
>> The COGITO: #40 - LAW / MODEL (FA) - 𝌭法 = #491 as [#7, #78, #35, #80, #10]
>> / RANGE: noon 15 to 19 JUNE dynamic is a spacial matrix that has vectors as
>> temporal associative.
>> Your comment was @ #78 but my reply was from #35 where the temporal
>> reference is in the past and I then associated the poem appraisal which is
>> believe written in 4 BCE but with Hebrew / Greek written much earlier and
>> have done so by deploying a mathematical method.
>> Unless you can grasp such cognition as unity of apperception there isn't
>> any need to discuss this further.
>> The difference in perspective is either having the globe 🌎 in one's hand
>> or being somewhere upon it.
>>> Perhaps TETRA #35 now applies ...
>>> #35 - 𝌨斂 = #486
>>> COGITO: [#33, #32, #32, #28, #14] as #35 - GATHERING (LIEN)
>>> RANGE: 24 to noon 28 MAY
>>> APPRAISAL #9: *Taxing* in *season* (斂于時)
>>> Helps forestall utter ruin. (利圉極菑)
>>> FATHOMING #9: Collecting taxes when timely (斂于時)
>>> MEANS: How could disaster be imminent? (奚可幾也)
>>> kě (可): 1. can; may; permissible, 2. but, 3. such; so, 4. able to;
>>> possibly, 5. to approve; to permit, 6. to be worth, 7. to suit; to fit,
>>> 8. khan, 9. to recover, 10. to act as, 11. to be worth; to deserve, 12.
>>> approximately; probably, 13. expresses doubt, 14. really; truely, 15.
>>> used to add emphasis, 16. beautiful, 17. Ke, 18. used to ask a question
>>> jǐ (幾): 1. several, 2. how many, 3. Kangxi radical 16, 4. subtle;
>>> invisible; imperceptible, 5. sign; omen, 6. nearly; almost, 7. near to,
>>> 8. imminent danger, 9. circumstances, 10. duration; time, 11.
>>> opportunity, 12. never has; hasn't yet, 13. a small table, 14. [self]
>>> composed, 15. ji
>>> #14] {@5: Sup: 58 - GATHERING IN: HSI (#216); Ego: 14 - PENETRATION: JUI
>>> #411 - MALE CHECKSUM TOTAL: #216 as [#20, #1, #10, #100, #70, #10, #200]
>>> = kairós (G2540): {UMBRA: #401 % #41 = #32} 1) due measure; 2) a measure
>>> of time, a larger or smaller portion of time, hence:; 2a) a fixed and
>>> definite time, the time when things are brought to crisis, the decisive
>>> epoch waited for; 2b) *opportune* *or* *seasonable* *time*; 2c) the
>>> right time; 2d) a limited period of time; 2e) to what time brings, the
>>> state of the times, the things and events of time;
>>> #301 - FEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #139 as [#70, #200, #6, #20, #5] = ʻârak
>>> (H6186): {UMBRA: #290 % #41 = #3} 1) to arrange, set or put or lay in
>>> order, set in array, prepare, order, ordain, handle, furnish, esteem,
>>> equal, direct, compare; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to arrange or set or lay in
>>> order, arrange, state in order, set forth (a legal case), set in place;
>>> 1a2) to compare, be comparable; 1b) (Hiphil) to value, *tax*;
>>> #266 - DEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #98 as [#20, #40, #200, #1, #5] = marʼeh
>>> (H4758): {UMBRA: #246 % #41 = #41} 1) sight, appearance, vision; 1a)
>>> sight, phenomenon, spectacle, appearance, vision; 1b) what is seen; 1c)
>>> a vision (supernatural); 1d) sight, vision (power of seeing)
>>> #411 - DEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #98 as [#1, #100, #300, #10] = árti (G737):
>>> {UMBRA: #411 % #41 = #1} 1) just now, this moment; 2) now at this time,
>>> at this very time, this moment;
>>> #495 - ONTIC CHECKSUM TOTAL: #297 as [#5, #80, #5, #20, #5, #10, #300,
>>> #70] = epíkeimai (G1945): {UMBRA: #181 % #41 = #17} 1) to lie upon or
>>> over, rest upon, be laid or placed upon; 1a) on the burning coals; 2)
>>> metaph.; 2a) of things, of the pressure of a *violent* *tempest*; 2b) of
>>> men, to press upon, *to* *be* *urgent*;
>>> On 16/6/2024 22:46, one wrote:
>>>> dolf wrote and asked:
>>>>>>>> If not, then what do you mean?"
>>>> What was meant was simply that
>>>> experiences of a future event may
>>>> be possible at times.
>>> What are your plans for 1400 hours?
>>>> At the same time, such experiences are
>>>> not subject to scientific experimentation.
>>>> Such could be called, synchronicity.
>>>> Meaningful events, etc.
>>>> In terms of qi, xin and shen, a thought emerged
>>>> given: The Zhuangzi and Daojia.
>>>> << “May I ask what the fasting of the mind is?”
>>>> Confucius said, “Make your will one! Don’t listen with
>>>> your ears, listen with your mind. No, don’t listen with your
>>>> mind, but listen with your spirit. Listening stops with the
>>>> ears, the mind stops with recognition, but spirit is empty
>>>> and waits for all things. The Way gathers in emptiness
>>>> alone. Emptiness is the fasting of the mind.” >>
>>>> << ABSTRACT
>>>> In contrast to his contemporaries who take the heart–mind
>>>> as the ruler of a person, Zhuangzi suggests that one’s action is
>>>> guided by the spirit (shen). Questions arise as one articulates the
>>>> function of spirit and its relationship with the heart–mind. In this
>>>> article, I articulate the relationship between heart–mind and spirit
>>>> to show three points: first, spirit is a kind of qi that can be tied
>>>> or run smoothly, or rather the mechanism triggered by the functioning
>>>> of smooth qi. This reading brings the skill passages together with the
>>>> fasting of heart–mind (xin zhai) passage. Second, the proceeding of
>>>> spirit admits no fixed ways and is not confined to any particular
>>>> organ or faculty, so it avoids the problem of self-assertion mentioned
>>>> in Qiwulun. Third, the proceeding of spirit implies that one’s
>>>> practice takes as many particularities of the context as possible into
>>>> account, so the person has a higher chance to reduce conflict in
>>>> interacting with things and other people and bring out their
>>>> potential. This is a reason why skilful practices are related to
>>>> Zhuangzi’s ideal of nourishing life, both physiologically
>>>> and psychologically. >>
>>>> << Apophatic meditation practice can also be seen in the following
>>>> Zhuangzhi passages which speak of "fasting the heartmind":
>>>> "You must fast! I will tell you what that means. Do you think that it
>>>> is easy to do anything while you have a heart-mind? If you do, the
>>>> luminous cosmos will not support you...Make your aspirations one!
>>>> Don't listen with your ears; listen with your heart-mind. No, don't
>>>> listen with your heart-mind; listen with qi. Listening stops with the
>>>> ears, the heart-mind stops with joining, but qi is empty and waits on
>>>> all things. The Dao gathers in emptiness alone. Emptiness is the
>>>> fasting of the heart-mind." >>
>>>> People who happen to experience paranormal phenomena
>>>> have bins known to them. Skeptics may call such, false positives.
>>>> The knack-masters in the Zhuangi varied.
>>>> Some sayers may say they all used the same Dao.
>>>> Some sayers say the dao that is said is not the Dao.
>>>> Interpretations of the saying, dao ke dao fei chang dao, vary.
>>>> - thanks! Cheers!


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By: dolf on Sat, 15 Jun 2024


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