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Q: What do you have when you have a lawyer buried up to his neck in sand? A: Not enough sand.

soc / soc.women / Re: The punishment onto the LGBTQ community

* The punishment onto the LGBTQ communitySarahLevi
`* Re: The punishment onto the LGBTQ communityDanart
 `* Re: The punishment onto the LGBTQ communitySarahLevi
  `- Re: The punishment onto the LGBTQ communityDanart

Subject: The punishment onto the LGBTQ community
From: SarahLevi
Newsgroups: soc.women
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Date: Mon, 27 May 2024 16:31 UTC
From: (SarahLevi)
Newsgroups: soc.women
Subject: The punishment onto the LGBTQ community
Date: Mon, 27 May 2024 10:31:50 -0600
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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Keep praying for the punishment onto the LGBTQ community. Pray that one day
all mankind will wake up from a deep sleep and every person of the LGBTQ
community and all those who condone their agenda will be dead all over the
earth. It will go down in history as punishment from God. A thousand years
from now people will still be talking about the day God destroyed all the
LGBTQ community by taking the living spirit out of their minds and bodies.
They will all perish, HalleluYah.

Subject: Re: The punishment onto the LGBTQ community
From: Danart
Newsgroups: soc.women
Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2024 06:07 UTC
References: 1
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2024 06:07:54 +0000
Subject: Re: The punishment onto the LGBTQ community
From: (Danart)
Newsgroups: soc.women
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Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2024 06:07:54 +0000
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> SarahLevi wrote:
> Keep praying for the punishment onto the LGBTQ community. Pray
that one day
> all mankind will wake up from a deep sleep and every person of the
> community and all those who condone their agenda will be dead all
over the
> earth. It will go down in history as punishment from God. A
thousand years
> from now people will still be talking about the day God destroyed
all the
> LGBTQ community by taking the living spirit out of their minds and
> They will all perish, HalleluYah.

My co-workers, my bosses,
my medical doctors/physicians, my classmates are all LGBT.

You want to talk truth?

The truth is that it is about "Population control" not being
pro "LGBT".

Every year they market and keep on marketing in order to
"Manufacture" more LGBT types. Meaning people who are
high-paying employees but do not reproduce and burn money. That is
what it is really about. If not them then we could
look at MGTOW, "Dilberts"( those STEM guys sleeping around
or dating somebody ), and of course those who are unable to afford or
is burden by there own families.

LGBT are literally about there association ( sex lives ) and once you
over-come that they can do anything.

They are literally "Robots", AKA "Forced Labor".
Just like the "The Great Gatsby" the LGBT are seen as living
machines to used for various purposes. If not them, then it will be a
minority, or lesser. They are "trusties" in the world. Where
a man could be alone with a woman and not force himself on her,
despite she is looking forward to the activity. Like
"umpa-lumpa's" from "Willy Wonkers Chocolate

If people wanted to "get rid of LGBT" then in the beginning
post WW2, they should have left them alone in there bars, and go
undercover instead to look for real criminal activities. Respect there
fellow men. Trust me it would have all blown over very fast.

The other truth outside of "Soylent Greens", "Robots(
forced labor )", and "Trusties" is the weakness of the
"Rich", "Famous", and "powerful". Many
people of great power have become not only ill-bred, but are
corrupted. This point
was made with Ralph Baski "Coonskin" and his depiction of
the mob. Despite there background/race/religion or corruption, they
have been over-taken, leaving only the meak ( like the little
monkey/clown boy ), and the one man who acts and dresses as they
should be to slaughtered, and what is leftover are the wimps, are more
or less women then men.

They manipulate the world not only in favor of soylent-greens, robots,
trusties, and population control but because they have become so meak,
and so weak they need people to dominate and be equal to. The same
with the dilberts, MGTOW,
and so many other kinds.


Being a straight guy the closest I have come to living normal is
thanks to LGBT people. By normal I mean not being fit, associating
with young, fit, nice girlies, and being able to function. Beyond the
LGBT all you have are stereotypical racist
minded people.

I am not kidding. That is norm ( English speaking ), rude, J-u-es,
insane-Italians, Greedy Eastern Europeans, angry Danes, and so forth
and so forth. There is literally no room for "The minority"
( anything not white enough ) outside of education. When you see any
non-European making it ( especially a black man ) 9/10 a good chance
he is working a
big-job making tons of pay based on education alone, a big job that
nobody wants to do, and is not some random city-job. In terms of
normality there is absolutely none. It is terrible out there and LGBT
have been good to me in my life
in reaching normality without the doubt.

No matter how I dress in life, or what I do I am seen as an outcast.
Beyond my education and my tools that is all I am seen for. A walking
vibrator, a debit-card, a human-shield, some dames golden ticket to
motherhood, all I am.

This is a response to the post seen at:

Subject: Re: The punishment onto the LGBTQ community
From: SarahLevi
Newsgroups: soc.women
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Date: Thu, 27 Jun 2024 17:14 UTC
References: 1 2
From: (SarahLevi)
Newsgroups: soc.women
Subject: Re: The punishment onto the LGBTQ community
Date: Thu, 27 Jun 2024 11:14:13 -0600
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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They will be destroyed.

"Danart" wrote in message

> SarahLevi wrote:
> Keep praying for the punishment onto the LGBTQ community. Pray
that one day
> all mankind will wake up from a deep sleep and every person of the
> community and all those who condone their agenda will be dead all
over the
> earth. It will go down in history as punishment from God. A
thousand years
> from now people will still be talking about the day God destroyed
all the
> LGBTQ community by taking the living spirit out of their minds and
> They will all perish, HalleluYah.

My co-workers, my bosses,
my medical doctors/physicians, my classmates are all LGBT.

You want to talk truth?

The truth is that it is about "Population control" not being
pro "LGBT".

Every year they market and keep on marketing in order to
"Manufacture" more LGBT types. Meaning people who are
high-paying employees but do not reproduce and burn money. That is
what it is really about. If not them then we could
look at MGTOW, "Dilberts"( those STEM guys sleeping around
or dating somebody ), and of course those who are unable to afford or
is burden by there own families.

LGBT are literally about there association ( sex lives ) and once you
over-come that they can do anything.

They are literally "Robots", AKA "Forced Labor".
Just like the "The Great Gatsby" the LGBT are seen as living
machines to used for various purposes. If not them, then it will be a
minority, or lesser. They are "trusties" in the world. Where
a man could be alone with a woman and not force himself on her,
despite she is looking forward to the activity. Like
"umpa-lumpa's" from "Willy Wonkers Chocolate

If people wanted to "get rid of LGBT" then in the beginning
post WW2, they should have left them alone in there bars, and go
undercover instead to look for real criminal activities. Respect there
fellow men. Trust me it would have all blown over very fast.

The other truth outside of "Soylent Greens", "Robots(
forced labor )", and "Trusties" is the weakness of the
"Rich", "Famous", and "powerful". Many
people of great power have become not only ill-bred, but are
corrupted. This point
was made with Ralph Baski "Coonskin" and his depiction of
the mob. Despite there background/race/religion or corruption, they
have been over-taken, leaving only the meak ( like the little
monkey/clown boy ), and the one man who acts and dresses as they
should be to slaughtered, and what is leftover are the wimps, are more
or less women then men.

They manipulate the world not only in favor of soylent-greens, robots,
trusties, and population control but because they have become so meak,
and so weak they need people to dominate and be equal to. The same
with the dilberts, MGTOW,
and so many other kinds.


Being a straight guy the closest I have come to living normal is
thanks to LGBT people. By normal I mean not being fit, associating
with young, fit, nice girlies, and being able to function. Beyond the
LGBT all you have are stereotypical racist
minded people.

I am not kidding. That is norm ( English speaking ), rude, J-u-es,
insane-Italians, Greedy Eastern Europeans, angry Danes, and so forth
and so forth. There is literally no room for "The minority"
( anything not white enough ) outside of education. When you see any
non-European making it ( especially a black man ) 9/10 a good chance
he is working a
big-job making tons of pay based on education alone, a big job that
nobody wants to do, and is not some random city-job. In terms of
normality there is absolutely none. It is terrible out there and LGBT
have been good to me in my life
in reaching normality without the doubt.

No matter how I dress in life, or what I do I am seen as an outcast.
Beyond my education and my tools that is all I am seen for. A walking
vibrator, a debit-card, a human-shield, some dames golden ticket to
motherhood, all I am.

This is a response to the post seen at:

Subject: Re: The punishment onto the LGBTQ community
From: Danart
Newsgroups: soc.women
Date: Sat, 29 Jun 2024 02:28 UTC
References: 1
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sat, 29 Jun 2024 02:28:06 +0000
Subject: Re: The punishment onto the LGBTQ community
From: (Danart)
Newsgroups: soc.women
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-15
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
User-Agent: newsSync 668621504
References: <v5k6l8$2r71i$>
Message-ID: <>
Date: Sat, 29 Jun 2024 02:28:06 +0000
Lines: 43
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> SarahLevi wrote:
> You know what will be destroyed? That Jim-crow state called
> They will be destroyed.

When you see LGBT you should be thinking along the lines of this.

Sodom-Gomorrah SG was part of gods plan to repopulate the Earth. When
Lot came it was gods plan to halt the city as it's usage changed. Then
of course was the seduction via his daughters as they wanted to
continue his line, despite "lack of men" in the area, thus
holding influences from the SG.

In the modern world LGBT literally was not a problem until people made
it a problem. They did not obey "the law" and now we the
people of the USA and world are going through "Penance". In
which is the reason why we have the marketing of LGBT.

However if you actually care to read. The idea of "Soylent
Greens" being real. The marketing of LGBT beyond discrimination
is literally there to keep the population down, LGBT are literally
robots, or what Abraham Lincoln
personally pushed via the idea of "leaving the Negro behind"
or an attempt to wipe out people of African decent
after the "freeing them". However again we have
"penance" for that as with the creation of a sub-human or
poverty stricken south, what was Wasps was no different then the
homeless or even worst.
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