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soc / soc.veterans / Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part E - Daryl Kabatoff

o Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part E - Daryl KabatoffSqueak

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Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part E - Daryl Kabatoff
September 22nd 2023 10:59 am 223,936 words (261 pages)

“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard

The Sikhs incorporate penises in the architecture of their Golden Temples, the Hindus too incorporate penises into their temple architecture, the Islamists too build penises into their Mosque architecture, and the so-called Christians cap their churches with Egyptian penises. Catholicism is a male dominated fertility cult, as is Islam, Hinduism and Sikhism, so it is not surprising that the Catholics employed a Hindu psychiatrist who told me that I think too much about penises… but again, it is not me who thinks so highly of penises that I would stick a dink on the roof of a church, and besides, Hindus attain their spiritual bliss via orgasm.

Filthy penis-whoreshipping Catholics (they have Egyptian dinks on the roofs of their filthy churches and an Egyptian dink in the center of Vatican Square) hired penis-whoreshipping Hindus (they gain their spiritual bliss via orgasm) to do their dirty work for them. Rather than end psychiatry, Catholics now train and employ Sikh and Islamic psychiatrists as well. They are training foreign-born students to become doctors, including psychiatrists, at the University of Saskatchewan, and Trudeau now allows these foreign-born psychiatrists to practice their “art” in Canada without them being Canadian citizens. In my humble opinion, it is really very wrong to allow Iranian citizens and citizens of other Islamic nations, the right to torture Canadians with psychiatric drugs. Laws in Canada now allow employment to be given to non-Canadians without first advertising the job opening to Canadians, this allows for Islamists to import Pakistani gunsmiths and Iranian marksmen to teach their skills to fellow Islamists living in Canada. In Sweden they teach the newly arrived Islamists to march and shoot, but the teacher has to be a Swedish citizen. Again, in my humble opinion, it is really very wrong to allow Islamists to come to Canada and teach small scale gun manufacturing and marksmanship to their fellow Islamists.

Everybody collectively closes their hearts to the brutal suffering I and other victims of psychiatric horror was made to endure. Not a single one of you has so much compassion in their hearts to warrant you to even try to attempt to make up the loss of years of my life to brutal horrid torture by buying me a simple single holiday to anywhere, instead you filthy animals borrowed money from your children in order to build additional psychiatric torture facilities in North Battleford!!! Your job wasn’t to buy me a holiday, your job was to show compassion to the people who had their rights stripped from them and assist them to flee the country, instead you continue to spend billions of dollars annually turning your homes and cities into blinkin’ temples of fertility. Established Canadians are compassionless slaves who treat their fellow slaves with utter distain and contempt.

Satan dwells in Justin Trudeau’s heart, he is angry with the woman and her seed (Revelation 12), it is the white people of European descent who are the main reservoir of Christianity, the white people will ultimately be exterminated in the war against Christianity and Christian values. Christians of all colors are targeted, but the white people have a special place in Satan’s heart because the vast majority of them either worship Jesus instead of him, or they think more highly of Jesus than him.

Justin Trudeau said “The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." And indeed he is replacing us. And of course he is going to allow a flood of people from around the world to continue to illegally cross our border, and of course will not be checking the newly arrived if they are sick with whatever, for he wants us to roll over and die. One of his best acts of warfare was to allow non-Canadians to work in Canada, even without having the job first advertised to established Canadians. And then there is the issue shutting down our energy sector while supporting Islamic oil. And then there is the issue of underfunding our military and sending them out of country to prop up one group of Islamists who treat their cattle better than women in place of another group of Islamists who treat their cattle better than women. And then there is the issue of handing our military over to Sikh warriors. And then the issue of designing the carbon tax so the greatest proportion of the money raised and rebated goes to the largest families (the Islamists with the four wives). And then there is the issue of allowing the Chinese unfettered access to our resources and allowing them to sue us in secret courts should we hamper their unfettered access to our resources. And then there is the issue of the University of Saskatchewan and other universities reserving seats in different colleges, including The College of Medicine, and train Islamists, Sikhs and Hindus to become psychiatrists, and allow them “work” in Canada without them being Canadian citizens. And then there is the issue of Trudeau borrowing money from banks which they make out of thin air, and at compound interest, rather than printing debt-free money and rather than paying people in gold and silver coins. And then there is the issue of Trudeau threatening to impose martial law if we dare to leave our houses while he allows a continued influx of Chinese and Islamists to arrive at our airports, seaports and borders. And then there is the biggest issue of them all, the height of your living room ceiling, for the taller the ceiling, the taller the tree. Justin Trudeau is an Islamist, they wage war on a very large front and with great deception, and have the nicest trees. Trudeau and his council of Islamists works overtime inventing ways to bankrupt Canada, to hand our nation over to Islamists, to make us slaves, to exterminate us. Obama did the very same to Americans when he was president, both Trudeau and Obama are advised by the same Islamic Sharia council and their leader is Charles. Actually Obama continues his presidency and tells Biden what to say and do.

In the initial phase of this bogus pandemic weapons were unleashed upon the Chinese in Wuhan who were shown on television to be dropping dead as they walked along sidewalks, then later the Communist Chinese Party attacked European and American cities with microwaves of the same frequency and duration that they used against their own people in Wuhan. China created a panic designed to shut down the economies of the nations in this initial phase of the Chinese attack against Western, African, Asian and Australian nations.

Trudeau responded by shutting down the Canadian economy and stopping the education of children. Trudeau then continued to allow a constant stream of Chinese to fly to Canada, when they arrived he did not isolate them nor check their temperatures, nor test them for any number of deadly transmissible diseases. The Chinese media now assures the world that they no longer have the Chinese bat virus in China, that they have cured themselves, and so they should continue to be allowed to fly from China to Canada and to other nations. Canadians are largely under house arrest, our American border is closed while the Chinese soldiers may still fly in. There are certainly more Chinese soldiers and also Islamic soldiers in Canada than we have Canadian soldiers. Then in 2021 I hear in the news that Chinese fighter pilots are being trained in Canada. And the Americans are suffering horribly, they still want to come to Canada to hunt and fish. Everybody is asleep, God has shut your eyes and minds, the only thing that matters to people is the height of their blinkin’ trees and their ability to go shopping, hunting and fishing. The Chinese bat virus continually mutated and has never been more virulent than a common cold, but the danger remains as China is manipulating and weaponizing other bat viruses, and China has other weapons to its disposal that they may have surreptitiously used recently to make it seem that their bat flu was killing people.

Seniors have always died over the centuries due to common colds. People are dying after contracting the Chinese bat flu and other common colds due to dehydration in nursing homes and in hospitals, poor quality nursing home and hospital foods, medical malpractice (drugs that accelerate death), moldy masks, masks contaminated with toxins, masks that are cutting off the oxygen supply, and microwaves. The university buildings and hospitals are being cleaned by Somali and other Islamic staff who don’t give a shit about the dirty stairways, hallways and the rooms housing the sick and elderly. Seniors who come down with a Wuhan Bat Flu or any other flu are best advised to stay home, drink lots of fluids and eat lots of food.

Canadians allow the loss of their nation because they are “nice” (see Ann Barnhardt - Nice, the 11 minute long video is still on YouTube), and only really care about getting their trees to blink. The situation is similar to the Americans electing and re-electing a homosexual Indonesian Islamist to the presidency of the United States of America because “Obama” (not even his real name) posed in front of trees that were lavishly decorated and so appeared to share the American values (see Ann Barnhardt’s video, Obama Closet Homosexual). The American identity has become one big Catholic fertility rite and the American general pubic responds by blaming Jews for all their problems. The Jewish tradition is to teach people about God and His Commandments, the Catholic tradition is to denigrate and persecute Jews and to teach people to bow to blinkin’ trees. The American tradition is to vote for homosexual Indonesian Islamists when they have nicely decorated trees. That homosexual Indonesian Islamist turned trees into decorated idols with the medals of the American war dead, these soldiers did not give their lives to defend Catholic fertility rites. When the homosexual Indonesian Islamist turned trees into decorated idols with the medals of the American war dead, it made Americans happy, so happy that they broke out in song… Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle All The Way… The happy Americans adopted Catholic fertility rites and sang Jingle Bells, and blamed Jews for all their problems. The homosexual Indonesian Islamic President of The United States of America made Americans happy, or at least content enough so they could relax and go hunting and fishing in Canada. The Americans had an Islamic president, and their response was to embrace Catholic fertility rites, sing Jingle Bells, proclaim that Jews ran the world, and go hunting and fishing in Canada.

Click here to read the complete article

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