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soc / / Re: Presiden Obama hurts the blind and vip community/we have time to judge the man, not the blind...

* Re: Presiden Obama hurts the blind and vip communitybando?ers@gmail
`- Re: Presiden Obama hurts the blind and vip community/we have time to judge the bando?ers@gmail

Subject: Re: Presiden Obama hurts the blind and vip community/we have time to judge the man, not the blind...
From: bando?ers@gmail
Date: Sat, 10 Oct 2009 07:22 UTC
References: 1 2
From: (bando?ers@gmail)
Subject: Re: Presiden Obama hurts the blind and vip community/we have time to
judge the man, not the blind...
Date: Sat, 10 Oct 2009 00:22:27 -0700 (PDT)
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References: <h99ek7$8qn$> <>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
X-Trace: 1255159347 3865 (10 Oct 2009 07:22:27 GMT)
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Here is a link that works with nvda and jaws/If you have
player, or another way to play streaming .wma audio.

Tabith Smily is one of the more thoughtful interviewers we have in the
U.S,. these days, and although I don't think Mr. Paterson is exactly
a dynamic speaker, but he does make a couple of valid points; and
shows some errogant politician too.
AT the end of the day he is a man who wants to be Gov. of N.Y., and
his blindness is and to the best of my knolege has never been an issue
with most voters or the press.

bando?ers@gmail wrote:
> I think you should change your subject to pres Obama helps VI
> communitty...
> nomius wrote:
> > I realize that this is not a political group, but in this case politics do
> > have an impact on the blind and vip community.
> I think it is a partly political group; at least by tradition. It
> turns out that President
> > Obama is pressuring Governor David Paterson of New York not to seek re
> > election next year for the good of the Dmocratic party. Apparenlty Mr.
> > Paterson's approval numbers are very low. Paterson if you recall became
> > Governor after Eliot Spitzer was forced to resign amidst a scandal
> > surrounding prostitutes.
> It is by tradition if not by explisit job discription for the pres. to
> have a major role in making his (or in some future her) party
> competetive not only on a federal, but also on all levels of .gov.
> Paterson is not only one of a few African American
> > Governors, but also he is legally blind.
> >
> > It's bad enough, from a civics point of view, that the top elected
> > constitutional officer of the executive branch of the federal government is
> > trying to interfere in a local election,
> I already explained how this works in the u.s., and in most countries
> for bettr or worse/Obama has a lot to try and change, and even if
> this should be changed it would not be on his short and maybe not an
> extra long list of things to do.
> but in addition, Obama is hurting
> > the blind and vip community with his attitude. Whether or not Paterson is
> > the Dmocratic party candidate for next year's election is a matter for New
> > York Democrats to decide.
> And at the end of it all they may, but if Mr. Paterson stays in this
> for long people will start to asociate half blind and blind people
> with failed administrations which will make it harder for the next man
> or woman with a VI condition to get their foot in the door. This is
> the same old politic that exaserbated racism, sexism, and other types
> of prejudice: people supporting any and everyone who shared their skin
> color, ethnic origin, etc. no matter whether they were worth their
> salt or the most corrupt scowndrel in town. Give me a f'ing break!
> I am sure that Obama is not biased against the
> > blind or vip any more than any other person, but his lack of support sends a
> > signal to employers who already make up many excuses not to hire blind and
> > vip individuals. This hurts very much blind and vip individuals who not only
> > struggle daily to obatin gainful employment but also to keep their positions
> >
> There is no comparison between keeping an elected post and keeping
> another job, except that a blind person who gets to keep a job that
> they do less well than average _anywhere is bad for us all.
> if they are lucky enough to get hired. I wish President Obama would
> rethink
> > this matter and let New York Democrats decide who will run for New York's
> > governorship next year. Even though the damage is already done, more damage
> > could be avoided.More damage can only be avoided by Paterson's disappearance from the New York and any other political sceen.
> >
> > Paterson for his part is rejecting White House pressure and vows not to step
> > aside. I believe this is a good thing. Sink or swin, Paterson and the
> > Democrats should do so by their own merrits (or lack thereof).
> Not taking good advice is one of Mr. Paterson's problems, but he has
> many more, but let someone from his state explain them. let the blind
> and VI keep their jobs by working well as everyone else should. The
> only point you almost make is that once a corrupt and worthless blind
> politician is remembered for being corrupt and worthless and the
> blindness is forgotten we will have reached a level of equalitty.(but
> not really so because he will always still be VI!)

Subject: Re: Presiden Obama hurts the blind and vip community
From: bando?ers@gmail
Date: Fri, 25 Sep 2009 23:42 UTC
References: 1
From: (bando?ers@gmail)
Subject: Re: Presiden Obama hurts the blind and vip community
Date: Fri, 25 Sep 2009 16:42:42 -0700 (PDT)
Lines: 65
Message-ID: <>
References: <h99ek7$8qn$>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
X-Trace: 1253922163 376 (25 Sep 2009 23:42:43 GMT)
NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 25 Sep 2009 23:42:43 +0000 (UTC)
Injection-Info:; posting-host=;
User-Agent: G2/1.0
X-HTTP-UserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:
Gecko/20090824 Firefox/3.5.3,gzip(gfe),gzip(gfe)
View all headers

I think you should change your subject to pres Obama helps VI

nomius wrote:
> I realize that this is not a political group, but in this case politics do
> have an impact on the blind and vip community.
I think it is a partly political group; at least by tradition. It
turns out that President
> Obama is pressuring Governor David Paterson of New York not to seek re
> election next year for the good of the Dmocratic party. Apparenlty Mr.
> Paterson's approval numbers are very low. Paterson if you recall became
> Governor after Eliot Spitzer was forced to resign amidst a scandal
> surrounding prostitutes.
It is by tradition if not by explisit job discription for the pres. to
have a major role in making his (or in some future her) party
competetive not only on a federal, but also on all levels of .gov.
Paterson is not only one of a few African American
> Governors, but also he is legally blind.
> It's bad enough, from a civics point of view, that the top elected
> constitutional officer of the executive branch of the federal government is
> trying to interfere in a local election,
I already explained how this works in the u.s., and in most countries
for bettr or worse/Obama has a lot to try and change, and even if
this should be changed it would not be on his short and maybe not an
extra long list of things to do.
but in addition, Obama is hurting
> the blind and vip community with his attitude. Whether or not Paterson is
> the Dmocratic party candidate for next year's election is a matter for New
> York Democrats to decide.
And at the end of it all they may, but if Mr. Paterson stays in this
for long people will start to asociate half blind and blind people
with failed administrations which will make it harder for the next man
or woman with a VI condition to get their foot in the door. This is
the same old politic that exaserbated racism, sexism, and other types
of prejudice: people supporting any and everyone who shared their skin
color, ethnic origin, etc. no matter whether they were worth their
salt or the most corrupt scowndrel in town. Give me a f'ing break!
I am sure that Obama is not biased against the
> blind or vip any more than any other person, but his lack of support sends a
> signal to employers who already make up many excuses not to hire blind and
> vip individuals. This hurts very much blind and vip individuals who not only
> struggle daily to obatin gainful employment but also to keep their positions
There is no comparison between keeping an elected post and keeping
another job, except that a blind person who gets to keep a job that
they do less well than average _anywhere is bad for us all.
if they are lucky enough to get hired. I wish President Obama would
> this matter and let New York Democrats decide who will run for New York's
> governorship next year. Even though the damage is already done, more damage
> could be avoided.More damage can only be avoided by Paterson's disappearance from the New York and any other political sceen.

> Paterson for his part is rejecting White House pressure and vows not to step
> aside. I believe this is a good thing. Sink or swin, Paterson and the
> Democrats should do so by their own merrits (or lack thereof).
Not taking good advice is one of Mr. Paterson's problems, but he has
many more, but let someone from his state explain them. let the blind
and VI keep their jobs by working well as everyone else should. The
only point you almost make is that once a corrupt and worthless blind
politician is remembered for being corrupt and worthless and the
blindness is forgotten we will have reached a level of equalitty.(but
not really so because he will always still be VI!)


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