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soc / / Re: Pschologist Declares Trump's Three Disorders As He Becomes 'tottering, Dementing Old Man'

o Re: Pschologist Declares Trump's Three Disorders As He Becomes 'tottering, DemenSkeeter

Subject: Re: Pschologist Declares Trump's Three Disorders As He Becomes 'tottering, Dementing Old Man'
From: Skeeter
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Date: Sat, 6 Jul 2024 19:03 UTC
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From: (Skeeter)
Subject: Re: Pschologist Declares Trump's Three Disorders As He Becomes 'tottering, Dementing Old Man'
Date: Sat, 6 Jul 2024 13:03:00 -0600
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In article <v6bpc6$3s3uc$>, says...
> Donald Trump's three disorders as he becomes 'tottering, dementing old
> man', claims psychologist
> Psychologist Dr John D Gartner has believes Donald Trump has THREE
> different disorders, pointing to lapses in memory, irrational anger, and
> compulsive behaviour, as he issues warning about Republican
> According to a top expert, Trump's anger will likely get worse if he has
> untreated dementia
> A top psychologist believes Donald Trump has three different mental
> disorders, which he says are obvious in the Republican frontrunner's
> behaviour.
> John D. Gartner - a psychologist, psychotherapist, author, activist, and
> former assistant professor at Johns Hopkins University Medical - explained
> these exclusively to The Mirror. He believes Trump has three psychiatric
> conditions - "malignant narcissistic personality disorder, hyper manic
> temperament, and dementia."
> ?The hyper-manic temperament is where his anger is evident. The 40 tweets
> in one night.. on holidays even. His tweets are full of anger, always
> calling people losers. Trump is raging at 3am on a holiday talking about
> how everyone who doesn?t worship him is a loser," Dr Gartner explained to
> the Mirror.
> READ MORE: Donald Trump declares he's 'ready to rumble' as Joe Biden
> challenges him to two debates
> Trump and gartner split
> Dr Gartner said Biden's brain is 'ageing' while Trump's is 'dementing' (
> Image:
> POOL/AFP via Getty Images)
> Dr Gartner points to Trump's erratic behaviour for the diagnoses: Trump's
> incessant posting of 'Truths' on his social media site, his incoherent
> stump speeches at campaign rallies, and the 77-year-old's inability to
> separate people's identities. The author of The Dangerous Case of Donald
> Trump continued: ?[Trump?s narcissism] has four components, narcissism,
> paranoia, psychopathy, sadism. People who eat, drink, and sleep rage; if
> [narcisists] are not being worshipped, they want to destroy and cause pain
> to anyone who won?t worship them."
> Finally, Gartner shared: "I believe that he?s showing unquestionable signs
> of dementia, and that?s the diagnosis.. we have over 500 signatures from
> licenced mental health professionals on a petition asking for Trump's
> removal." While Gartner insists there is a basis for diagnosing individuals
> from afar, he also warns that if Trump does have untreated dementia, it'll
> make all of his angry outbursts far worse.
> "When people become demented.. whatever personality disorder they had,
> whatever sounds bad, becomes 10x as bad.. it?s hard to imagine.. the Donald
> Trump you see today is the best Donald Trump you?ll see," he explained. On
> April 5, Donald Trump blasted Joe Biden as a violent thug in a new campaign
> video - which also slams Madonna for bragging she "thought about blowing up
> the White House."
> Donald Trump
> By day four of Trump's trial, he's alternating between tired and angry
> faces ( Image:
> POOL/AFP via Getty Images)
> The former president released the unhinged 1.29-minute video on his social
> media platform Truth Social which shows a series of clips of Democrats
> encouraging violence against Trump. But what many refer to as mad
> ramblings, Dr. Gartner says, is much more.
> ?The press calls is ?rambling? but that?s actually misinformation.. people
> understand [those who ramble].. but when? you listen to his speeches,
> they?re incoherent," he said. Adding: "Language, behaviour, motor
> performance, in the area of behaviour, he?s becoming more erratic, more
> disoriented, all the things he did before but now it's in a more primitive
> and decontrolled way, he?s just a pageful ID with no cortex to direct it,
> and think how dangerous that could be."
> In another speech at a fundraiser on April 8, Donald Trump claimed Joe
> Biden soiled himself in the Oval Office. Trump made these strange remarks
> during a roughly 45-minute speech at a dinner where he repeatedly made fun
> of Biden's age and 'inability.' The two are just three years apart in age,
> and Dr. Gartner says Trump is trying to shift the attention off his own
> problems.
> Former US President Donald Trump holds press clippings
> Trump spends a lot of stump speech time on Biden's age and ineptness, and
> that may be to cover up his own, says a psychologist ( Image:
> POOL/AFP via Getty Images)
> "When [Trump] says Obama is president, he?s not joking. He never jokes
> anyway. He really got confused about who the president was. That?s a level
> of confusion you see in Alzheimer?s and dementia. This question is one of
> ones we ask patients; if they don?t know the president, they get
> admitted," explained Gartner.
> "Pathologising Biden?s signs of ageing, but ignoring Trump?s dementia
> symptoms, we don?t have a culture of revering our elders, so we pick on
> these frailties," Dr Gartner said. "Meanwhile, it?s one thing to forget the
> name of the president of France but another to forget the president of the
> "You can?t have both side-ism when you?re comparing apples to rotted
> oranges? the false equivalence is very damaging.. a tale of two brains,
> Biden?s brain is ageing, and Trump is dementing.. that?s what happens with
> misinformation. It takes away our ability to believe.. We?re told not to
> believe our eyes."
> ?There are still a few areas on earth where truth still exists, and one is
> science and medicine," says Gartner, as he urges individuals to "pay
> attention."
> "He?s really a tottering old man that needs care we can see he?s really
> losing it and needs care. Chief executive of the country that has no
> executive functioning left," said Gartner. And his angry outbursts have
> transferred into a gag order on the former president, as Judge Juan Merchan
> grew tired of Trump's constant bashing on social media.
> Now, Donald Trump is seeking to have New York?s highest court intervene in
> his fight over a gag order that has seen him fined $10,000 (£8,000) and
> threatened with jail for violating a ban on commenting about witnesses,
> jurors and others connected to his hush money criminal trial.
> Merchan held him in contempt of court and fined him a total of $10,000 for
> violating the gag order 10 times in recent weeks. The judge told Trump
> afterward that future gag order violations could send him to jail.
> becomes-32577342

and Joe is just batshit krazy.


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