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soc / / Study: Unmarried Men More Likely To Have Stroke

o Study: Unmarried Men More Likely To Have StrokeMyhome

Subject: Study: Unmarried Men More Likely To Have Stroke
From: Myhome
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Date: Sun, 7 Mar 2010 22:31 UTC
From: (Myhome)
Subject: Study: Unmarried Men More Likely To Have Stroke
Date: Sun, 07 Mar 2010 16:31:31 -0600
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(MYFOX NATIONAL) - Add having a happy marriage to the ways of avoiding
a stroke.

MedPage Today reported that an Israeli study showed that single men
are more at risk of dying from a stroke than men who are happily

Dr. Uri Goldbourt of Tel Aviv University announced at an American
Stroke Association meeting in San Antonio, Texas, that men who were
not married at the baseline of his study were 64 percent more likely
to die from a stroke than married men. Men who considered their
marriage unsuccessful were in just as much danger of having a fatal

Dr. Daniel Lackland of the Medical University of South Carolina said
that the findings are consistent with what researchers are seeing in
the United States, according to MedPage Today.

The Telegraph reported that the study followed 10,059 civil servants
and council workers who completed the Israeli Ischemic Heart Disease
Study in 1963. Researchers followed the participants through death
records and other public registers in 1997 to check how they died.

Two years after the 1963 study they had been asked to rate their
marriages as successful or unsuccessful or to answer if they never
married at all.

Herald de Paris reported that the participants had an average age of
49. The research was adjusted for factors such as socio-economic
status and health factors such as smoking and high blood pressure.

Goldbourt said the study shows how important it is to men to have
healthy relationships.

"An analysis of the 3.6 percent of men who had reported
dissatisfaction in their marriage found the adjusted risk of a fatal
stroke was also 64 percent higher, compared with men who considered
their marriages very successful," the Telegraph quoted him as saying.

"I had not expected that unsuccessful marriage would be of this
statistical importance."

Women were not included in the Israeli study.

MedPage Today reported that Lackland said the study shows how having a
supportive partner can be beneficial. He said that some of the
protection may come from having someone to give reminders such as
taking medication or not eating certain types of food.

Having a spouse or partner may also help someone get medical treatment
quicker when such an event as a stroke occurs, he said.


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