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soc / / Older people urged to keep warm

* Older people urged to keep warmmyhome
`- Re: Older people urged to keep warmBluesMa

Subject: Older people urged to keep warm
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Date: Sun, 20 Dec 2009 22:21 UTC
Subject: Older people urged to keep warm
Date: Sun, 20 Dec 2009 16:21:11 -0600
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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Age Action has urged the general public to make an extra effort to keep in
contact with their older neighbours in the coming days in the wake of a severe
weather warning.

The sub-zero temperatures, sleet and snow forecast for the coming days present
a challenge for older people, especially those living alone, Age Action said.

According to Age Action, a study done in Dublin Institute of Technology showed
that the death rate among the over 65s during the first quarter of 2009 jumped
by 10% compared to the average rate for the same period for the previous three
years. This coincided with a time when temperatures were at their lowest since
2001 in most places and the coldest since 1997 in Cork.

In addition to the severe weather forecasts, many support services which older
people depend on (such as meals on wheels and home care) will be suspend for a
number of days over the holiday period, making this a particularly difficult
time for older people.

“It is important that everyone plays their part to ensure that those who are
frail or housebound remain safe and well over this period. We are reminding
people to call in on their older neighbours to ensure they have enough fuel and
basics such as milk and bread,” said Eamon Timmins, CEO of Age Action.

“Older people can also play their part by keeping in telephone contact with
each other and with their family and neighbours,” he continued.

Age Action stressed the need to maintain a comfortable temperature in the rooms
you are living in. It should be 21 degrees Celsius in the room you are living
in and 18 degrees in other rooms.

“If you are struggling to afford to heat your home, concentrate on heating your
bedroom and the other rooms you live in,” Mr Timmins said.

“The temperature in your home is crucial,” he added. “Medical research has
found that when temperatures fall below 16 degrees Celsius there is an
increased risk of respiratory problems. Where it drops below 12 degrees, the
blood thickens and there is an increased risk of stroke and heart attack.”

Full story

Subject: Re: Older people urged to keep warm
From: BluesMa
Organization: Public Usenet Newsgroup Access
Date: Mon, 21 Dec 2009 03:36 UTC
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Subject: Re: Older people urged to keep warm
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Message-ID: <o3CXm.103602$Wf2.34331@newsfe23.iad>
NNTP-Posting-Date: Mon, 21 Dec 2009 03:36:52 UTC
Organization: Public Usenet Newsgroup Access
Date: Sun, 20 Dec 2009 21:36:53 -0600
View all headers wrote:
> Age Action has urged the general public to make an extra effort to keep in
> contact with their older neighbours in the coming days in the wake of a severe
> weather warning.
> The sub-zero temperatures, sleet and snow forecast for the coming days present
> a challenge for older people, especially those living alone, Age Action said.
> According to Age Action, a study done in Dublin Institute of Technology showed
> that the death rate among the over 65s during the first quarter of 2009 jumped
> by 10% compared to the average rate for the same period for the previous three
> years. This coincided with a time when temperatures were at their lowest since
> 2001 in most places and the coldest since 1997 in Cork.
> In addition to the severe weather forecasts, many support services which older
> people depend on (such as meals on wheels and home care) will be suspend for a
> number of days over the holiday period, making this a particularly difficult
> time for older people.
> “It is important that everyone plays their part to ensure that those who are
> frail or housebound remain safe and well over this period. We are reminding
> people to call in on their older neighbours to ensure they have enough fuel and
> basics such as milk and bread,” said Eamon Timmins, CEO of Age Action.
> “Older people can also play their part by keeping in telephone contact with
> each other and with their family and neighbours,” he continued.
> Age Action stressed the need to maintain a comfortable temperature in the rooms
> you are living in. It should be 21 degrees Celsius in the room you are living
> in and 18 degrees in other rooms.
> “If you are struggling to afford to heat your home, concentrate on heating your
> bedroom and the other rooms you live in,” Mr Timmins said.
> “The temperature in your home is crucial,” he added. “Medical research has
> found that when temperatures fall below 16 degrees Celsius there is an
> increased risk of respiratory problems. Where it drops below 12 degrees, the
> blood thickens and there is an increased risk of stroke and heart attack.”
> Full story

For those of us with unstable mobility, cold weather means icy walks.
I for one, fall enough, without adding that challenge.

My house feels comfortable to me at 65 during the day and 60 at night.

Drive up facilities become more attractive, as walking becomes less so.



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