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BOFH excuse #205: Quantum dynamics are affecting the transistors

soc / / FAQ and Charter --- Please read

o FAQ and Charter --- Please readMyhome

Subject: FAQ and Charter --- Please read
From: Myhome
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Date: Thu, 4 Nov 2010 19:33 UTC
From: (Myhome)
Subject: FAQ and Charter --- Please read
Date: Thu, 04 Nov 2010 14:33:14 -0500
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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"Official FAQ" and Charter for newsgroup "".

Below you will find some answers to various questions about
this newsgroup.


1. What is an FAQ?
2. What is the purpose of this FAQ?
3.What is a newsgroup?
4.Topics for this newsgroup
5.Why was this newsgroup created?
6.The Charter
7.Why should we need a disclaimer?

1: What is a FAQ?

An "FAQ" is simply the acronym for the phrase "frequently asked
questions". By reading this FAQ, you will find out what is acceptable
or not while using this newsgroup.

2: What is the purpose of this FAQ?

The purpose of this FAQ is to:

1. Set guidelines for the group
2. Eliminate any confusion concerning use/posting to this newsgroup

3. So what is a newsgroup?

A newsgroup is like a community gathering place where you place
messages about certain topics and other people join in with their own
follow-up comments/messages.

4. What topics can be discussed in

Basically any topic is acceptable that concerns stroke that is not in
contravention with the charter (see #6).

5.Why was this newsgroup created?

It is estimated that nearly 1/4 of men and 1/5 women will suffer a
stroke between the ages of 45 and 85. Nearly 5.3 million people will
die from a stroke this year, and over 9 million people will suffer a
stroke and survive; and based on current growth, there will be a 30%
increase in the number of stroke victims worldwide (per capita)
between 1983 and 2023.

With the ever increasing frequency of strokes there seems to be a need
for this type of newsgroup now. This is so persons struck down with
this debilitating disease can get the support they and their families
need at a critical time in their lives, and where best to get this but
from other stroke survivors and their families

There are a number of organizations involved with the management of
stroke, but there is not currently a stroke-specific Usenet newsgroup
where a stroke survivor can interact with other stroke survivors
around the world. As the problem continues to grow, such a newsgroup
may be able to help stroke survivors and their families support each
other, beyond just the medical aspects of the disease.

6.The Charter is an unmoderated newsgroup where stroke survivors,
their relatives, friends, caregivers, and professionals in the field
can share experiences and exchange ideas on how to cope with the
effects of stroke. Posters are expected to abide by normal Usenet
standards of decorum - for example, bottom posting will be the norm,
and lurking for a while before posting is advisable - and to refrain
from sending articles intended to disrupt the group.

The following are not allowed:

- Personal advertisements
- Commercial advertisements and money-making schemes
- Chain letters
- Threats and/or avocation of violence
- Binaries, except PGP signatures, X-Face headers, and other
ancillary meta-data
- Personal attacks

7.Why should we need a disclaimer?

Remember: There should be no mention of remedies, and or doctor
related procedures. Meds should only be prescribed with doctor's
advise and supervision. Meds can be mentioned, what Meds you're
taking, describing why they were prescribed, how often you take them
and why, but in no way is this information to be considered medical
counsel of any kind..

Note: This FAQ will be posted twice monthly.

FAQ maintainer
Dated: December 1, 2006
Updated: June 4, 2009


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