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BOFH excuse #436: Daemon escaped from pentagram

soc / / Re: Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell keeps claiming Biden said Russia was losing its war with Iran

o Re: Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell keeps claiming Biden said Russia was Bill Pfister

Subject: Re: Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell keeps claiming Biden said Russia was losing its war with Iran
From: Bill Pfister
Newsgroups: alt.gossip.celebrities,, alt.politics.clinton,, talk.politics.guns, alt.society.liberalism
Organization: Mixmin
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2024 21:08 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
From: (Bill Pfister)
Newsgroups: alt.gossip.celebrities,,alt.politics.clinton,,talk.politics.guns,alt.society.liberalism
Subject: Re: Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell keeps claiming Biden said
Russia was losing its war with Iran
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2024 14:08:05 -0700
Organization: Mixmin
Message-ID: <uvs23d$17tf4$>
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On 4/18/2024 7:12 AM, Michael A Terrell wrote:
> On 4/17/2024 8:18 PM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted
> child molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:
>> In article <%w_TN.6866$59Pb.5413@fx16.iad>,
>> says...
>>> On 4/17/2024 6:06 PM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell,
>>> convicted child molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:
>>>> In article <ARZTN.2400$kQxc.1792@fx15.iad>,
>>>> says...
>>>>> On 4/17/2024 3:49 PM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell,
>>>>> convicted child molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:
>>>>>> In article <zeVTN.942$9pR2.413@fx13.iad>,
>>>>>> says...
>>>>>>> On 4/17/2024 12:03 PM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell,
>>>>>>> convicted child molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:
>>>>>>>> In article <3wRTN.318$cji5.222@fx14.iad>,
>>>>>>>> says...
>>>>>>>>> Biden never said that.
>>>>>>>> He did say that.
>>>>>>> He didn't.
>>>>>>>> He said Russia was at war with Iran.
>>>>>>> He didn't.
>>>>>>> He didn't say it in that, either. Listen again:
>>>>>>> He did not say Russia was losing the war in *Iran*, as you have
>>>>>>> now stupidly
>>>>>>> said for the fifth time.
>>>>>> He thought Russia was at war with Iran.
>>>>> Nope. Not Iran.
>>>>> This makes at least five times you've said that. You're wrong. Your
>>>>> own video
>>>>> clip proves you're wrong.
>>>> He said it and I am right.
>>> He didn't say it. He didn't say Russia was at war with Iran.
>> He did.
> He didn't. Not Iran.

The old dementian said "Putin is 'losing the war in Iraq"


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