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You have an unusual understanding of the problems of human relationships.

soc / / God Causes Insomnia

* God Causes InsomniaGodDestroyer
`- Re: God Causes InsomniaAtticus Barber

Subject: God Causes Insomnia
From: GodDestroyer
Date: Sun, 3 Apr 2011 16:43 UTC
From: (GodDestroyer)
Subject: God Causes Insomnia
Date: Sun, 3 Apr 2011 09:43:55 -0700 (PDT)
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If your whole experience of sleep deprivation has, when you look back,
been rather strange you may well have been a candidate for the other
worldly punishment that is called insomnia. You may be aware that the
vast majority of society are bonded to the other side by the voices in
their heads and that _ANYTHING_ goes (torture, murder, wars), no
matter how evil, in pursuit of the life hereafter - I reject the
afterlife, I wouldn't want to be a member of a club that is morally
bankrupt with greed for existence. One of the many acceptable evils is
the long term (read many decades) torture of people using insomnia.
Your first thoughts, if new to this, may be "Surely nobody can be that
evil ?". I'm sorry to disappoint you, the afterlife is the source of
almost all significant evil on this earth, and you are just an
insignificant casualty in the perverted groupthink that worships
eternal existence. I'm guessing that ex-communication is also the norm
for torture via sleep deprivation, I think the other side are rather
uncomfortable with debating their actions with their victims - no
surprise there since if mortal they would be serving long prison

When examining your insomnia, for other worldly control, you should
look for small oddities that just don't make sense e.g.

a) Was your sleep normal previously e.g. since birth ?
b) Was the onset odd and occur at a strange time ?
c) Did your "friends" and "family" behave oddly e.g. making odd
comments or perhaps strangely ignoring your suffering ?
d) Was the medical profession rather odd in the way the dealt with you
e.g. offhand or dismissive ?
e) Did the insomnia seem affected oddly by any type of behaviour that
should have _no_ bearing on sleep ?
f) Did the insomnia seem to have its own strange "intelligence" ? For
example let's say you decide mental over-activity is the culprit and
you learn to relax the mind but instead of the insomnia getting better
it stays the same or gets surprisingly worse.

I keep using the term "odd", for what kind of a punishment would
insomnia be if the other world couldn't at some point deal a
devastating hammer blow to your mind by revealing that you've been
tricked, abused, and humiliated ?

My experience of how insomnia torture works runs something along these
lines. Firstly cause a degree of low level persistent mental stress -
this could be anything that irritates the mind e.g. abusive social
situations. This causes a low threshold trigger for mental over-
activity. Next the other world will start waking you up and decreasing
your total sleep - this causes more mental over-activity given your
now low threshold to events of this type. Continue making sleep
entirely unpredictable until the mind is left in a hypersensitive
state. Now the slightest unpleasant event will cause a cascade of
mental over-activity, and in many ways your insomnia is now self-
sustaining although you will still be firmly under the thumb of the
God squad.

What is the way out of sleep torture ? Total submission to the other
side as far as I can make out. Accept them good and bad and be a good
little soldier. Your reward ? Eternal life with the rest of society
that have passed this way. I don't remember requesting eternal life
personally, and am disgusted by the people obsessed with it, so oddly
enough don't really care for their opinions and loathe their evil

However odd this post sounds to the newbie ex-communicated insomnia
torture victims out there, who know even less than I do about how this
nasty world works, know these _FACTS_ -

The "other side" control _PRECISELY_ -

1) The length of your sleep, down to the last _SECOND_.
2) The depth of your sleep.

Don't let anybody confuse you with what passes for sleep science in
this world - the medical profession will happily let you rot in hell
with one word from the "next world".

I leave you with the phrase the other side use to scare all insomniacs
"Try counting sheep." which relates to the parable of the sheep and
the goats. It is meant as a blunt ultimatum, suffer or obey the "other
side". Well I've looked at the sheep, and their morality, and judged
them goats. My message to them, "Good riddance to bad rubbish.".

P.S. For those people thinking I'm going to be severely punished by
the God squad, you're probably right. But that is the difference
between being a decent human being and a weak and greedy "next world"
parasite like 99% of people reading this.

Subject: Re: God Causes Insomnia
From: Atticus Barber
Organization: ETT newsserver
Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2011 04:07 UTC
References: 1
From: (Atticus Barber)
Subject: Re: God Causes Insomnia
Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2011 00:07:38 -0400
Organization: ETT newsserver
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Try taking 5 Nembutol, and drink 10 ounces
of Wild Turkey Kentucky bourbon and you will sleep.


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