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soc / / My latest psychiatric appointment

o My latest psychiatric appointmentDavid Dalton

Subject: My latest psychiatric appointment
From: David Dalton
Newsgroups:,,,, alt.magick, alt.religion.shamanism
Organization: Eternal September
Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:50 UTC
From: (David Dalton)
Newsgroups:,,,, alt.magick, alt.religion.shamanism
Subject: My latest psychiatric appointment
Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 22:20:02 -0230
Organization: Eternal September
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I’m in the process of applying for the Disability Tax Credit,
which will qualify me for the federal dental program and
which will also result in the province giving me $400 a
month and the federal government giving me $200 a month
as of July 2025, unless new governments are elected and
cancel those benefits. It may also result in an increase
in my GST/HST rebate.

But from looking at the form I thought that I am not
sufficiently impaired, though I was years ago. However
my brother, a retired accountant, told me that I should
go ahead and apply anyway,

There is a long section on the form to be filled out by
my psychiatrist, including my diagnosis of bipolar
mood disorder type 1, which I first received in
September of 1991.

But on the form I had to appear a bit worse off than
I think I am and than I have been presenting myself
to my psychiatrist. At my initial interview with
my psychiatrist in early 2013 I did discuss my comparison
of myself with Taliesin and certain patterns in my
mood cycles, and gave him the title and URL to
my Salmon on the Thorns web page, but I hadn’t
discussed it since then.

So anyway today at my meeting with my psychiatrist
I did say that I benefit from living with family members
and have more problems when living alone, and
that my mental health has improved in recent years
but that stress could cause problems. I also mentioned
that I believe that I now have matchmaking ability and
the ability to determine the special abilities of others.
I also mentioned my comparison of myself to some past
major pagan and non-pagan religious figures, based on
analysis of patterns and significant events in my mood
cycles. I also mentioned my attempts to magically
instigate a global new age, and that it was effectively
a complicated prayer in which I have done much of
the groundwork in the last 28 years. But I said that,
unlike in 1996, I won’t believe anything for sure without
evidence. And I said that I didn’t think that an increase
in medication would change my magical/religious beliefs
and might result in negative physical side effects.

Based on that he may indicate on the form that I
have moderate impairment in mood and moderate
impairment in reality perception, require some
family support, have required brief hospitalization
in the past (five weeks in 1991, one week in 1992,
and three weeks in 1996), and have a diagnosis
of bipolar mood disorder type 1. Hopefully that
will be enough for me to qualify for the tax credit.

At the end of the meeting he said that I was sounding
good and said to come back in eight weeks, whereas
if he thought I was having problems he would have
made it a shorter interval.

David Dalton (home page) Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
“And the cart is on a wheel; And the wheel is on a hill;
And the hill is shifting sand; And inside these laws we stand" (Ferron)


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