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soc / / old Slum Lord post

o old Slum Lord posta425couple

Subject: old Slum Lord post
From: a425couple
Newsgroups:, alt.economics
Organization: - Highest quality at a great price!
Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2024 03:02 UTC
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Subject: old Slum Lord post
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old Slum Lord post

----- Original Message -----
From: "a425couple" <>
Newsgroups: alt.war.vietnam
Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2016 10:25 AM
Subject: Re: Ping Eris - into Dino's "slum"

> "dino" <> wrote in message ...
>> a425couple says...
>>>"dino" <> wrote in...
>>>> a425couple says...
>>>>>So, a bit ago, Eris wanted us to read this site.
>>>>>Here is a decent one from them.
>>>>>"Having stated that her coughing fit last week was due to her
>>>>>seasonal allergies, and that this morning's fainting episode was
due to
>>>>>'overheating', the Clinton campaign now once again changed the
>>>>>changing narrative, releasing a shocking statement by Hillary's
>>>>>according to which she was diagnosed with pneumonia on Friday, ---
>>>>>As CBS writes, Hillary's campaign did not immediately explain why the
>>>>>Democratic nominee did not reveal the pneumonia diagnosis prior to the
>>>>>Sunday incident, raising questions of transparency.
>>>>>This story smells so bad, that even the left-leaning media is upset
>>>>>at the Clinton campaign:
>>>>>It makes one wonder why something as simple as her not being
>>>>>well has to be lied about, covered up, spun, and then propagandized?
>>>>>A distraction from her 'deplorable' comments?
>>>>>Perhaps, but one thing is for sure, all those mainstream media types
>>>>> conspiracy-theorists over health concerns are now silenced.
>>>> You are not going to cry when she is your next POTUS, are you?
>>>No, no cry. Just sad for the average USA citizen.
>>>My rental real estate empire will do just fine.
>> You're a slum lord?
> #1 "dino" says "slum" !!!
> What a pejorative, demeaning, judgemential, class based
> word that this Hillary supporter uses!!
> If idiot Trump, or Romney had ever used the word "slum",
> "dino" and the other lefties would be climbing all over
> themselves criticising him. Shame on "dino" !
> #2 Here I had figured "dino" would give his usual
> 'poor us picked upon vets' type response of
> 'Bullshit. Everybody knows it's a fact those mortgage
> bankers would not give us Vietnam Vets a loan!'
> a425 found that they were quite willing to loan to a person
> who could make decisions and was willing to commit.
>> You're a slum lord?
> #3 I have provided affordable housing for those who were not
> wanting the risks, trouble and commitment of buying a residence.
> When I got back from overseas and off active duty
> Seattle was in tough times. There were some billboards
> saying "Will the last person leaving Seattle please
> turn off the lights?"
> And the Federal Government (HUD) owned many
> thousands of properties and totally proved,
> even to themselves, that they were the WORST
> property managers EVER!!! Houses were sitting
> vacant, off the tax roles, deterioriating and being
> broken into and vandalized. HUD attempts to fix homes
> were quickly destroyed. HUD attempts to rent
> ended in grief for all.
> I determined that Boeing, the Univ. of Washington
> (especially Engr., Computer Sci. & Ceramics, & Biology) would
> lead a good long term economic recovery.
> And I WAS WILLING to bet heavy on it!
> The first and lowest cost house I bought was $7,500 cash for
> 921 19th Ave E, Seattle, WA 98112. It was big and had been
> used by neighborhood kids as a meeting house, but the
> bones had not been damaged!
> A partner, a fellow Marine, put in $7,500 for the improvements
> and another partner ramroded the project. At the end
> we sold it for $32,000. It's now worth $1,036,000.
> So "dino" do you call that "slum" ?
> Next, I bought a 2br, 1 bath + basement house in the
> 4000 block of Fremont Ave N for $22,000 and lived
> in it until 1979. I kept it as a rental after that.
> It's now worth around $600,000.
> Does "dino" call that "slum" ?
> Next, I bought a 2br, 1 bath + basement house in the
> 5400 block of 32nd Ave S for $22,500 and rented it out.
> It's now worth around $355,000.
> Does "dino" call that "slum" ?
> About the same time I bought a 2br, 1 bath + basement house
> in the 900 block of 21st Ave for $17,500 and rented it out.
> This was the house I would have least liked to live in.
> But, the conversations with tenants here gave me by best insight
> into governmential welfare mentality. Yes, they could have
> owned it cheaper than I could, and lived in it cheaper than
> renting from me, but they DID NOT want ownership.
> It's now worth around $462,000.
> Does "dino" call a house worth that a "slum" ?
> About that time fools elected Carter as POTUS,
> and I correctly predicted that him and the Dems
> in the House and Senate were going to make inflation
> ROAR!!! Inflation raises the value to houses,
> and reduces the true value of the debt, giving a
> double bonus to owning investment real estate.
> Sure enough, boom,,, 14% inflation.
> So almost any house that was $50,000 becomes worth $57,000,
> and it's mortgage of $40,000 becomes the equal of $34,400
> to repay.
> So in 1977 I bought a 3br 1 3/4 bath house in the
> 3500 block of 105th NE for $60,000. I lived in it from
> 1979 to 1986, then back to renting it out.
> It's now worth around $550,000.
> Does "dino" call that "slum" ?
> Then came a house in Bothell for $93,000.
> Now worth over $483,000.
> And one in Kenmore for $130,000.
> Now around $400,000.
> And another in Bothell for only $120,000.
> And a condo in Bothell for only $110,000.
> Oh, and along the way, 4 lots of vacant land.
> And more recently our retirement big house on a lake.
> Yeah, Jimmy Carter was a lousy POTUS,
> but he, and his Dems, sure helped me!
> I'm guessing Hillary will continue the trend.
> So, "dino" what predictions have you made,
> and had the courage to act on?


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