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o How Much Does it Take to Be Wealthy in America?a425couple

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How Much Does it Take to Be Wealthy in America?
Published 8 months ago on September 7, 2023
By Dorothy Neufeld
How Much Does it Take to Be Wealthy in America?

How Much Does it Take to Be Wealthy in America?
Is it possible to pin down an exact number on what it takes to be
wealthy, or is wealth far more complex and nuanced than that?

The above graphic looks at data from the 2023 Modern Wealth Survey by
Charles Schwab, which asks respondents what net worth is required to be
considered wealthy in America.

Later, we look at data that partially contradicts those findings,
showing that wealth is more than just a number for many of those same

Wealthy in America: A Closer Look
Overall, the net worth that Americans say that is needed to be “wealthy”
in the United States is $2.2 million in 2023.

Here are the average wealth numbers indicated by respondents across 12
major U.S. cities, based on a survey of 1,000 people between 21 and 75:

Rank City Net Worth to Be "Wealthy"
Net Worth to Be "Financially Comfortable"
1 San Francisco, CA $4.7M $1.7M
2 Los Angeles & San Diego, CA $3.5M $1.5M
3 New York, NY $3.3M $1.2M
4 Seattle, WA $3.1M $1.0M
5 Washington, D.C. $3.0M $1.0M
6 Boston, MA $2.9M $932,000
7 Denver, CO $2.5M $710,000
8 Phoenix, AZ $2.4M $653,000
9 Atlanta, GA $2.3M $729,000
10 Chicago, IL $2.3M $817,000
11 Dallas, TX $2.3M $820,000
12 Houston, TX $2.1M $606,000

In San Francisco, respondents said they needed $4.7 million in net worth
to be wealthy, the highest across all cities surveyed, and more than
double the national average.

This figure dropped from last year, when it stood at $5.4 million. The
vast majority of people in San Francisco say that inflation has had an
impact on their finances, and over half say that living in the city
impedes their ability to reach their financial goals, citing steep costs
of living.

In Los Angeles and San Diego, it takes $3.5 million to be wealthy, the
second-highest across cities surveyed. In New York, it takes $3.3
million in net worth to reach this target. It is home to over 345,000
millionaires, the highest worldwide.

Houston, where the cost of living is less than half of San Francisco,
respondents said a net worth of $2.1 million is needed to be wealthy.
The average salary is $67,000 in Houston, while in San Francisco it
falls at $81,000.

The Wealth Paradox
Separately, the survey asked whether respondents “feel wealthy” themselves.

Overall, 48% of all respondents said they feel wealthy, and those people
had an average net worth of $560,000. This is a considerable divergence
from the $2.2 million benchmark they said was needed to be wealthy.

Here’s the breakdown for major cities, illustrating the paradox:

Percent of Americans Who Feel Wealthy

Millennials were most likely to feel wealthy, at 57% of respondents,
while 40% of boomers felt wealthy, the lowest across generations surveyed.

Explaining the Divergence
When digging deeper, it becomes clear that wealth is not simply a number.

In fact, the survey indicates that many Americans place greater
importance on non-monetary assets over monetary assets when they think
of wealth.

For instance, 72% said having a fulfilling personal life was a better
descriptor of wealth than working on a career, which was only chosen by
28% of respondents. Meanwhile, enjoying experiences (70%) was a better
reflection of wealth compared to owning many nice things (30%).

Interestingly, there was a narrower margin in choosing between the
importance of time (61%) over money (39%).

Beyond monetary figures, these findings illustrate the layers that
influence what it means to feel financially healthy today, and how this
affects an individual’s overall quality of life.

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