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From: valarezo
Date: Wed, 23 May 2012 14:53 UTC
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Sábado, 19 de Mayo, año 2012 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo,
Guayaquil, Ecuador - Iberoamérica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)


Our heavenly Father is guiding you each day into His dwelling place in
heaven by amazing powers of the Holy Spirit only found by faith and
prayer through the glorious life of His blessed Son, our Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach, the savior of Israel and the nations these days and even
beyond eternity too. Therefore, our heavenly Father uses powers that
are available in heaven and on earth through the Holy Spirit of His
continuous celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-blood thus to
drive you each day to Him in heaven, so you may live abundantly the
celestial life that He has granted you to enjoy everlastingly as you
came out from Him.

And the main power that our heavenly Father has been using since the
day He placed His blessed Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, over the eternal
rock within the Holy Spirit of Holiest in heaven and over Mount Sinai
to sacrifice him by shedding the Holy Spirit of the atoning-blood (Gen
1:2), it was because He truly loved us everlastingly. In reality, our
heavenly Father’s love for each one of us is just as the incredible
love that He has always felt for His blessed Son, our Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach, and He loves us this way always because He knows that He
has powers to transform us into His Son from head to foot today and in
eternity too.

Moreover, because of this great love that He has always felt for His
blessed Son, then He has not abandoned us yet to the terrible powers
of Satan’s darkness and deadly lies, because He knows that one day
soon we will be transformed, in a moment of prayer and faith, into the
likeness of His blessed Son filled with sinless life forever. For this
is the infilling of the Holy Spirit so you may be born again not in
the sinful flesh, broken-bones and ill blood from Adam and Eve from
paradise, but from His Son’s, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, so we may
inherit the sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones and atoning-blood thus to
enter eternity dressed properly in our celestial-bodies reserved for
heaven and eternity.

Therefore, through the glorious life of His Son Jesus Christ, then our
heavenly Father is driving each one of us into His dwelling place in
heaven where we will love, respect, exalt and glorify Him forever into
eternity just as His blessed Son with His glorious angels have done it
through the ages until now. Indeed, it is our heavenly Father’s will
that we may receive the Holy Spirit of His blessed name and glorified
commandments, so we may become a different person before His glorious
presence, and, like this, we can be called children of the Most High
God thus to do wonderful things for us and for others too, for His
name’s glories.

Truthfully, this infilling of the new eternal life that our heavenly
Father has granted each one of us to have, it is the infilling of the
Holy Spirit of the eternal life that can only come to us through His
blessed Son Jesus Christ since He alone is the tree of life for angels
in heaven and for men on earth. In other words, our heavenly Father
had His anointed Son Jesus Christ slain spiritually in heaven for the
creation of the world and later slain physically (with our sinless-
flesh) over Jerusalem’s holy hill for every man, woman and child from
the nations, so we may inherit eternal life these days and forever
thus only to know love, peace, prosperity and everlastingly glory.

Furthermore, this is the perfect celestial-life that our heavenly
Father wants every man, woman and child to live with Him these days on
earth and in heaven with His glorious angels too, so He may finally
have the majestic angelic Kingdom that He always dreamed to have His
Son reigning for Him filled with love, peace and glory into eternity.
And for you to enjoy today these blessings of love, peace, health and
glory that our heavenly Father has sanctified for you to receive them
abundantly, then you must always approach Him through His glorious
celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-blood shed from the creation
of the world, so you may feel love, peace and the glory of happiness
heavenly bound eternally.

That is to say, also that our heavenly Father loves to have His new
angelic Kingdom already filled with saved men, women and children from
all the families of the nations so they may love and serve Him
continuously thus to glorify the Holy Spirit of His blessed name and
eternal commandments every day into all eternity to come. Because, to
do these wonderful things before our heavenly Father is what brings
peace, healing, restoration and the joys to enjoy the blessings of
love from heaven always within your heart and living soul each day of
your entire life on earth and into eternity in heaven where our
heavenly Father’s perfect will is always done faithfully as ever.

These days, this is the reason that our heavenly Father is using every
force and power available from heaven and earth to drive you to His
dwelling place in heaven that you will never be able to get there
unless you come to Him through the way, the truth and the life of His
blessed Son, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach. And to walk in this
wonderful way that our heavenly Father has entrusted to each one of us
through His blessed Son, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, indeed it is a
magnificent way to walk in this life and in heaven because it is full
of the Holy Spirit of love, peace, prosperity and miracles of
happiness everywhere for everyone forever.

Consequently, our heavenly Father needs to change your ways these days
because you were born on the way that Adam and Eve inherited from the
fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil as both ate from it
in paradise thus to die someday into an early grave on earth, however,
with Jesus Christ we are always heaven bound. This is the reason that
our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach manifested to his apostles and disciples
by assuring them that he is the way, the truth and the life; and that
no one will never be able to ascend to heaven and see our heavenly
Father in person unless he comes through him, the savior of Israel and
humankind forever into eternity.

Meaning also that the force that drives you daily into an early grave
under the earth it is the ungodly-faith that Adam received within his
heart from Satan’s lies against the fruit of life, however, with Jesus
Christ living within our hearts then he is the force that always
drives us into every blessing, healing and prosperity bound into
heaven perpetually. That is to say, also that Jesus Christ is the
continuous force (or God’s will) from heaven that leads each one of us
into every blessing, miracle and great richness available on earth and
in heaven, but Adam’s force in us is Satan that always drives us to
fall into lies, curses, infirmities and treacherous tricks that causes
to step into hell.

In contrast, there are amazing powers from heaven raining upon your
entire life (Gen 1:2) so you may live a new life believing always
within your heart for justice to confess with your lips for salvation
our Lord Jesus Christ’s name, because as you confess his blessed name
with your mouth then heaven opens to receive you as its lawful
property forever. Because, the truth is that heaven fails constantly
to receive you with the sinful-flesh, broken-bones and ill blood that
you inherited, by default, from Adam and Eve as you were born on earth
through your mother’s womb, however, with Jesus Christ you are always
welcome in heaven because in him you have a new celestial-body filled
with eternal life into eternity.

This means that you are a new person in Jesus Christ born in His image
to live according to His likeness today ready to receive blessings of
miracles for healing, restoration, prosperity thus only to know love,
peace and glory for our heavenly Father’s blessed name and eternal
commandments on earth and in heaven everlastingly. Now, if heaven
receives you today, then that means that our heavenly Father has
accepted you into his divine-life so you may retake the wonderful life
that Satan stole from you with lies that destroyed Adam and Eve thus
never to live in the light of the Holy Spirit’s blessings but only in
the spirit of error and of the fallen angels.

This is the reason that you have suffered so many problems,
difficulties, hardships, infirmities and even threats of death to die
soon lost forever into the netherworld of the lost souls of men in
hell, because you could never present yourself before our heavenly
Father with a lamb that could wash away your sins at once and forever.
However, our heavenly Father in His divine-wisdom provided you with
the Holy Spirit of His Son’s atoning-blood shedding over the earth
from within the Holy of Holiest in heaven and over Mount Sinai thus to
conclude with visible-salvation over Jerusalem’s holy hill, so you may
have your Lamb with the atoning-blood always present before Him for
forgiveness, healing, blessing, prosperity and endless-happiness.

That is to say, also that there are terrible forces from hell that
Satan is using daily to drive you into an early grave with problems,
infirmities, and death, however, our heavenly Father is using even
more amazing powers from the Holy Spirit of His Son’s atoning-blood
shed from the creation of the world so you may return to eternal life
today. In other words, even though this world is filled with sin and
darkness from Satan’s lies and the wicked faith from the spirit of
error within the fallen angels and immoral people everywhere,
nonetheless our heavenly Father is using even more powerful forces
from the Holy Spirit and His Son’s sacrificed life to help you escape
Satan’s deceptions without more ado.

Click here to read the complete article

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