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soc / soc.subculture.expatriate / (IVÁN): ¡FELIZ AÑO NUEVO 2010 para todo el mundo!

o (IVÁN): ¡FELIZ AÑO NUEVO 2010 para todo el mundo!valarezo

Subject: (IVÁN): ¡FELIZ AÑO NUEVO 2010 para todo el mundo!
From: valarezo
Newsgroups: soc.subculture.expatriate
Date: Wed, 6 Jan 2010 17:49 UTC
From: (valarezo)
Newsgroups: soc.subculture.expatriate
Subject: (IVÁN):_¡FELIZ_AÑO_NUEVO_2010_para_todo_el_mundo!
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Sábado, 02 de enero, año 2009 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo,
Guayaquil, Ecuador – Iberoamérica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)

(¡FELIZ AÑO NUEVO 2010 para todo el mundo! Nuestros mejores deseos son
para que cada uno de ustedes disfruten incansablemente de las cosas
buenas de nuestro Padre celestial y de su Hijo amado, nuestro Señor
Jesucristo, llenándose así grandemente en sus vidas de cada una de sus
bendiciones milagrosas para sanidades y salvación infinita de su
Espíritu Santo, en la tierra y en el cielo para siempre. Además, en
éste nuevo año del 2010, nuestro Padre celestial se los ha entregado a
cada uno de ustedes con gran amor sobrenatural porque en él, entonces
Él podrá hacer grandes cosas y sumamente gloriosas en sus corazones y
en cada momento de sus vidas por toda la tierra, para gloria y honra
infinita de su nombre muy santo.

Como de todas esas cosas que nuestro Padre celestial hace por inicio
por cada uno de sus ángeles, arcángeles, serafines, querubines y demás
seres muy santos en su nueva Jerusalén santa y gloriosa del más allá,
por ejemplo, por medio de su Hijo amado, su árbol de la vida y de la
salud infinita, ¡nuestro Señor Jesucristo! Entonces en éste nuevo año,
nuestro Padre celestial les va hacer sumamente fiel a su amor y a su
palabra santísima por medio de su gran amor infinito y sin igual, el
cual él siempre ha sentido por cada uno de nosotros, desde mucho antes
de la fundación del cielo y de la tierra, su Hijo amado, ¡nuestro
Salvador Jesucristo!

Por ello, cada uno de ustedes siéntase bienvenido en la presencia
santa de nuestro Padre celestial en este nuevo año de nuestro Señor
Jesucristo, para que se gocen grandemente del Espíritu Santo de su
amor eterno y fiel, para que así su favor siempre esté en sus
corazones y en su vivir de cada día por toda la tierra. Porque lo
único que tú necesitas en éste mundo de hoy en día para ser
grandemente feliz y lleno a la vez de muchas abundantes bendiciones
sin fin, no es nadie más que sólo tu único y verdadero amor eterno de
tu corazón y de tu alma viviente, el Hijo de Dios, ¡nuestro Salvador
Jesucristo! ¡Amén! ¡Feliz Año 2010 a todos!

Happy New Year 2010 to each one of you everywhere throughout the Land!
May our heavenly Father bless you greatly with your loved ones and
friends in each day of this New Year, so the many good wishes of your
heart may happen successfully, in the name of His beloved Son Jesus
Christ of Nazareth who has all powers and authorities in the heavens
and earth to bless us mightily. In this New Year, our heavenly Father
will be next to you faithfully as always, thanks to the continuous
atoning-blood sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ, and the supernatural
powers He has granted you in His words and good promises, so whatever
you may need then you will have them because lawfully they belong to
you since the start.

Moreover, in these new days, you will have abundantly the endless
presence of the supernatural love of our heavenly Father and of His
Son Jesus Christ that formed you in the beginning in His image and
according to His likeness, so you may live victoriously each day and
filled for eternity with the supernatural presence of His Holy Spirit.
Truthfully, nowadays our heavenly Father wants to fill the earth with
the glorious virgin birth, sacred life to the Holy Spirit of the Ten
Commandments, the preaching and manifestation of the supernatural
powers of His holy name, the lifting of His atoning-bloody body on the
stake to reenter heaven, so His Son’s exalted resurrection may reach
and fill everyone perpetually. Amen!

And may our heavenly Father continue to bless you greatly with the
glorious and supernatural presence, of the Holy Spirit of His tree of
life, His holy atoning-bloody Lamb for the end of sin and the brand-
new holy rebirth for everybody, His personal high priest and temple
for His righteous name, the Rebbe, Yeshua HaMoshiach, Jesus Christ of


The name of our heavenly Father is a strong tower these days: the
righteous run to it and are safe from Satan’s sins and terrible
powers. This is the ancient all-powerful name that is hidden in
perfect righteousness and greatness within the sacred flesh and
atoning-blood of the wonderful and victorious life of His Rebbe,
Yeshua HaMoshiach, our Lord and savior Jesus Christ of Nazareth, who
has the power of not only to forgive our sins but also to bless us
mightily each day and forevermore.

Those that invoke His holy name are never disgraced before Him,
regardless of their religious backgrounds or sins but, instead, they
are exalted in His presence so they may bear witness within their
hearts and entire lives to others that the God that they serve is a
powerful God that can bless and set them free from their daily
troubles. In the invocation of our heavenly Father’s glorious name,
many in the past as well in these days have received power from heaven
not only to erase all their sins from out their lives eternally but
also to solve problems, difficulties, infirmities, and even death
bound to hell too, believe it or not.

For the reason that, at the mention of this glorious name, whether
this is done by angels in heaven or by men on earth, then devils from
everywhere in paradise (as the serpent, for example), on earth and
including the bottomless pit, hell, have to stop what they are doing
to bow down to it immediately with reverence and fear. Angels in
heaven bow down to our heavenly Father’s holy name, the Rebbe, Yeshua
HaMoshiach, at the mention of it by anyone, on earth, paradise or in
any other place thus to honor and glorify it instantly within their
hearts, minds, and angelic spirits, because this is our heavenly
Father’s initial command to them to bow down to Yeshua HaMoshiach’s

Moreover, the same is true for Satan and his fallen angels—here—the
only difference is that they cannot glorify much less honor our
heavenly Father’s name, however, nonetheless, they stop what they are
doing by default to bow down to it with powerful respect and fear
within their inner beings. In the past, whenever the fallen angels
came across Jesus Christ, then they would bow down to him immediately
by saying: We know who you are—you are the Holy One of God! You are
the Holy One of Israel—you are the King Messiah, the Rebbe, Yeshua
HaMoshiach, and the only One that can save Israel and humankind from
the power of Satan and his lies!

However, our Lord Jesus Christ commanded the fallen angels to be quiet
at once, and not to tell any one who he was for the children of
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in heaven and all over the earth, for it was
the work of the Holy Spirit of God to announce his glorious name to
the masses everywhere. (Furthermore, our Lord Jesus Christ as the
Rebbe, Yeshua HaMoshiach, for Israel and the nations commanded to the
fallen angels not to say what they knew about him to any one in Israel
or in anywhere else, because the announcing of his all-powerful and
saving name was never given to them but to men only all over the

Therefore, as the angels, archangels, seraphim, cherubs and other holy
creatures glorify and honor the invocation of our heavenly Father’s
very respectful name, then new blessing begins to come down from
heaven, as the initial celestial-manna of the desert for everyone, so
we may receive comfort from the Holy Spirit of God, in moments of
great need within our lives. And since the devils have nothing to do
with this glorious name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth within Israel or
anywhere else around the world, then they just have to abandon what
they are doing to return to their place of torment in hell—and this is
how people become free every day and everywhere from all of Satan’s

Truly these are very powerful moments within our hearts and every day
lives as we continue to invoke our heavenly Father’s holy name
because, not only angels are exalting and honoring our Lord and
savior’s name but also Satan and his fallen angels have to bow down to
this glorious moment of worship and reverence to our heavenly Father’s
name. And when Satan with his wicked devils stops doing their usual
evils against innocent people, as yourselves, your loved ones and even
friends, then problems, difficulties, infirmities, and even deaths are
delayed or stopped altogether, this is a moment of great miracles
because when nothing human could stop Satan and his devils, then the
invocation of Jesus Christ’s name can.

This means that your heart, mind, body and entire life begin an
instant process of healing when you invoke our heavenly Father’s holy
name within your heart and lips; the pain that is agonizing you,
undeniably, is gone within your life to the place from where it came
to you, the bottomless pit, hell. Indeed, the adversities and
hardships disappear slowly but surely or completely with great
urgency; the infirmities or diseases are gone also never to come to
you again, because Satan with his devils is too busy bowing down to
our heavenly Father’s holy name, and they cannot standup again unless
they are permitted to do so.

Truthfully, this is the precious and glorious name that our heavenly
Father has entrusted wholeheartedly to His holy Angel Son-Messiah, the
Rebbe, Yeshua HaMoshiach, the savior of Israel and of the nations of
the entire world these days and forevermore in eternity, so you may be
blessed with healing righteousness and supernatural powers each day.
In history, this is the all-powerful name of our heavenly Father that
not only liberated Israel from the Egyptian captivity but also took
them across the desert into the Promised Land, so they may serve and
worship Him all the days of their lives with the name of His Rebbe,
Yeshua HaMoshiach, as in the brand-new Jerusalem from heaven above.

Click here to read the complete article

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