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soc / soc.subculture.bondage-bdsm.femdom / BARRACK ROOM BETTY CH. 02

o BARRACK ROOM BETTY CH. 02a425couple

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TV Wrens learn to dress sexy and attract the young sailors.
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379 Works3462 Followers
Chapter Two – Wren Division Ho!

The four Leading Recruits were hungover and hungry and in the grey dawn
and cold bleak light of day they weren't sure that their prank was
really worth it. They entered the cabin and found the four 'Wrens' stood
at attention and immediately began to break down in laughter.

"Of my fucking god you guys look stupid!" Jean Burgess burst out laughing.

Leading Recruit Spike Jones however was not so amused. His brain began
to tick over.

"Stow that bilge Leading Recruit Burgess!" he snapped and the three
other Leading Recruits stopped their guffawing.

"Report!" Spike ordered.

"Recruit Nyland reporting Collins Division for inspection," Mike Nyland

"Wrong, try again fuckhead," Spike snapped his cane against his thigh.

Michael Nyland was confused for a second and he realised what was expected.

"Recruit Wren Nyland reporting Collins Wrens Division for inspection,"
he corrected himself.

Jason Jones strutted along the formation of the four recruits dressed as
Wrens, looking them up and down.

"A piss poor effort Nyland," he snapped.

"They look like they've been dragged through a hedge backwards!"

"You don't look too bad but the rest of this bunch look pathetic. Lift
your skirts!"

"What?" Doc Holliday exclaimed.

"Silence on parade! Lift your skirts!" Spike Jones bellowed.

The three bemused recruits looked at Mike Nyland who nodded at them and
lifted the hem of his skirt exposing his thighs clad in the dark nylon
tights. The others followed suit.

"Higher!" Spike demanded.

They all lifted the navy blue skirts up, exposing their hairy legs
encased in black nylon and their white cotton full-cut panties enclosed
in the darker gusset of their tights.

"Pathetic!" Spike Jones yelled.

Jimmy Lovejoy, Jean Burgess and Billy Marron were pissing themselves
laughing at the four recruits dressed in the Wrens number two uniform.
They looked pathetic. But actually they were surprised at what a good
job they had done to emulate recruit Wrens. None of them would admit it
but they didn't look half-bad in a weird sort of way.

"I'll give you this Nyland; you made an effort but not up to my
expectations," Spike strode up and down the line of 'Wrens".

"Drop your skirts and stand to attention!" he snapped.

"Recruit Cook Holliday, David Holliday, you are now Wren Cook Doris
Holliday. You pathetic porker. Go to the galley right now and start

"What dressed like this?" Doc was bemused.

Spike's cane flicked up and caught Doc on the thigh; the pain
excruciating in the cold.

"Yes Leader," recruit Holliday responded and doubled away to the galley
to make breakfast, glad to be gone regardless how she was dressed.

"Recruit Wrens Perkins and Maine, you want to be Stewards so you can
commence your cleaning duties. Start at our block and make our racks and
clean the cabins, heads and showers. When you have finished take your
breakfast and report to Leading Recruit Burgess who will have a work
list for you. Do you understand!"

Both recruits nodded in unison, fell out and doubled away, even though
they were dressed as Wrens it was good to be no where near these bullies
when their blood was up.

"Recruit Wren Nyland. I gave you a task and you only partially completed

"But Spike..."

The cane whipped out and caught Michael Nyland across the cheek. The
blow was glancing, just enough to cause immediate pain but not hard
enough to leave a lasting blemish. The Leading recruits knew how to
discipline their charges without leaving any evidence. Any marks that
they made would deliberately be on a part of the recruit's bodies
covered by clothing.

"Don't you ever refer to me that way again! I'm Leader or Leading
Recruit Jones to you!" Spike's face was crimson with anger.

"I gave you a task and you haven't completed it to my satisfaction!" he

"I wanted four Wrens on parade this morning and except for you, who I
may add, barely passes muster, I have a bunch of clowns in bad makeup,
shithouse wool hair, and poorly fitting uniforms."

"I did the best I could with the resources I had leader," Mike responded.

"Hey come on Spike I reckon he did pretty good," Jimmy Lovejoy piped in.

"We just wanted then dressed as Wrens so we could take the piss."

Spike turned to his three comrades.

"How do you expect these slackers to make the grade if we don't insist
on perfection!" He screamed.

"You and I are the Leaders, they are the followers. They need to follow
our orders and instructions to the letter!"

Jimmy, Jean, and Billy looked at their compatriot a little bemused. This
was supposed to be a jolly, a prank. There was no way they could justify
their treatment of the four grommets even under the harsh rules and
regulations that applied under HMS Chelmsford Standing Orders. But...
they were not going to argue. With PO Knocker White comatose in the DI
cabin, Leading Recruit Jason Jones was running the rock show at HMS

"Bend over Wren Nyland," Spike said authoritatively.

Mike Nyland had been beaten before with the 'rod'; the cane that some
ratings and Senior Sailors kept hidden from sight but used judiciously
when they thought it was necessary

He complied and bent over, offering his behind to his superior.

"Lift your skirt."

Mike Nyland rucked up his navy blue skirt exposing his trim thighs and
tight buttocks encased in black nylon tights; the white panties visible
under the gusset of the tights. All four of the Leading Recruits would
be lying if they said they didn't find the sight somewhat arousing.

Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack!

The pain was excruciating and tears leaked from his eyes and ran down
his cheeks in runnels tinged with mascara but other than grunting when
struck he refused to cry out.

"Wren Nyland Ho!" Spike commanded, snapping the cane to his side.

Mike stood erect and pulled down his skirt, smoothing it out he stood to

"You want to be a Writer? A scribe?" Spike stepped in close to Mike,
almost nose to nose.

"Yes Leader," Mike responded passively.

"Good. Then square yourself away Wren Nyland, get some breakfast and
report to me in the Regulating Office at 0830. You're going to be my
Wren Writer, the Regulating Officer's Secretary."

"You are from now on, Wren Michele Nyland; understood?"

Mike nodded and the cane flicked out catching her on the thigh again.

"Yes Leader!" she responded.

"Good, now double away and I'll see you at 0830," Spike sneered.

Michele Nyland doubled away as best she could in court shoes and skirt.

"Fuck that was funny Spike," Billy Marron laughed and the others joined in.

"Oh yeah, well I've only just started with my these grommets. I'm going
to make real Wrens out them," he snarled.

Jean Burgess interjected.

"Aren't we going too far Spike? I mean really?"

"Fuck no! I've only just begun. You know what I think? I think we can we
can make these grommets into real Wrens for the next six weeks," he mused.

"Really?" Billy Marron asked bemused.

"Fuck yeah!" Spike replied.

"Now lets see what Wren Holliday has cooked us for breakfast shall we?"
he chortled and led his conspirators out of the Wrens block and over to
the recruit school main cafe.

"Jimmy, you take PO White his breakfast, we don't want him coming to the
café and finding out about what we are up to."

After breakfast Wren Cook Doris Holliday stayed in the galley and cafe,
cleaning the mess traps. Wren Stewards Polly Perkins and Mary Maine
reported to Jean Burgess who gave them a work list that would take them
through to lunch. Wren Michele Nyland presented herself to Spike Jones
at the Regulating Office.

"Sit!" Spike pointed to a seat in front of his desk.

Michele slid her hands under her skirt to smooth it under her as she sat
down and then she crossed her legs at her ankles. These gestures were
not lost on Spike; they were feminine gestures that she did without
thinking they would come naturally to a woman but not to a man. It
seemed to Spike that Michele knew far too much about femininity than she
could have just picked up when he ordered the grommets to dress as Wrens.

Click here to read the complete article

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