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soc / soc.subculture.bondage-bdsm / The science of masturbation: New study traces origins of self-pleasuring in primates

* The science of masturbation: New study traces origins of self-pleasuring in prima425couple
`* Re: The science of masturbation: New study traces origins of self-pleasuring in Brian G
 `* Re: The science of masturbation: New study traces origins of self-pleasuring in Zebee Johnstone
  `- Re: The science of masturbation: New study traces origins of self-pleasuring in Brian G

Subject: The science of masturbation: New study traces origins of self-pleasuring in primates
From: a425couple
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The science of masturbation: New study traces origins of self-pleasuring
in primates
Masturbation in primates was linked to STD prevention and reproductive
Sejal Sharma
Sejal Sharma
Created: Jun 07, 2023 07:48 AM EST

person in the shower with hand on the glass
The science of masturbation
Skyler King/Unsplash

Stay ahead of your peers in technology and engineering - The Blueprint
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unsubscribe at any time.

A new study found that primates masturbated to safeguard themselves
against Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) and to better their chances
of successful impregnation.

Researchers from University College London (UCL) were tracing the
origins of masturbation in primates when they found self-pleasuring to
be an ancient trait among the order and serves an evolutionary purpose.

Primates include lemurs, lorises, tarsiers, monkeys, apes, and humans.
Autosexual behavior, or masturbation, is a common practice across the
animal kingdom but appears to be significantly prevalent in primates.
Its evolutionary history remains elusive, given that there is little
research done to support the behavior.

The study notes that genital stimulation, on a superficial level,
doesn’t exactly serve a higher purpose in evolutionary theory. It
doesn’t increase the survival rate in primates and takes up additional
time, energy, and attention. As a consequence, masturbation became
taboo. Historically, it’s been associated with people who need a sexual
outlet necessitated by a high libido.

'Good luck': Metal detectorists find 2,000-year-old statue with giant penis
Average erect penis length has increased 24 percent globally
Circumcision leads to changes in penis microbiome, study finds
But then the research team thought that since self-pleasuring is so
common throughout the animal kingdom, there has to be a bigger and
clearer explanation.

The team collated information from over 400 sources, including 246
published academic papers, 150 questionnaires, and personal
communications from primatologists and zookeepers, as per a press
release by UCL. From this data set, the researchers tracked the
distribution of self-pleasuring behavior across primates to understand
when and why it evolved in both females and males.

The team tested two theses: Postcopulatory Selection and Pathogen
Avoidance Hypotheses.

The Postcopulatory Selection hypothesis was further divided into two
constituents – the Sexual Arousal hypothesis and the Sperm Quality
hypothesis. The Sexual Arousal hypothesis revealed that non-ejaculatory
masturbation in males speeds up subsequent ejaculation or increases
ejaculate quantity which could help in fertilization. In females,
masturbation increases vaginal pH, thus creating a more hospitable
environment for the sperm. Vaginal excretions have also been known to
filter out inferior sperm and facilitate the movement of high-quality
sperm toward the uterus.

The Sperm Quality hypothesis states masturbation in males before a
sexual encounter improves sperm quality by expelling inferior sperm.

The other thesis, Pathogen Avoidance, predicted that masturbation after
a sexual encounter, in both males and females, helps prevent sexually
transmitted infections (STIs). These postcopulatory genital grooming
strategies include oral self-cleaning, urination, and masturbation to
clean the reproductive tract with ejaculation.

The significance of female masturbation remains less clear, noted the
researchers. The team says that more data on female masturbation and
sexual behavior needs to be done.

Lead researcher Dr. Matilda Brindle said, “Our findings help shed light
on a very common, but little understood, sexual behavior and represent a
significant advance in our understanding of the functions of
masturbation. The fact that autosexual behavior may serve an adaptive
function, is ubiquitous throughout the primate order, and is practiced
by captive and wild-living members of both sexes, demonstrates that
masturbation is part of a repertoire of healthy sexual behaviors.”

The study was published in The Royal Society Publishing.

Study abstract:

Masturbation occurs throughout the animal kingdom. At first glance,
however, the fitness benefits of this self-directed behaviour are
unclear. Regardless, several drivers have been proposed. Non-functional
hypotheses posit that masturbation is either a pathology, or a byproduct
of high underlying sexual arousal, whereas functional hypotheses argue
an adaptive benefit. The Postcopulatory Selection Hypothesis states that
masturbation aids the chances of fertilization, while the Pathogen
Avoidance Hypothesis states that masturbation helps reduce host
infection by flushing pathogens from the genital tract. Here, we present
comprehensive new data documenting masturbation across the primate order
and use these, in conjunction with phylogenetic comparative methods, to
reconstruct the evolutionary pathways and correlates of masturbation. We
find that masturbation is an ancient trait within the primate order,
becoming a more common aspect of the haplorrhine behavioural repertoire
after the split from tarsiers. Our analyses provide support for both the
Postcopulatory Selection and Pathogen Avoidance Hypotheses in male
primates, suggesting that masturbation may be an adaptive trait,
functioning at a macroevolutionary scale.

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Subject: Re: The science of masturbation: New study traces origins of self-pleasuring in primates
From: Brian G
Newsgroups: soc.subculture.bondage-bdsm,
Organization: What? Where?
Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2023 09:37 UTC
References: 1
From: (Brian G)
Newsgroups: soc.subculture.bondage-bdsm,
Subject: Re: The science of masturbation: New study traces origins of self-pleasuring in primates
Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2023 10:37:21 +0100
Organization: What? Where?
Lines: 154
Message-ID: <u6hagm$prjc$>
References: <31ogM.7550$d1y5.5746@fx17.iad>
Reply-To: "Brian G" <>
Injection-Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2023 09:37:27 -0000 (UTC)
Injection-Info:; posting-host="13c59d4f8255695ff24d5210dfc1715c";
logging-data="847468"; mail-complaints-to=""; posting-account="U2FsdGVkX18O6t79TQeYoMRe/vm7LZfo"
Cancel-Lock: sha1:59xOtYDhSjCOhsw+oPtR/Hx16xc=
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2900.2180
X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.3790.1830
X-Priority: 3
X-RFC2646: Format=Flowed; Response
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
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Perhaps its mostly primates is due to the inability of many other species
having hands to enable personal handling of genitals.
Another thing that needs research though is that there are now many ways t
induce an erection in mails, the lack of sensitivity to get to the climax
still is an issue as one ages. The old joke is true, It takes all night to
do what you used to do all night is very true. I speak from experience. When
you do climax though, it is very much pleasure and release, and not very
much to do with fathering offspring, and the female experience seems to be
much the same. It is a great way to de stress as well.
All the taboos around it I think are breaking down, with the possible
exception of heavily religious societies and small town America, at least
admitting to it. Personally, being older, I feel I can grow old
disgracefully, and as I'm alone who cares. Obviously it would be nice to
have just a play partner to help with the kinks, but its hard to find
switches of the opposite sex who want to play with a blind person.

For others, however I'm sure it goes on and harms nobody most of the time.
It is an interesting subject though.


----- is the alter ego of
Brian G.
Anything goes here.
Ambiguous statement intended.
"a425couple" <> wrote in message
> from
> The science of masturbation: New study traces origins of self-pleasuring
> in primates
> Masturbation in primates was linked to STD prevention and reproductive
> success.
> Sejal Sharma
> Sejal Sharma
> Created: Jun 07, 2023 07:48 AM EST
> person in the shower with hand on the glass
> The science of masturbation
> Skyler King/Unsplash
> Stay ahead of your peers in technology and engineering - The Blueprint
> Email address
> By subscribing, you agree to our Terms of Use and Policies You may
> unsubscribe at any time.
> A new study found that primates masturbated to safeguard themselves
> against Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) and to better their chances
> of successful impregnation.
> Researchers from University College London (UCL) were tracing the origins
> of masturbation in primates when they found self-pleasuring to be an
> ancient trait among the order and serves an evolutionary purpose.
> Primates include lemurs, lorises, tarsiers, monkeys, apes, and humans.
> Autosexual behavior, or masturbation, is a common practice across the
> animal kingdom but appears to be significantly prevalent in primates. Its
> evolutionary history remains elusive, given that there is little research
> done to support the behavior.
> The study notes that genital stimulation, on a superficial level, doesn't
> exactly serve a higher purpose in evolutionary theory. It doesn't increase
> the survival rate in primates and takes up additional time, energy, and
> attention. As a consequence, masturbation became taboo. Historically, it's
> been associated with people who need a sexual outlet necessitated by a
> high libido.
> 'Good luck': Metal detectorists find 2,000-year-old statue with giant
> penis
> Average erect penis length has increased 24 percent globally
> Circumcision leads to changes in penis microbiome, study finds
> But then the research team thought that since self-pleasuring is so common
> throughout the animal kingdom, there has to be a bigger and clearer
> explanation.
> The team collated information from over 400 sources, including 246
> published academic papers, 150 questionnaires, and personal communications
> from primatologists and zookeepers, as per a press release by UCL. From
> this data set, the researchers tracked the distribution of self-pleasuring
> behavior across primates to understand when and why it evolved in both
> females and males.
> The team tested two theses: Postcopulatory Selection and Pathogen
> Avoidance Hypotheses.
> The Postcopulatory Selection hypothesis was further divided into two
> constituents - the Sexual Arousal hypothesis and the Sperm Quality
> hypothesis. The Sexual Arousal hypothesis revealed that non-ejaculatory
> masturbation in males speeds up subsequent ejaculation or increases
> ejaculate quantity which could help in fertilization. In females,
> masturbation increases vaginal pH, thus creating a more hospitable
> environment for the sperm. Vaginal excretions have also been known to
> filter out inferior sperm and facilitate the movement of high-quality
> sperm toward the uterus.
> The Sperm Quality hypothesis states masturbation in males before a sexual
> encounter improves sperm quality by expelling inferior sperm.
> The other thesis, Pathogen Avoidance, predicted that masturbation after a
> sexual encounter, in both males and females, helps prevent sexually
> transmitted infections (STIs). These postcopulatory genital grooming
> strategies include oral self-cleaning, urination, and masturbation to
> clean the reproductive tract with ejaculation.
> The significance of female masturbation remains less clear, noted the
> researchers. The team says that more data on female masturbation and
> sexual behavior needs to be done.
> Lead researcher Dr. Matilda Brindle said, "Our findings help shed light on
> a very common, but little understood, sexual behavior and represent a
> significant advance in our understanding of the functions of masturbation.
> The fact that autosexual behavior may serve an adaptive function, is
> ubiquitous throughout the primate order, and is practiced by captive and
> wild-living members of both sexes, demonstrates that masturbation is part
> of a repertoire of healthy sexual behaviors."
> The study was published in The Royal Society Publishing.
> Study abstract:
> Masturbation occurs throughout the animal kingdom. At first glance,
> however, the fitness benefits of this self-directed behaviour are unclear.
> Regardless, several drivers have been proposed. Non-functional hypotheses
> posit that masturbation is either a pathology, or a byproduct of high
> underlying sexual arousal, whereas functional hypotheses argue an adaptive
> benefit. The Postcopulatory Selection Hypothesis states that masturbation
> aids the chances of fertilization, while the Pathogen Avoidance Hypothesis
> states that masturbation helps reduce host infection by flushing pathogens
> from the genital tract. Here, we present comprehensive new data
> documenting masturbation across the primate order and use these, in
> conjunction with phylogenetic comparative methods, to reconstruct the
> evolutionary pathways and correlates of masturbation. We find that
> masturbation is an ancient trait within the primate order, becoming a more
> common aspect of the haplorrhine behavioural repertoire after the split
> from tarsiers. Our analyses provide support for both the Postcopulatory
> Selection and Pathogen Avoidance Hypotheses in male primates, suggesting
> that masturbation may be an adaptive trait, functioning at a
> macroevolutionary scale.
> Add Interesting Engineering to your Google News feed.
> message circleSHOW COMMENT (0)chevron

Subject: Re: The science of masturbation: New study traces origins of self-pleasuring in primates
From: Zebee Johnstone
Newsgroups: soc.subculture.bondage-bdsm,
Organization: Firedrake Synthesis
Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2023 10:18 UTC
References: 1 2
From: (Zebee Johnstone)
Newsgroups: soc.subculture.bondage-bdsm,
Subject: Re: The science of masturbation: New study traces origins of
self-pleasuring in primates
Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2023 10:18:50 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: Firedrake Synthesis
Message-ID: <>
References: <31ogM.7550$d1y5.5746@fx17.iad> <u6hagm$prjc$>
Injection-Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2023 10:18:50 -0000 (UTC)
Injection-Info:; posting-host="";
logging-data="25386"; mail-complaints-to=""
User-Agent: slrn/1.0.3 (Linux)
X-Clacks-Overhead: GNU Terry Pratchett
View all headers

we had a billy goat who would indulge in autofellatio

In soc.subculture.bondage-bdsm on Fri, 16 Jun 2023 10:37:21 +0100
Brian G <> wrote:
> Perhaps its mostly primates is due to the inability of many other species
> having hands to enable personal handling of genitals.

Subject: Re: The science of masturbation: New study traces origins of self-pleasuring in primates
From: Brian G
Newsgroups: soc.subculture.bondage-bdsm,
Organization: What? Where?
Date: Sat, 17 Jun 2023 10:01 UTC
References: 1 2 3
From: (Brian G)
Newsgroups: soc.subculture.bondage-bdsm,
Subject: Re: The science of masturbation: New study traces origins of self-pleasuring in primates
Date: Sat, 17 Jun 2023 11:01:46 +0100
Organization: What? Where?
Lines: 30
Message-ID: <u6k0ag$16sgr$>
References: <31ogM.7550$d1y5.5746@fx17.iad> <u6hagm$prjc$> <>
Reply-To: "Brian G" <>
Injection-Date: Sat, 17 Jun 2023 10:01:52 -0000 (UTC)
Injection-Info:; posting-host="68bb90b5e1b7f19175f9b742edf71bcf";
logging-data="1274395"; mail-complaints-to=""; posting-account="U2FsdGVkX1/oG8vYwkSGWFQLQVnOOACz"
Cancel-Lock: sha1:F4AJdOCNsvubaTpqluuUgiukP/g=
X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.3790.1830
X-RFC2646: Format=Flowed; Original
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-Priority: 3
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2900.2180
View all headers

When I was very very young I was flexible enough to do that, but at my age?
no way!

I'm still struggling as to why its often seen ans wrong to have fun when it
hurts nobody. Its almost as if the only time you should enjoy sex is when
you want to make a new human?
We are well past that, and obviously your billy goat had no such worries.


----- is the alter ego of
Brian G.
Anything goes here.
Ambiguous statement intended.
"Zebee Johnstone" <> wrote in message
> we had a billy goat who would indulge in autofellatio
> In soc.subculture.bondage-bdsm on Fri, 16 Jun 2023 10:37:21 +0100
> Brian G <> wrote:
>> Perhaps its mostly primates is due to the inability of many other
>> species
>> having hands to enable personal handling of genitals.


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