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soc / soc.subculture.bondage-bdsm / A.S.S. Edna and the old Chinaman;

* A.S.S. Edna and the old Chinaman;a425couple
`- Re: A.S.S. Edna and the old Chinaman;Addictive

Subject: A.S.S. Edna and the old Chinaman;
From: a425couple
Newsgroups: soc.subculture.bondage-bdsm
Organization: - Highest quality at a great price!
Date: Sat, 8 Apr 2023 22:53 UTC
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Newsgroups: soc.subculture.bondage-bdsm
Content-Language: en-US
From: (a425couple)
Subject: A.S.S. Edna and the old Chinaman;
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Message-ID: <8gmYL.418814$5S78.329609@fx48.iad>
X-Complaints-To: abuse(at)
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sat, 08 Apr 2023 22:53:56 UTC
Organization: - Highest quality at a great price!
Date: Sat, 8 Apr 2023 15:53:56 -0700
X-Received-Bytes: 24450
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OK, not really bondage, but some coercion.
I have not posted here in a long time.

Edna and the old Chinaman;

This is my story of how my girlfriend became the lover of our
landlord; an older Chinese man. Edna has finally agreed to let me
distribute it. She's added a chapter of her own at the end.

It's true; Edna is not my wife. We've been living together for five
years now, but we never did get married. Perhaps I should stop
introducing her as "My girlfriend", but I don't know what title to
use, exactly.

That's how I introduced her to Mr. Ho. Possibly that's why he thought
it was OK to flirt with her the way he did.

Edna's a long legged blond, with the kind of breasts that men long to
wallow in.

While we were inspecting the premises of our future restaurant, the
landlord, Mr. Ho, couldn't seem to keep his eyes away from her
cleavage. I don't begrudge him that, few men can. But it was funny
because his Coke bottle glasses were only slightly higher than her

We were sitting in a cafe afterwards, to see if we could come to an
arrangement about the lease. It was close, but Mr. Ho just wouldn't
come down to a rent that we felt confident with.

I could see that Edna was doing her best, blasting him with her
irresistible smile, batting her big blue eyes at him, and keeping her
chest in view. The man wavered, but didn't come down far enough.

We shook hands and left, agreeing to think it over.

"It's exactly the location we need. Even at his price, we might be
able to make it work." I said.

"No, Matt. We don't want to start our business and then have it snowed
under by the overhead. If we can't get his price down, we'll just
have to wait until another place comes along."

Edna was right. She's a woman with both beauty and brains. That
must be why I love her so much.

"This is the first decent premises we've seen in six months." I said
in despair.

"I bet if I had the old guy alone for a few hours, I could change his
mind!" She said, half joking. But only half.

"He sure couldn't keep his eyes off you." I observed.

"Not to mention his hand." She added.

"You're kidding!"

"You didn't even notice? He was running his hand up-and-down my thigh
under the table the whole time. I thought if I just kept smiling,
he'd take our offer."

"I think it'll take more than a little feel and a smile for that man
to waver."

Ho phoned the next day. Edna took it. "Yes. Alright. Yes, that
would be nice. I'll see you tomorrow then. Bye bye."

"He wants to meet me, tomorrow at six."

"Do you think he's dropped his price? We should decide what we're
going to tell him. how high we can go, I mean."

"Not 'we', Matt. Me. He wants to meet me tomorrow at six, and take
me for dinner."

"You're kidding. You agreed to that?"

"If we want to break out of this hole we're in, we're going to have to
go the extra yard. I'll get dressed up, and have dinner with the old
guy. What's the harm in it?"

We went to work. I cooked and she waitressed at the same restaurant.
We lived together in a dingy apartment, saving all our money for the
big push; starting our own place.

It's not that we had a terrible boss, or that we were really
suffering. But our dreams were beckoning to us.

Edna looked completely fabulous as she put the final touches on her
makeup, before going out to meet Mr. Ho.

"Are you sure this is what you want to do?" I asked. She looked
completely cool, but I was almost shaking.

"I'm sure. Are you sure?" She looked at me in the mirror as she
tilted her head to one side, letting her long blond hair fall out of
the way as she brushed it.

"I suppose." I agreed, Not feeling sure at all. "You seem to be a
little excited about it." I added.

"It is a bit of an adventure. Our lives have been so boring for so
long. I'm feeling like someone special tonight, a woman of mystery or
something. On a mission."

"But do you really think that that wiley old Chinaman is going to be
willing to come down to our price just because you go to dinner with

She gave me a hard look; "Don't be naive, Matt. There's going to be
more than dinner. If we want to change our lives, there's going to
have to be more."

"Are you telling me that you're actually willing to go all the way
with him? Is that how badly you want to get ahead?"

I guess I am naive, as she said. But I truly was shocked. I guess I
just hadn't had time to think it all through. Everything was
happening very fast.

"Oh, what's the big deal? It's just our upbringing that's taught us
that we shouldn't do these things. People have sex all the time, it's
not like I'm a virgin or something. And even if I was, this might be
worth it. Get real, I'm a waitress and you're a cook. We can't
afford that kind of highbrow morality."

"I thought we had agreed to be faithful to each other."

"I am being faithful. I'm doing this for us."

"But, Jesus Edna, he'd like, 60 years old or something."

"That's why you don't need to get jealous, honey. You know I could've
had my choice of men, and I chose you."

That was true. We were the hot couple in high school, the girls were
all after me, and the boys were all after Edna. Who would've thought
that we'd still be stuck in place five years after graduation?

"He's got nice shoulders though." Edna said.

"Nice shoulders? That guy looks like a little cube, he's only about
five feet tall!"

"Come on, Matt! Help me out here. I want to go and do this, and I
just won't be able to go through with it unless I can find a way to
think of Mr. Ho as at least a little bit attractive. Now I say he has
nice shoulders, and nice thick hair."

"But Edna, what if he gets. well, violent or something."

"I have a little surprise for you. I went to the electronics shop and
bought a little bug I can carry in my handbag. You can drive along
after us, and listen in. How do you feel about that?"

I kept my distance as I followed Edna to Mr. Ho's office at their
arranged meeting time; 6 PM.

They came out of the office together, and got into his car. They were
a funny couple, the way she towered over him.

Mr. Ho was wearing a crisp gray suit, and elevated shoes that didn't
help him reach Edna's height.

They went to a restaurant some distance from town. She stayed in the
car as he walked around and opened her door.

The innocent little ritual made me feel strange; I never walked around
and opened Edna's door.

They went inside, holding hands.

I parked around the corner from the restaurant, and relaxed into my
seat, listening on my head phones. The bug broadcasted a weak FM
signal; I had to stay close. I wondered what the odds were of someone
else accidentally receiving the signal.

The scraping of chairs; the rustling of fabrics.

"Thank you, Mr. Ho. You're so gracious!"

Gracious. Hmmpf.

"I'm so glad I could meet you again. And without your boyfriend."

"Yes. I felt there were some things you would've like to say if he
wasn't there."


"I like the way you touch me." Softly, barely discernible.

They ordered. They ate. They chatted. There's something disgusting
about listening to the sounds of people eating.

Edna made coy little remarks regarding rent prices. Mr. Ho made coy
little remarks regarding Edna's physical charms.

Ho kept quoting silly little Chinese proverbs.

They left. I followed.

"I'd better slide over here. If you keep reaching across like that,
we might have an accident." Edna laughed.

"Yes, this is much more handy. You like when I touch you here?"

"Mmmm, yes. That's nice. Do you like it when I touch you like this?"

"Oh yes. Yes, yes. Very nice, very nice."

I felt a burning in my heart as I pictured where they were touching
each other.

They pulled into a motel. I drove around behind it, parking behind a
chain link fence that marked the rear of the motel property.

I listened to their car door open and close.

"I don't know if you can hear me baby. He's gone into the office of
the sunshine motel to get us a room. I'm feeling good, and I'm sure
this is going to work." Edna said into the bug.

The car door opened and closed again after some minutes.

"Room 6." Edna said. "It six a good number?"

"Very good number. After tonight, maybe my favorite number!" Mr. Ho

I saw the curtains move at one of the Windows behind the motel. I
could see Edna's voluptuous shape; her wide shoulders supporting her
large breasts above a wonderfully slim waste, which tapered out into
the generous hips that I'd always hoped would someday dare our
children. She closed the drapes again, but not all the way. I got
out of the car; I had to walk all the way around to the front of the
motel, through the main gate, and then sneak back behind the building
again on the inside the fence.

Click here to read the complete article
Subject: Re: A.S.S. Edna and the old Chinaman;
From: Addictive
Newsgroups: soc.subculture.bondage-bdsm
Organization: - Highest quality at a great price!
Date: Sun, 9 Apr 2023 18:58 UTC
References: 1
From: colours@shades.of.grey (Addictive)
Newsgroups: soc.subculture.bondage-bdsm
Subject: Re: A.S.S. Edna and the old Chinaman;
X-No-Archive: Yes
References: <8gmYL.418814$5S78.329609@fx48.iad>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=fixed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
User-Agent: Usenapp for MacOS
X-Usenapp: v1.26.6/l - Full License
Lines: 636
Message-ID: <pVDYL.2855151$Z549.1947227@fx15.ams1>
X-Complaints-To: abuse(at)
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 09 Apr 2023 18:58:29 UTC
Organization: - Highest quality at a great price!
Date: Sun, 09 Apr 2023 18:58:29 GMT
X-Received-Bytes: 25855
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On 9 Apr 2023 at 00:53:56 CEST, "a425couple" <> wrote:

> OK, not really bondage, but some coercion.
> I have not posted here in a long time.
> Edna and the old Chinaman;
> This is my story of how my girlfriend became the lover of our
> landlord; an older Chinese man. Edna has finally agreed to let me
> distribute it. She's added a chapter of her own at the end.
> It's true; Edna is not my wife. We've been living together for five
> years now, but we never did get married. Perhaps I should stop
> introducing her as "My girlfriend", but I don't know what title to
> use, exactly.
> That's how I introduced her to Mr. Ho. Possibly that's why he thought
> it was OK to flirt with her the way he did.
> Edna's a long legged blond, with the kind of breasts that men long to
> wallow in.
> While we were inspecting the premises of our future restaurant, the
> landlord, Mr. Ho, couldn't seem to keep his eyes away from her
> cleavage. I don't begrudge him that, few men can. But it was funny
> because his Coke bottle glasses were only slightly higher than her
> nipples.
> We were sitting in a cafe afterwards, to see if we could come to an
> arrangement about the lease. It was close, but Mr. Ho just wouldn't
> come down to a rent that we felt confident with.
> I could see that Edna was doing her best, blasting him with her
> irresistible smile, batting her big blue eyes at him, and keeping her
> chest in view. The man wavered, but didn't come down far enough.
> We shook hands and left, agreeing to think it over.
> "It's exactly the location we need. Even at his price, we might be
> able to make it work." I said.
> "No, Matt. We don't want to start our business and then have it snowed
> under by the overhead. If we can't get his price down, we'll just
> have to wait until another place comes along."
> Edna was right. She's a woman with both beauty and brains. That
> must be why I love her so much.
> "This is the first decent premises we've seen in six months." I said
> in despair.
> "I bet if I had the old guy alone for a few hours, I could change his
> mind!" She said, half joking. But only half.
> "He sure couldn't keep his eyes off you." I observed.
> "Not to mention his hand." She added.
> "You're kidding!"
> "You didn't even notice? He was running his hand up-and-down my thigh
> under the table the whole time. I thought if I just kept smiling,
> he'd take our offer."
> "I think it'll take more than a little feel and a smile for that man
> to waver."
> Ho phoned the next day. Edna took it. "Yes. Alright. Yes, that
> would be nice. I'll see you tomorrow then. Bye bye."
> "He wants to meet me, tomorrow at six."
> "Do you think he's dropped his price? We should decide what we're
> going to tell him. how high we can go, I mean."
> "Not 'we', Matt. Me. He wants to meet me tomorrow at six, and take
> me for dinner."
> "You're kidding. You agreed to that?"
> "If we want to break out of this hole we're in, we're going to have to
> go the extra yard. I'll get dressed up, and have dinner with the old
> guy. What's the harm in it?"
> We went to work. I cooked and she waitressed at the same restaurant.
> We lived together in a dingy apartment, saving all our money for the
> big push; starting our own place.
> It's not that we had a terrible boss, or that we were really
> suffering. But our dreams were beckoning to us.
> Edna looked completely fabulous as she put the final touches on her
> makeup, before going out to meet Mr. Ho.
> "Are you sure this is what you want to do?" I asked. She looked
> completely cool, but I was almost shaking.
> "I'm sure. Are you sure?" She looked at me in the mirror as she
> tilted her head to one side, letting her long blond hair fall out of
> the way as she brushed it.
> "I suppose." I agreed, Not feeling sure at all. "You seem to be a
> little excited about it." I added.
> "It is a bit of an adventure. Our lives have been so boring for so
> long. I'm feeling like someone special tonight, a woman of mystery or
> something. On a mission."
> "But do you really think that that wiley old Chinaman is going to be
> willing to come down to our price just because you go to dinner with
> him?"
> She gave me a hard look; "Don't be naive, Matt. There's going to be
> more than dinner. If we want to change our lives, there's going to
> have to be more."
> "Are you telling me that you're actually willing to go all the way
> with him? Is that how badly you want to get ahead?"
> I guess I am naive, as she said. But I truly was shocked. I guess I
> just hadn't had time to think it all through. Everything was
> happening very fast.
> "Oh, what's the big deal? It's just our upbringing that's taught us
> that we shouldn't do these things. People have sex all the time, it's
> not like I'm a virgin or something. And even if I was, this might be
> worth it. Get real, I'm a waitress and you're a cook. We can't
> afford that kind of highbrow morality."
> "I thought we had agreed to be faithful to each other."
> "I am being faithful. I'm doing this for us."
> "But, Jesus Edna, he'd like, 60 years old or something."
> "That's why you don't need to get jealous, honey. You know I could've
> had my choice of men, and I chose you."
> That was true. We were the hot couple in high school, the girls were
> all after me, and the boys were all after Edna. Who would've thought
> that we'd still be stuck in place five years after graduation?
> "He's got nice shoulders though." Edna said.
> "Nice shoulders? That guy looks like a little cube, he's only about
> five feet tall!"
> "Come on, Matt! Help me out here. I want to go and do this, and I
> just won't be able to go through with it unless I can find a way to
> think of Mr. Ho as at least a little bit attractive. Now I say he has
> nice shoulders, and nice thick hair."
> "But Edna, what if he gets. well, violent or something."
> "I have a little surprise for you. I went to the electronics shop and
> bought a little bug I can carry in my handbag. You can drive along
> after us, and listen in. How do you feel about that?"
> I kept my distance as I followed Edna to Mr. Ho's office at their
> arranged meeting time; 6 PM.
> They came out of the office together, and got into his car. They were
> a funny couple, the way she towered over him.
> Mr. Ho was wearing a crisp gray suit, and elevated shoes that didn't
> help him reach Edna's height.
> They went to a restaurant some distance from town. She stayed in the
> car as he walked around and opened her door.
> The innocent little ritual made me feel strange; I never walked around
> and opened Edna's door.
> They went inside, holding hands.
> I parked around the corner from the restaurant, and relaxed into my
> seat, listening on my head phones. The bug broadcasted a weak FM
> signal; I had to stay close. I wondered what the odds were of someone
> else accidentally receiving the signal.
> The scraping of chairs; the rustling of fabrics.
> "Thank you, Mr. Ho. You're so gracious!"
> Gracious. Hmmpf.
> "I'm so glad I could meet you again. And without your boyfriend."
> "Yes. I felt there were some things you would've like to say if he
> wasn't there."
> Silence.
> "I like the way you touch me." Softly, barely discernible.
> They ordered. They ate. They chatted. There's something disgusting
> about listening to the sounds of people eating.
> Edna made coy little remarks regarding rent prices. Mr. Ho made coy
> little remarks regarding Edna's physical charms.
> Ho kept quoting silly little Chinese proverbs.
> They left. I followed.
> "I'd better slide over here. If you keep reaching across like that,
> we might have an accident." Edna laughed.
> "Yes, this is much more handy. You like when I touch you here?"
> "Mmmm, yes. That's nice. Do you like it when I touch you like this?"
> "Oh yes. Yes, yes. Very nice, very nice."
> I felt a burning in my heart as I pictured where they were touching
> each other.
> They pulled into a motel. I drove around behind it, parking behind a
> chain link fence that marked the rear of the motel property.
> I listened to their car door open and close.
> "I don't know if you can hear me baby. He's gone into the office of
> the sunshine motel to get us a room. I'm feeling good, and I'm sure
> this is going to work." Edna said into the bug.
> The car door opened and closed again after some minutes.
> "Room 6." Edna said. "It six a good number?"
> "Very good number. After tonight, maybe my favorite number!" Mr. Ho
> giggled.
> I saw the curtains move at one of the Windows behind the motel. I
> could see Edna's voluptuous shape; her wide shoulders supporting her
> large breasts above a wonderfully slim waste, which tapered out into
> the generous hips that I'd always hoped would someday dare our
> children. She closed the drapes again, but not all the way. I got
> out of the car; I had to walk all the way around to the front of the
> motel, through the main gate, and then sneak back behind the building
> again on the inside the fence.
> Zippers. Fabrics. The sound quality was excellent.
> "Do you like them?" Edna asked.
> "Very nice. I like, I like very much."
> I could actually hear him kissing and slurping.
> "I like the way you kiss me." Edna said.
> "I like also." Said Ho.
> "Would you like me to suck your cock?" She asked.
> She never asked me that. She had done it once or twice, but never
> come right out and talked about it.
> "Oh yes. Please." He said.
> "You have a very nice penis."
> "Oh! Very nice, you have a very nice mouth, Edna!"
> Laughter, From both of them.
> "Oh Mr. Ho! I like that! Your tongue feels so good against me. Yes,
> yes."
> I got to the window and peered in. I could see the gray head bobbing
> up and down between my woman's thighs. I could see her bright smile,
> and her hand on the back of his head. Her hips bucked up and down,
> meeting the oriental tongue.
> Edna had often hinted that she liked this. I'd only ever done it to
> her once; I didn't like the taste, or the hairs that got stuck in my
> mouth.
> Old Ho didn't seem to mind. He just kept right on going, and Edna
> appeared to climax.
> He crawled up and laid down next to Edna, his back to me, and she
> rolled over to kiss him. They kissed and stroked each other for a
> long time. She stroked his cock, and he couldn't get enough of her
> big young tits.
> I could see his dick. She was holding up and stroking it; I realized
> that she must have seen me at the window, and was showing it to me
> intentionally. It was slightly smaller than mine, but appeared to be
> no less potent.
> He got on top of her, she spread her legs wide. I could see her
> reaching down, guiding him into her.
> His little ass bobbed up and down comically as he buried his head
> between her great white Caucasian breasts. She stroked his head,
> neck, and shoulders.
> I was sure it would be over soon.
> I was wrong.
> Edna started to cry softly, and she wrapped her long shapely legs
> around him. She started to buck her hips again, and I saw her embrace
> tighten on his body.
> He kept right on fucking her at a steady pace while she appeared to
> have a powerful orgasm.
> She lifted his head up from between her breasts, to look into his
> eyes. She lifted herself up and forward, to get her lips to his. I
> saw her tongue moving across the cavity formed by their lips.
> He kept fucking.
> It didn't take long before Edna came again. I have to admit that I've
> never been able to hold out when Edna comes. The way she squeezes me,
> the way she pushes her tongue into my mouth when she comes always
> makes me pop.
> Old Ho's ass just kept bobbing up and down, though. I guess it was his
> age. Libido decreases with age, they say.
> "Oh baby, that's good!" I heard Edna say.
> "Maybe you thought because I am old man I don't have power anymore?"
> Ho said with a grin.
> "You still have it baby. If you keep giving it to me like that, I
> think I'm going to..."
> Once more I heard Edna's low orgasmic moans. Again she leaned forward,
> licking out his mouth like an ice cream bowl while she came.
> I saw her reach under the place where their sexual organs were joined
> together, to stroke his balls.
> "You have to come now, baby. I don't think I can take anymore, please
> come." Edna begged.
> And he did. His face contorted with concentration and pleasure as he
> shot his load into my woman, while Edna gripped his ass in her hands,
> smiling at him in that wonderful way she has, obviously truly enjoying
> his fulfillment.
> They lay silent and still, enjoying the moment. Edna's fingertips
> lightly traced across Ho's short, wide back and shoulders.
> It was cold where I was, and I was getting cramps in my feet. I went
> back to my car, and went home to wait for Edna. She came in about an
> hour later.
> We didn't talk much about it; it was late, and we went to bed.
> I was woken in the morning by Edna's body against mine, her lips on my
> mouth.
> Despite the fact that all she had done had been with my own consent, I
> couldn't shake the feeling of being betrayed. I know I had no right
> to feel that way, but logic has nothing to do with feelings.
> I wrapped my arms around her slender waist, pulling her body to mine,
> my stiffening penis against her belly. I slipped my left thigh
> between her legs, pushing my it against her groin. I started to feel
> better. She was still mine.
> "We got it, baby." Edna said.
> "At our price?"
> "At our first price."
> We kissed, saying nothing for a short time.
> "There is. one other thing though." Edna said quietly. "I have to
> spend one night a week with Quinn."
> Edna adds;
> I've read the story that Matt wrote, and while it's technically
> accurate, I feel that I should add a few things.
> The first time I met Quinn, I thought there was something special
> about him. A certain strength.
> Still, it was the property that Matt and I needed so desperately that
> drove me to do what I did.
> Women with the looks I have are hit on by men constantly. I don't
> mind the stares. Young and old, men's eyes follow me down the street.
> I enjoy being admired, and I don't mind sharing my beauty with the
> world.
> But some men seem to think that I must be for sale. Several times
> wealthy men have offered to keep me. A nice apartment, a car, and an
> allowance if I'll be their mistress. But I don't want to be kept. I
> want to be my own woman, I want to pay my own way. I don't want to
> live from my looks, and windup as one of those hopeless has beens at
> age 40.
> The first time Quinn touched me, in the café with Matt sitting right
> there, I was surprised to find that I didn't mind. I thought it was
> pretty funny, actually. As if this short old man would have a chance
> against Matt; young, tall, and handsome.
> The audacity of it impressed me, though.
> I flirted with him then, and did nothing to discourage him, hoping he
> would soften his bargaining position.
> He didn't, of course, not then. But somehow, I knew he would call. And
> I knew what he would want. If I had felt repulsed by him, I wouldn't
> have done it. But I have to admit that I also wouldn't have done it
> if it weren't for Matt and my ambitions. I had thought I would never
> sell myself, but I had to do something now. I was tired of being a
> waitress.
> Having said all of that, I was surprised to find myself feeling quite
> excited even before I went to meet Quinn that first night.
> I suppose everyone will think it some kind of father fascination.
> Perhaps that's true, I don't really care. What I do know is that I
> found Quinn inexplicably attractive. It wasn't his physical
> appearance; Quinn is a rather handsome man, for his age, but it's
> difficult for a woman to be attracted to man so much shorter than
> herself. No, it was something from within, something about his
> manner. He exercised a certain power over me from the beginning, and
> I succumbed to that power; it seemed to flow over me, and then I felt
> it lifting me, and I felt a strange floating sensation as I gazed into
> his wise eyes.
> The first time we were together, though, in the motel with Matt
> waiting outside, I was mainly with Quinn for the lease. I didn't find
> him unattractive, as I said, but I had only ever been with Matt, I had
> never fooled around.
> I never expected to truly enjoy the experience. I never expected it
> to be the most satisfying sex I've ever had. Despite his height, Quinn
> is incredibly strong. His shoulders are massive, he has a wonderful
> physical confidence, and his endurance is amazing.
> None the less, I know that it's unnatural for a young woman like me to
> be turned on by a little old man. Well, short old man, anyway. Yet I
> am. It may be unnatural, but it makes me happy, it leaves me feeling
> fulfilled. And it's that feeling that keeps me willingly returning for
> more.
> I love Matt; he always treats me with respect. He's my best friend, my
> partner in life as well as business. He loves me, he's devoted to me,
> and I don't plan to leave him. With Matt I'm an equal, and that's
> what I want to be.
> But once a week, I surrender myself to Quinn. Quinn is my master, and
> it's my joy to submit to his wishes.
> Perhaps it's because my pleasure is Quinn's fondest wish. His
> pleasure is mine, and mine is his.
> Quinn has a wife. She isn't quite his age, but her hair is starting
> to gray. Nonetheless, she is still an attractive woman. She doesn't
> resent sharing her husband with me, at least not as far as I can tell.
> I take off every Monday evening from the restaurant, and stay at home
> to prepare myself. Quinn is very particular, so I always take a bath,
> and do my hair and nails before I go to him. I never let Matt come
> inside me for at least a day in advance.
> Also, Quinn insists that I shave my crotch, and I always do so on
> Monday just before I go, so that I'm silky smooth. Quinn absolutely
> loves to lick me out; I think he likes it better than fucking.
> Mrs. Ho always greets me with great warmth, and serves Quinn and I
> tea.
> Then she would respectfully leave us to prepare dinner, which I would
> serve to the two of them when it was ready. I always liked to wear
> one of Lee's kimonos. I'm so much larger than her, that it barely
> covers me; the hem ends just below my smooth crotch, and there isn't
> quite enough fabric to completely cover my breasts.
> After dinner, Lee would once more leave us alone.
> Quinn is very dominant with me. He instructs me when he wants me to
> undress, and then tells me whether to lie on the bed or to kneel down
> and gave him head, or massage his feet.
> Often, he wants me to massage him for some time before we have sex.
> Quinn is often sore from exercise. He teaches martial arts part-time.
> I think that's the extra something I feel from him; that charismatic
> confidence and power, so odd for such a short man to have. It's also
> why he's in such good condition.
> He instructed me exactly how he wanted the massage at first, until I
> could do it properly. He likes me to be naked, except for perhaps a
> push-up bra. He likes to be able to reach over and stroke my pussy
> from time to time, it helps him to relax.
> I don't know why I find it so exciting to be treated like that. But I
> do. It's contrary to what I believe in; I believe in sexual equality.
> But I always do exactly as he tells me, and somehow I just seem to
> always love it.
> He has never been mean to me. Even if he tells me to kneel down
> before him and take his old cock in my mouth, there's a certain
> kindness to the order.
> His touch is always gentle and sensuous. He loves to lick me until I
> come, and often he'll alternately fuck me and give me head
> mercilessly, bringing me to orgasm again and again, until I beg him to
> stop.
> Perhaps that's why I've learned to enjoy the feel of his penis in my
> mouth; I want him to feel as much pleasure as I do. I love to keep him
> on edge, stroking his body and cock, licking his balls, until even he
> has trouble keeping control.
> We enjoy wonderful conversations; we often argue about philosophy and
> politics until 2 AM, and we love to compare our two cultures. I often
> think that the meeting between our brains is as wonderful as the
> meeting of our bodies.
> Last week, Quinn wanted to see his wife and I embrace. We were
> hesitant, but neither of us would ever deny our master his wish.
> This isn't some heavy dominance trip; Quinn is very dominant, and Lee
> and I always, always, do as he asks. It is dominance, I suppose. But
> it's sweet.
> I took the small Chinese woman in my arms. Lee is thin, almost bony.
> We have been sharing a man now for several months. Perhaps that's why
> I found the embrace so natural. I felt great warmth for her; Lee has
> a truly generous heart. Even though I could be a great threat to her,
> she had welcomed me into her home.
> I looked down at her face. She looked serene, so composed and
> peaceful. I stroked her head, holding it against my breasts, and
> found myself thinking that I hoped that when I reached her age that I
> would also have so much contentment.
> She opened her eyes then. They were deep, brown and deep.
> Quinn hadn't asked us to, and I don't know if it's what he'd wanted.
> But I kissed Lee then. So strange to kiss a woman.
> At that moment, I didn't consider this a sexual thing. I just wanted
> her to be aware of the regard I had for her. I'm about a head taller
> than Lee, but she is the number 1 wife. I never let myself forget
> that, and I'm always careful to treat her with respect that she
> deserves.
> That night, for the first time, Lee slept with Quinn and I.
> We all Made love first, of course. I don't think I'm bisexual, but it
> was an incredible experience. I have never seen Quinn so excited.
> Between the two of us, Lee and I were able to take him to heights that
> I don't think he had ever reached before.
> I found Lee's kiss more and more alluring. Her soft sweet mouth on
> mine while Quinn screwed me was an amazing sensation. She was
> returning to me the love and regard that I had for her; she was
> demonstrating that she accepted me not only as her husband's
> concubine, but as a partner.
> She stroked my face while I came, regarding me with kindest, most
> loving face that I'd ever seen.
> We then took turns with our man; one of us would kiss his mouth while
> the other sucked his cock.
> He satisfied us both completely before he came. It takes a great man
> to please two women; he blessed the two of us with his love, sharing
> out his attentions fairly between the two of us. He would mount me,
> and make love with me until that wonderful melting feeling of ultimate
> submission would overcome me; and then do the same to Lee, while I
> stroked him and kissed her, stroked her and kissed him, did anything I
> could think of to increase the sensuality of this incredible
> experience. Finally, Quinn came inside of me, while his wife caressed
> his balls and my ass.
> Lee is my partner now, my partner in the quest for Quinn's greater
> pleasure.
> I'm very excited by these new developments; I'm looking forward to
> taking it further.
> I'm a strong independent woman. For seven days and six nights of the
> week. And on the seventh night, I belong to Quinn, and my only
> purpose is to please him.
> I love Matt, and our business is doing well. But I love Lee and Quinn
> also.
> I'm having a lot of fun, but I'm not sure how long Matt will be able
> to handle it. I hope I will run a not have to choose between my two
> worlds.
> Ace 2001

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