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You will be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize... posthumously.

soc / soc.sexuality.general / Re: mildly down

* Re: mildly downDavid Dalton
+- Re: mildly downTom Allen
`* Re: mildly downDavid Dalton
 `- Re: mildly downTom Allen

Subject: Re: mildly down
From: David Dalton
Newsgroups: soc.sexuality.general
Organization: none
Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 06:28 UTC
References: 1
From: (David Dalton)
Newsgroups: soc.sexuality.general
Subject: Re: mildly down
Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 03:58:40 -0230
Organization: none
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I still think I am compatible only with orgasmic bisexual
by nature women, but it could be that I am compatible
with orgasmic bisexual and orgasmic straight women.

Also I am not attracted to just young beautiful women,
I am also attracted to some ugly and/or fat and/or
older women. (Two examples of much older women I
am attracted to are Alice Munro and Judi Dench.)

So far I have tried matchmaking site Zoosk, where
I was too open and honest and had no luck, and
matchmaking site OK Cupid, which has few local
women and where I have had no luck (I am occasionally
chatting with one atheist vegetarian non-smoker
Sarah McLachlan fan but she I think was turned
off when I said I was pagan). I might perhaps
give a try for a month soon but I will
be less open in my profile if I do, and I will
try to get a better picture to put up first.

What are some of the strikes against me, that
might turn off women between the ages of 40
and 55?

1. I don't have a job (other than a few part-time hours),
2. I am on welfare,
3. I have a major mental illness and think I am
similar to past religious figures,
4. I don't have a driver's license,
5. I don't have a place of my own; I share a house,
5. I am pagan,
6. I am 50 and have grey hair and glasses and am
thirty pounds overweight and out of shape,
7. I am sexually inexperienced and haven't had sex
in 28 years and haven't had an orgasm during sex,
8. Though I like to dance, I am not very good at it,
9. I am a poor conversationalist, rarely approach
women in bars, and am shy,
10. I am a night person and into live music and many
of the women on the dating sites are couch
potatoes and/or outdoor types not into bars,
11. I think I am compatible only with orgasmic bisexual
by nature women, or possibly only with orgasmic
bisexual and orgasmic straight women,
12. I still have a strong affection for Sarah McLachlan
even though we last interacted 19 years ago,
and some affection for other celebrity women,
13. The pictures I put up on the dating sites were
taken with an iPhone 4 and weren't as good
as they could be.

So I figure that opening up about those points in
a dating profile or first meeting would be inadvisable,
but I would plan to open up about them gradually after
meeting a woman for a few times.

I'll try and discuss the matter a little with my
psychiatrist on October 1.

David Dalton (home page) Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
"I see my light come shining/From the west unto the east
Any day now, any day now/I shall be released" (Bob Dylan)

Subject: Re: mildly down
From: Tom Allen
Newsgroups: soc.sexuality.general
Organization: The Eris-tocracy
Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 19:23 UTC
References: 1 2
From: (Tom Allen)
Newsgroups: soc.sexuality.general
Subject: Re: mildly down
Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 15:23:28 -0400
Organization: The Eris-tocracy
Lines: 97
Approved: soc.sexuality.general (Approval key) <>
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David Dalton wrote:
> I still think I am compatible only with orgasmic bisexual
> by nature women, but it could be that I am compatible
> with orgasmic bisexual and orgasmic straight women.
> Also I am not attracted to just young beautiful women,
> I am also attracted to some ugly and/or fat and/or
> older women. (Two examples of much older women I
> am attracted to are Alice Munro and Judi Dench.)
> So far I have tried matchmaking site Zoosk, where
> I was too open and honest and had no luck, and
> matchmaking site OK Cupid, which has few local
> women and where I have had no luck (I am occasionally
> chatting with one atheist vegetarian non-smoker
> Sarah McLachlan fan but she I think was turned
> off when I said I was pagan). I might perhaps
> give a try for a month soon but I will
> be less open in my profile if I do, and I will
> try to get a better picture to put up first.
> What are some of the strikes against me, that
> might turn off women between the ages of 40
> and 55?
> 1. I don't have a job (other than a few part-time hours),
> 2. I am on welfare,
> 3. I have a major mental illness and think I am
> similar to past religious figures,
> 4. I don't have a driver's license,
> 5. I don't have a place of my own; I share a house,
> 5. I am pagan,
> 6. I am 50 and have grey hair and glasses and am
> thirty pounds overweight and out of shape,
> 7. I am sexually inexperienced and haven't had sex
> in 28 years and haven't had an orgasm during sex,
> 8. Though I like to dance, I am not very good at it,
> 9. I am a poor conversationalist, rarely approach
> women in bars, and am shy,
> 10. I am a night person and into live music and many
> of the women on the dating sites are couch
> potatoes and/or outdoor types not into bars,
> 11. I think I am compatible only with orgasmic bisexual
> by nature women, or possibly only with orgasmic
> bisexual and orgasmic straight women,
> 12. I still have a strong affection for Sarah McLachlan
> even though we last interacted 19 years ago,
> and some affection for other celebrity women,
> 13. The pictures I put up on the dating sites were
> taken with an iPhone 4 and weren't as good
> as they could be.
> So I figure that opening up about those points in
> a dating profile or first meeting would be inadvisable,
> but I would plan to open up about them gradually after
> meeting a woman for a few times.
> I'll try and discuss the matter a little with my
> psychiatrist on October 1.

Dave -

I've pretty much abandoned Usenet for Reddit, mainly because that's
where the people are, so let me offer up some suggestions based on that.

There are a number of communities on Reddit for the support and
discussion of a number of different issues, but the salient point is
that you can hang out in a support group for the purpose of trying to
feel better about your lot in life, or you can hang out in a support
group that will challenge you to become better.

You're stuck with the grey hair, but you can learn better diet and
nutrition to lose weight (,
and you can exercise (/r/fitness, /r/fitnessover30).

I suggested /r/theredpill the other day. There are a lot of morons on
that group, but there is a small core of regulars who understand the
concept of working toward self-betterment. There is also /r/sex,
/r/relationships, and several related groups for people dealing with
depression and related mental illnesses.

I'm sure that it seems like a circular puzzle: you can't date until you
feel better about yourself, but you'd feel better about yourself if you
were dating. I can tell you that in this case, the egg does come before
the chicken: You need to feel better about yourself, and that generally
comes with improving your health and well-being.

Best of luck.

Tom Allen

I don't have multiple orgasms, myself. However, I am known to be a carrier.

Subject: Re: mildly down
From: David Dalton
Newsgroups: soc.sexuality.general
Organization: none
Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 04:57 UTC
References: 1 2
From: (David Dalton)
Newsgroups: soc.sexuality.general
Subject: Re: mildly down
Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 02:27:01 -0230
Organization: none
Lines: 17
Approved: soc.sexuality.general (Approval key) <>
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On another group someone suggested that I see a prostitute.

No, I'm not interested in prostitutes. They are
too rushed and clinical, and not interested in
their own sexual pleasure, and I would find it
degrading for the woman, and I don't think I
would be aroused unless the woman was aroused
as well. Also I would prefer to get to know
my next partner well before attempting sex.
Also I am poor.

David Dalton (home page) Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
"I see my light come shining/From the west unto the east
Any day now, any day now/I shall be released" (Bob Dylan)

Subject: Re: mildly down
From: Tom Allen
Newsgroups: soc.sexuality.general
Organization: The Eris-tocracy
Date: Wed, 1 Oct 2014 13:11 UTC
References: 1 2 3
From: (Tom Allen)
Newsgroups: soc.sexuality.general
Subject: Re: mildly down
Date: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 09:11:22 -0400
Organization: The Eris-tocracy
Lines: 23
Approved: soc.sexuality.general (Approval key) <>
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David Dalton wrote:
> On another group someone suggested that I see a prostitute.

I went to a shrink
To analyze my dreams
She says it's lack of sex
That's bringing me down
I went to a whore
He said my life's a bore
So quit my whining cause
It's bringing her down

-- Green Day, "Basket Case."

Heh heh. Sorry, it just slipped out.

Tom Allen

I don't have multiple orgasms, myself. However, I am known to be a carrier.


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