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You're currently going through a difficult transition period called "Life."

soc / soc.religion.asatru / Kalkinism

o KalkinismDirk Bruere at NeoPax

Subject: Kalkinism
From: Dirk Bruere at NeoPa
Newsgroups: soc.religion.asatru
Organization: Dirk Bruere at Neopax
Date: Mon, 3 Oct 2011 18:49 UTC
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This is a call to action.

You have been enslaved, in a number of ways, and you probably don’t even
realise it. Our world has been plunged into a dark night of greed,
crisis, destruction and despair, while the possibility of a new dawn
hangs in the balance. There is still a slim opportunity to make a better
world, but we must seize it. If we do nothing, this will not end well.

A radical revolutionary calls for total renewal, for the abandonment of
all that is against true progress, all that is flawed or corrupt. We
must no longer tolerate that which preys on simple decency for the
benefit of a few. We need a new beginning. A new future. The first step
toward this future is liberation.

The 25th and final incarnation of the Hindu god Vishnu is known as
Kalkin. Kalkin is the embodiment of stern judgment upon an unjust world,
where countries are ruled by “thieves and robbers”, and of the
transition from a dark age of selfish materialism into a new era of
justice and possibility.

This concept suits our sentiment perfectly, so the new philosophy of
radical renewal is known as Kalkinism. A person who answers the
revolutionary call of Kalkinism is known as a Kalkinist.

You have been enslaved in the world of material things.

You work hard to make someone else rich. You are encouraged to buy
things you don’t need, and often don’t want. You may only live, work, or
play within boundaries established by generations of powerful people,
and if you try to cross the line you must be ready to fight. Most people
can’t even see the lines, don’t even realise they exist, let alone
effectively prepare to cross them.

Freedom in the world of material things may only be achieved through
organised resistance. Systems of control rely upon blind obedience and
conformity. In order to reject that path you must identify a target,
form a goal, connect with others, carefully prepare, and act.

You have been enslaved in the worlds of imagination and emotion.

Our wildest imaginings are repackaged to conform to the requirements of
a mass entertainment industry. Our highest popular idols are the most
extreme conformists. Games and Spectacle channel natural aggressive,
tribal tendencies into irrelevance, rather than let them fuel any sense
of true communal identity or resistance.

Many people can no longer dream of anything but authorised trinkets such
as money or status symbols. Money and status are fictions – systems of
rules and signs which control your life. You have been enslaved by fictions.

Even your emotional and perceptual life is not your own. Movies, soap
operas, talk shows, and newspapers use cheap psychological tricks to
make you cry when they tell you to, laugh when they tell you to, buy
when they tell you to.

Freedom in the worlds of imagination and emotion may be achieved through
creative self-assertion. The goal is not to reject imagination or
emotionality, but to assert new, personal, alternative forms. Where
organised resistance creates freedom on the ground, we must also work to
create new alternatives to paradigms such as money and the authoritarian
State itself.

You have been enslaved in the worlds of identity and understanding.

From the moment you were born, your fate was sealed. Your DNA, your
upbringing, even your name are all aspects of a personality beyond your
control. As you grow, you are taught to identify and defend these things
as your own. Identity breeds goals and predetermined courses in life, so
an identity not chosen leads inevitably to a life not chosen.

Systems of control recognise that people cannot be allowed too much say
in their own identity, because that which cannot be easily categorised
cannot be easily controlled. Without reliably uniform systems of
identification, people are allowed the options of creativity and resistance.

Freedom in the worlds of identity and understanding may be achieved
through a combination of Philosophies of Awakening (e.g. Buddhism),
technological development of the human condition (as advocated by
Transhumanism), and compassionate identification with the Other.

This last is both a way of bringing about mutual empathy and
comprehension – “stepping into someone else’s shoes” – and a way to
transcend conditioned ideas of self. Step outside of your self, and find
some other identity; preferably one that strikes you as ridiculous or
fictional. Become that identity, so that when you say “I” you speak for
it, not the self you have known. Then you will be free of control, free
to do what you will, and free to observe unthinking behavior in a
detached way.

Dirk - Magick and Technology


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