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soc / soc.politics.marxism / On Monday's Mark Levin Show

* On Monday's Mark Levin ShowUbiquitous
`- On Monday's Mark Levin ShowUbiquitous

Subject: On Monday's Mark Levin Show
From: Ubiquitous
Newsgroups:, alt.activism, alt.politics, alt.politics.usa, soc.politics.marxism
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 2021 01:05 UTC
NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2021 06:11:15 -0500
Subject: On Monday's Mark Levin Show
From: (Ubiquitous)
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On Monday�s Mark Levin show, Liberty gives people the liberty to destroy
liberty and equality is still equality even when you�re living in hell. The
Cuban citizens are protesting their government�s destruction of civil
society. After six decades of a communist dictatorship, food rationing, and
now limited medicine, Cubans have taken to the streets with their shouts for
liberty. The Cuban government has shut down the internet to prevent the
people from speaking out. The Biden administration blames Cuba�s fiscal
mismanagement and the pandemic as the catalyst for this crisis instead of
calling it the consequences of communism. Then, �American Marxism� is the
most important book Mark�s ever written. Sadly, Marxism has become one of the
most accepted ideologies on college campuses because it splintered off into
several other movements promoted in classrooms by the teachers� unions.
Theories like collective identity, social movement, oppositional protest, and
combat-ready protest are widely taught on college campuses to galvanize mobs
of brain-washed anti-American, Marxist sympathizers. Groups like BLM can no
longer argue for a color-blind society because of the Farakkhan-esque
separatism and Marxist agenda that is being taught in the name of equity.
Later, former President Trump�s class-action lawsuit against the big tech
companies is solid and well written. While these tech firms are private they
act on behalf of the Democrat Party and effectively engage in campaigning.
Censoring the oldest newspaper in America and treating a sitting President as
if he didn�t exist toward the end of his term was only the beginning. The
Democrats will hold onto all of the section 230 protections to shield their
corporatist donors in Silicon Valley.

Subject: On Monday's Mark Levin Show
From: Ubiquitous
Newsgroups:, alt.activism, alt.politics, alt.politics.usa, soc.politics.marxism
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 2021 01:05 UTC
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Subject: On Monday's Mark Levin Show
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Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

This is your last chance, literally until I guess midnight, give or take to
preorder copies of American Marxism, because tomorrow they�re out. I don�t
know how many are going to wind up being sold tomorrow, but we already know
there�s over a quarter of a million. I want you to get a first edition, and
in order to get a first edition, you have to preorder pretty much, and then
you can give them to your kids and your grandkids and other people, because
we�re going to spend some time on this. It�s too important just to look at my
book and move along here. And you can see how it sort of insinuates itself in
so many things that are going on here. Look at Cuba. Look at what�s going on
in Cuba. Now, Cuba is supposed to be one of these utopias where everybody is
equal. Everybody�s taken care of by the government, everybody gets something
for free. The people are starving. There is no health care, there�s no
medicine. There�s a reason why Bernie Sanders has for so long and so many
years applauded Cuba, there�s a reason why AOC. And Bush. And Tlaib, Pressley
and the others are not denouncing Cuba. It�s because they�re American
Marxists, because they agree with backup is doing. You see, equality in hell
is still hell. And look at the two societies, people willing to put their
lives on the line to escape that country, that island country any way they
possibly can. And people trying to get into America. Any way they possibly
can. That juxtaposition should be enough to explain the difference between
liberty and tyranny, between capitalism and Marxism, but apparently it�s not.
Apparently, it�s not. And of course, what the Cuban government has done now
is they�ve cut down the they�ve shut down the Internet. They banned people
from the Internet. Just like what, just like who, just like our big tech.
People who run big tech, the radical Democrats, do the same thing. People
want liberty in the end. Sometimes they don�t realize it when they have it.
Liberty permeates our society. People are free to destroy the society or
attack other people in this country to undermine the rule of law. We�ve never
quite figured out because it�s impossible to figure out the Catch 22, you
see. Where liberty gives liberty to people to destroy liberty. Cannard thing,
it�s a puzzle. Free to destroy. Jen Psaki, the White House briefing today on
the Cuba protests and you see there. When you protest, you can be murdered.
You can ride up on a list. He can be thrown in prison, there is no due
process. Here, when your protest and I mean arson, looting and so forth,
mostly peaceful, of course, you are celebrated. Cut to go. Just to follow up
on Cuba, can you give us a sense of where the president�s policy review is
right now? Do you anticipate making any changes, as Jonathan asked him, where
do you see it going from here? Well, I will say first, and I meant to say
this in response to Jonathan, but there�s every indication that yesterday�s
protests were spontaneous expressions of people who are exhausted with the
Cuban government�s economic mismanagement and repression, economic
mismanagement and repression. That�s a bad combo when you say Mr. Producer.
Economic mismanagement and repression. Interesting. Interesting, we�ll keep
that in mind. Go ahead. These are protests inspired by the harsh reality of
everyday life in Cuba, not people in another country. I�m saying that because
I think there have been a range of accusations out there as well. I�m not
sure what she means. Doesn�t really matter what she means. But the harsh
reality of people living in Cuba under those circumstances is what happens
when you destroy the civil society, when you reject capitalism, when you
reject constitutionalism, separation of powers and all the protections are
brilliant framers put in place. Presently, to ensure that we wouldn�t wind up
like a Cuba or a China. Or Russia. And the rest of it. Part of the problem we
have in this country. Is, of course, a significant problem is the media. The
media in our country are filled with low IQ individuals, individuals who
haven�t experienced much about life. Individuals who live in a bubble. And
individuals who despise the country. Every single one of these American
Marxist movements spawned from Marxism, they endorse, they support every
single one, they don�t challenge any of them. Whether it�s critical race
theory or the degrowth movement dressed up as climate change. Whether it�s
open borders. The transgender movement, of all things, yes. They endorse
every single one of them. Portia Segal Brown, CBS News producer on CBS This
Morning, let�s blame Trump for the throw the crisis in Cuba hat tip
newscasters cut three go on Cuban television. Deschanel blamed the protest on
the US and its trade embargo for a severe impact on Cuba�s recent economic
downturn. The Trump administration passed many more regulations, many more
sanctions against it, which basically has cut off all income coming into
Cuba. Now that that New Yorker is a CBS News producer. Go ahead, single mom
is a CBS News producer based in Cuba. I think the Biden administration at
least said at the beginning he was going to review his policy and make
changes, but nothing has happened. It�s really perplexing, isn�t it? She
doesn�t blame the Marxists brutal, vile system in Cuba. Of course, they�re
free to get whatever they want from other countries pretty much. We have a
trade embargo, you see. That doesn�t stop the communist Chinese or the
fascistic Russians. How about they change the repressive government? CBS News
producer never even enters her head. It�s not even worth discussing. The
American trade embargo. So it�s America�s fault, you see. It�s America�s
fault. It�s appalling. And then, of course, you have people who are trying
to. Make a parallel argument between our country and Republicans and Cuba.
Well, let me tell you something, ladies and gentlemen, Cuba, communist China,
these communist regimes are the logical. Consequence. Of destroying
individualism, liberty. A real serious academic related education where
there�s academic freedom and free speech. The centralization of power. The
centralization of economic decisions, I don�t know how many more examples we
need of inhumanity, impoverishment, police states. Better linked to Marxism
than we have now and have had in the past. And how groups like Black Lives
matter simply because they wrapped themselves in race or antifa or others.
Get away with building support among Americans, quote unquote, elites in the
media and entertainment, in basketball and on and on and on. This is the
consequence. Of this ideology. This is it. And so this is another learning
moment. For us, we, the American people, when we see what�s going on in Cuba,
other people are trying to rise up and now the country starts again. We can�t
see what�s going on in their. The people in Iran tried to rise up, they were
put down. Tiananmen Square, the people in China tried to rise up, they put
people in Hong Kong, tried to protect their liberty, they were put down. How
many more examples do we need? And yet the Democrat Party has aligned itself
with these American Marxist movements. And its spokesman. Dare to accuse
those who stand for liberty and integrity in a voting system and so forth of
doing what they are doing. And I�ll explain more. As the show proceeds.
American Marxism is clearly the most important book I�ve read because of the
Times. And because as I look back on it, you know, I finished it three months
ago. It�s relatable to almost everything that�s going on in this country and
throughout the world. It is impossible even one hour on Sean Hannity�s show
on Friday night, and he�s very gracious to do that for me and these other
programs that I�ve been on. Fox and Friends Sunday, wonderful, wonderful
hosts. I�ll be on Fox and Friends tomorrow. I believe it said. Eight or eight
thirty Eastern Time. But it�s impossible. To convey. In any significant way,
what�s in the book, it�s something you have to read. I can explain. And I
will explain behind this microphone and on live TV and Life, Liberty, and
Levin major aspects of this. Major aspects of this. But it�s not possible to
convey everything that�s in the book. All the puzzle pieces that come
together and so that does require. You to read it or get the audio and listen
to it, but I�m going to do my very best. My very best. To convey as much as I
possibly can. Because we have got to draw a line in the sand now, we�ve got
to defend our kids and our grandkids. We�ve got to defend our borders. We�ve
got to defend our economic system. We�ve got to defend our mores and and
values. Because if we don�t defend it, nobody else will and nobody else can.
It�s that simple. I�ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 2

As long as you have people on network television programs and cable
television programs who are so obsessed and so hateful, the people of this
country will despise the media. They will despise the corporatists that run
the media, that is. The three suit types who stand behind the curtain, Joy
Behar, is a lunatic. She�s low IQ, she�s unhinged. She should be in a padded
cell. She felt at radio. And yet she�s so outrageous and so provocative,
she�s on this network show called The View and of course, on The View, one
tries to out stupid the next. But I think it�s fair to say Joy Behar is the
queen of stupid or the birthing person of stupid. Can I say that, Mr.
Producer? So here she is on The View today, and I say this, this contributes
to the demise of this society. Cut five, go, you know, I despise a
dictatorship, I despise authoritarianism, and I do not want the people. First
of all, as you�re splattering with your spittle all over the place, you do
not despise dictatorship or despise authoritarianism. If it�s dressed up in
Bernie Sanders or AOC or dressed up Democrat, you�ll be marching behind them.
Playing a drum. Go ahead. But under that repressive regime, I do believe that
the blockades need to be lifted so that the people don�t see the blockades
need to be lifted so the people don�t suffer. That�s the problem, our
blockade. Our blockades are the problem. I heard Nikki Haley earlier today
say when it comes to medicine and that sort of thing, we don�t prevent that
getting into Cuba and the people are tired of the failure of their health
care system. Because Bernie Sanders type Obamacare is a failure, it doesn�t
work under any system. Go ahead, move down there. It�s outrageous and you
know what�s outrageous? We�re preventing food from getting to Cuba. We�re not
preventing food from getting to Cuba. Go ahead. This is why I rail against
voters rights in this country, because it is a it is a slippery slope to a
dictatorship when people can�t vote and we have to watch our own democracy
very carefully right now. You are such a buffoon. People can�t vote in this
country. If we take the numbers that have been presented to us, more people
voted than ever before in American history. People can�t vote in this
country. And so we�re on a slippery slope because people can vote in this
country, no, you want a slippery slope because you really do not despise
dictatorship, you really do not despise authoritarianism, and you really do
not despise Cuba under the Castros, one dead, one alive. Neither did Obama.
Neither did Sanders. Neither did the the Stooges. None of them none of them
denounced Cuba. But it�s America�s fault, ladies and gentlemen, even more
than that, it�s Donald Trump�s fault. Of course, every president, Republican
and Democrat, up to Barack Obama, up to Barack Obama, has seen Cuba to be the
police state communist state that it is. But Joy Behar on The View. No, no,
you don�t understand. It�s our fault and it�s Trump�s fault. That�s why
somebody like this should get the hook. I�ll be right back.

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