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soc / soc.politics / Canadian Conservative Appears To Be Eating An Apple; He's Actually Chewing Up This Lefty Journalist

o Canadian Conservative Appears To Be Eating An Apple; He's Actually Chewing Up ThUbiquitous

Subject: Canadian Conservative Appears To Be Eating An Apple; He's Actually Chewing Up This Lefty Journalist
From: Ubiquitous
Newsgroups:,,, can.politics, soc.politics
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2023 01:05 UTC
NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2023 07:39:23 +0000
Subject: Canadian Conservative Appears To Be Eating An Apple; He's Actually Chewing Up This Lefty Journalist
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Canadian politician Pierre Poilievre casually rebuffed a left-leaning
reporter � while eating an apple � during a recent exchange that has
since gone viral.

Poilievre, leader of the Conservative Party of Canada and the Official
Opposition since 2022, is currently running to serve as prime minister
� and he made it clear that he was not going to allow reporters to set
the narrative without a fight.


Pierre Poilievre casually smacks down a left wing journalist
while munching on an apple.

� (@townhallcom) October 17, 2023

�On the topic, I mean, in terms of your sort of strategy currently,
you�re obviously taking the populist pathway �� the reporter began.

�What does that mean?� Poilievre asked around a mouthful of his apple.

�Well, appealing to people�s more emotional levels, I would guess,� the
reporter replied with a laugh. �I mean ��

�What do you mean by that?� Poilievre pressed.

�Certainly you tap, certainly you tap very strong ideological language
quite frequently ��

�Like what?� Poilievre asked between bites.

�Uhh, left-wing, you know, this and that, right-wing, you know, that
type of �� the reporter appeared to be caught off guard by the

�I almost never talk about � I never really talk about left or right, I
don�t really believe in that,� Poilievre stated.

�Okay, a lot of people would say that you�re simply taking a page out
of the Donald Trump book �� the reporter tried a different tack.

�A lot of people � like which people would say that?� Poilievre asked,
taking another bite.

�Well, I�m sure a great many Canadians, but �� the reporter tried to
continue, laughing uncomfortably.

�Like who?� Poilievre was insistent.

�I don�t know who, but �� the reporter protested.

�Well, you�re the one who asked the question,� Poilievre pointed out.
�So you must know somebody.�

�Okay,� the reporter laughed again, trying to salvage the point. �I�m
sure there�s some out there, but anyway, the point of this question is,
why should Canadians trust you with their vote given not just the sort
of ideological inclination in terms of taking the page out of Donald
Trump�s book, but also ��

Poilievre pushed back again, asking, �What are you talking about? What
page? What page? Can you give me a page? Give me the page. You keep
saying that ��

�In terms of turning things quite dramatically in terms of Trudeau and
the left-wing and all of this, I mean, you make quite a � you know �
it�s quite a play that you make on it, so �� the reporter appeared to
struggle to find his question.

�I�m not sure � I don�t know what your question is,� Poilievre replied,
appearing confused.

�Then forget that,� the reporter gave up, opting to strip the question
down to its simplest form: �Why should Canadians trust you with their

Poilievre delivered a simple answer: �Common sense. Common sense. For a
change, we�re going to make common sense common in this country. We
don�t have any common sense in the current government.�

Poilievre went on to turn his attention to current Prime Minister
Justin Trudeau, explaining why he believed the liberals had failed at
their chance to govern.

Let's go Brandon!


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