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soc / / Was Duclert Macron's man ?

o Was Duclert Macron's man ?

Subject: Was Duclert Macron's man ?
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2023 08:15 UTC
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Many people in France wonder about what has become of the archives concerning the Rwandan genocide of 1994.

The exaggerated caution of President Macron, to continue the study of the archives concerning the decisions of the Élysée, before and during the Rwandan genocide, could raise suspicion.

It should be remembered that in 2019, the historian Vincent Duclert was appointed by Mr. Macron "to study all the archives concerning the policy carried out in Rwanda" (1)

«Of course, what must be done in order to be able to have a real debate between historians is to open up all the documents to them, by authorizing them to photograph them. The Duclert commission will always be suspected of having left out documents, either because it did not see them, or because it did not want to show them, or because they were not presented to it. Because of the intervention of the power in the choice of the members of the commission, it will have to fight a lot if it wants to prove its independence.» (1)

Why is it important to quickly continue the opening of the archives? The partial opening of the archives was spectacular!

“French complicity finally publicized!

Since January 2021, the issue of French complicity in the genocide of the Tutsis has received unparalleled media coverage, a consequence of the (partial) opening of the archives.
Many media have relayed and detailed the information found by François Graner (2) in the national archives. (1)

“Which archives would there still be to analyze?

The Quai d'Orsay archives are only accessible up to 1993. For the rest, we still have to make do with the selection published in the appendix to the report of the Parliamentary Mission. Regarding the Élysée, the archives of Mitterrand's military advisers, Admiral Jacques Lanxade and then General Christian Quesnot, were not transferred to the National Archives. They may be at the Defense Historical Service (SHD).
This SHD keeps at Vincennes at least ten times more documents than the National Archives. But the requests that were made before the judgment of the Council of State were refused. (1)

In french


In english


Testimony unrelated to the blog above.

Genocide in the skin

This paragraph was translated by translation software

"The senses alert, he scoots towards the family home. He hears the mayor of the village shouting in a megaphone that the Tutsis must be chased like "snakes". All. Even babies. Pregnant women must be disemboweled to extract future "cockroaches". Already, corpses litter the streets. People seem to have gone mad. Albert sees two neighbors capture a man, cut his legs with a machete and spray his sores with salt to torture him ”

The rest of the story is in French. The page will need to be translated.

Here is the link :


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