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BOFH excuse #309: firewall needs cooling

soc / / Welcome

o WelcomeStackFault

Subject: Welcome
From: StackFault
Organization: fsxNet Usenet Gateway |
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2018 09:45 UTC
From: StackFault@f172.n1.z21.fsxnet (StackFault)
Subject: Welcome
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2018 21:45:51 +1200
Organization: fsxNet Usenet Gateway |
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Welcome to The Bottomless Abyss BBS, new user!

This message is a short note to welcome you to the BBS.

In order to fully enjoy your experience, make sure you use a BBS-enabled
client. The most popular clients are NetRunner and SyncTerm but if you don't
mind the Z-Modem file transfers, a good Telnet/SSH client with UTF-8 or CP437
support will do but ANSI rendering is better with a good client. SyncTerm is
recommended both for it's SSH support and great ANSI rendering. You can also
enjoy the BBS on the go by visiting

Also, it is highly recommended that you take 5 minutes and read the
Quick-(S)tart Guide in the System Bulletins. This will give you a good
overview of the ways to navigate the BBS. There will still be a lot to
discover however.

Now that you have an account setup, you can connect using SSH using your
username and password. SSH is available on port 2222. Avoid using Telnet
due to it's lack of encryption. It remains available for compatiblity
purposes only.

As a new user, you need to be validated, this process is manual and takes
less than 24 hours normally. During that "Unvalidated" status, you can freely
browse around but cannot post anything. Many other features are also
unavailable to you. These menu options are shown in Red for your convenience.

Make sure to visit all the section of the BBS as there is a lot to discover.
The Bottomless Abyss BBS is also the provider of up-to-the-minute Hacking
and Security news on the ArakNet echo network. Make sure to visit that
message base for your daily news.

Enjoy your stay and leave feedback. Cheers!

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