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Q: Why don't lawyers go to the beach? A: The cats keep trying to bury them.

soc / / Re: The water in the pool smells not because of chlorine, but because of... urine - a former NASA engineer found out why pools have such a pungent smell

* The water in the pool smells not because of chlorine, but because of... urine - MummyChunk
+- Re: The water in the pool smells not because of chlorine, but because of... urin%
+- Re: The water in the pool smells not because of chlorine, but because of... urincheesetray
+- Re: The water in the pool smells not because of chlorine, but because of... urincheesetray
+- Re: The water in the pool smells not because of chlorine, but because of... urincheesetray
`- Re: The water in the pool smells not because of chlorine, but because of... urincheesetray

Subject: The water in the pool smells not because of chlorine, but because of... urine - a former NASA engineer found out why pools have such a pungent smell
From: MummyChunk
Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2024 13:40 UTC
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2024 13:40:55 +0000
Subject: The water in the pool smells not because of chlorine, but because of... urine - a former NASA engineer found out why pools have such a pungent smell
From: (MummyChunk)
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The water in the pool smells not because of chlorine, but because
of... urine - a former NASA engineer found out why pools have such a
pungent smell

Mark Robert conducted an experiment: he took two buckets of water with
chlorine, left one �clean�, and added a little urine to the other,
closed the lid and left it for a day.

A day later he checked the buckets: the bucket that contained only
water and chlorine did not smell of anything. But the bucket to which
a little urine was added smelled of that same "nostalgic"
pungent smell of swimming pools.

This is explained by the fact that when chlorinated water and urine
come into contact, trichloramine is formed, which is the cause of the
pungent odor.

I won't set foot in a swimming pool again.

Subject: Re: The water in the pool smells not because of chlorine, but because of... urine - a former NASA engineer found out why pools have such a pungent smell
From: %
Organization: To protect and to server
Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2024 13:44 UTC
References: 1
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Subject: Re: The water in the pool smells not because of chlorine, but because
of... urine - a former NASA engineer found out why pools have such a pungent
Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2024 09:44:18 -0400
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MummyChunk wrote:
> The water in the pool smells not because of chlorine, but because
> of... urine - a former NASA engineer found out why pools have such a
> pungent smell
> Mark Robert conducted an experiment: he took two buckets of water with
> chlorine, left one �clean�, and added a little urine to the other,
> closed the lid and left it for a day.
> A day later he checked the buckets: the bucket that contained only
> water and chlorine did not smell of anything. But the bucket to which
> a little urine was added smelled of that same "nostalgic"
> pungent smell of swimming pools.
> This is explained by the fact that when chlorinated water and urine
> come into contact, trichloramine is formed, which is the cause of the
> pungent odor.
> I won't set foot in a swimming pool again.
that's your upper lip you're smelling, chunky

Subject: Re: The water in the pool smells not because of chlorine, but because of... urine - a former NASA engineer found out why pools have such a pungent smell
From: cheesetray
Organization: novaBBS
Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2024 22:57 UTC
References: 1
From: (cheesetray)
Subject: Re: The water in the pool smells not because of chlorine, but because of...
urine - a former NASA engineer found out why pools have such a pungent
Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2024 22:57:43 +0000
Organization: novaBBS
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On Sun, 20 Oct 2024 13:40:55 +0000, MummyChunk wrote:

> The water in the pool smells not because of chlorine, but because
> of... urine - a former NASA engineer found out why pools have such a
> pungent smell
> Mark Robert conducted an experiment: he took two buckets of water with
> chlorine, left one �clean�, and added a little urine to the other,
> closed the lid and left it for a day.
> A day later he checked the buckets: the bucket that contained only
> water and chlorine did not smell of anything. But the bucket to which
> a little urine was added smelled of that same "nostalgic"
> pungent smell of swimming pools.
> This is explained by the fact that when chlorinated water and urine
> come into contact, trichloramine is formed, which is the cause of the
> pungent odor.
> I won't set foot in a swimming pool again.

hi penny

Subject: Re: The water in the pool smells not because of chlorine, but because of... urine - a former NASA engineer found out why pools have such a pungent smell
From: cheesetray
Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2024 08:52 UTC
References: 1
NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2024 08:52:59 +0000
Subject: Re: The water in the pool smells not because of chlorine, but because of... urine - a former NASA engineer found out why pools have such a pungent smell
From: (cheesetray)
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
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User-Agent: newsSync 676930890
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Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2024 08:52:59 +0000
Lines: 27
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> MummyChunk wrote:
> The water in the pool smells not because of chlorine, but because
of... urine - a former NASA engineer found out why pools have such a
pungent smell
> Mark Robert conducted an experiment: he took two buckets of water
with chlorine, left one �clean�, and added a little urine to the
other, closed the lid and left it for a day.
> A day later he checked the buckets: the bucket that contained only
water and chlorine did not smell of anything. But the bucket to which
a little urine was added smelled of that same "nostalgic"
pungent smell of swimming pools.
> This is explained by the fact that when chlorinated water and urine
come into contact, trichloramine is formed, which is the cause of the
pungent odor.
> I won't set foot in a swimming pool again.

Penny Pumpkin

This is a response to the post seen at:

Subject: Re: The water in the pool smells not because of chlorine, but because of... urine - a former NASA engineer found out why pools have such a pungent smell
From: cheesetray
Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2024 08:52 UTC
References: 1
NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2024 08:52:59 +0000
Subject: Re: The water in the pool smells not because of chlorine, but because of... urine - a former NASA engineer found out why pools have such a pungent smell
From: (cheesetray)
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
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User-Agent: newsSync 676930891
References: <>
Message-ID: <>
Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2024 08:52:59 +0000
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X-Trace: sv3-1rmhIc8k2QqE2MKd5J6VdqEIoG+Bxj8PMUFI0tB/IFfEoMbrSfXacEIAlxsCbY53C3Cuy6qSJr8RbcF!DXVfkJDD4fBk/szlbFThGft7lqYqzKXRJ+waXXLh5QX6D1rrPHiHpIS1F3qYfJMlcol+gO4BFggr!0w==
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> MummyChunk wrote:
> The water in the pool smells not because of chlorine, but because
of... urine - a former NASA engineer found out why pools have such a
pungent smell
> Mark Robert conducted an experiment: he took two buckets of water
with chlorine, left one �clean�, and added a little urine to the
other, closed the lid and left it for a day.
> A day later he checked the buckets: the bucket that contained only
water and chlorine did not smell of anything. But the bucket to which
a little urine was added smelled of that same "nostalgic"
pungent smell of swimming pools.
> This is explained by the fact that when chlorinated water and urine
come into contact, trichloramine is formed, which is the cause of the
pungent odor.
> I won't set foot in a swimming pool again.

Pumpkin Penny

This is a response to the post seen at:

Subject: Re: The water in the pool smells not because of chlorine, but because of... urine - a former NASA engineer found out why pools have such a pungent smell
From: cheesetray
Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2024 08:52 UTC
References: 1
NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2024 08:52:59 +0000
Subject: Re: The water in the pool smells not because of chlorine, but because of... urine - a former NASA engineer found out why pools have such a pungent smell
From: (cheesetray)
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
User-Agent: newsSync 676940153
References: <>
Message-ID: <>
Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2024 08:52:59 +0000
Lines: 28
X-Trace: sv3-xFEQG6hM/e8okAjMrwQfb73FouqLjo6iHqXFuov+0EM4McgTWhrGS65MqAGJlzWnqMphGes5bMftI+l!Q1KNOjzSHJC4j2d/UKk3qWubW85eW/DKIirxZp+Bp023Bi9v7BXvdJvBLIIQPqA2cNRtH/JenM8Y!gg==
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> MummyChunk wrote:
> The water in the pool smells not because of chlorine, but because
of... urine - a former NASA engineer found out why pools have such a
pungent smell
> Mark Robert conducted an experiment: he took two buckets of water
with chlorine, left one �clean�, and added a little urine to the
other, closed the lid and left it for a day.
> A day later he checked the buckets: the bucket that contained only
water and chlorine did not smell of anything. But the bucket to which
a little urine was added smelled of that same "nostalgic"
pungent smell of swimming pools.
> This is explained by the fact that when chlorinated water and urine
come into contact, trichloramine is formed, which is the cause of the
pungent odor.
> I won't set foot in a swimming pool again.


This is a response to the post seen at:


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