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soc / / Re: hello

o Re: hellocheesetray

Subject: Re: hello
From: cheesetray
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2024 12:56 UTC
NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2024 12:56:48 +0000
Subject: Re: hello
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> cheesetray wrote:
> are there any true gentlemen in here who would like to engage in
some private intelligent intercourse, you just have to start, and i
can contribute with my sharp perspicacity and questioning and/or
additions, all of which are equally stimulating, i have discovered
from the responses of those sharing their higher knowledge with me.
university professors, psychologists, high-priced lawyers, many
scientists (this last one i think in fact of written materials online,
including from MIT and johns hopkins, and i could have written
letters....DESTROYING THEM, but i was too lazy, i didn't care that
much, most of it was due to a higher understanding of semantics and
the construction of english, and how to write, although in cases of
subjects with which i am not familiar, i didn't even know what the
hell was being proposed it was that poorly/illogically written, thus i
would not have been able to provide/suggest proper alternatives)...and
in some cases...even when the topic was outside of my ken but such
that i could contribute with the things i have mentioned, i have
discovered that my intelligence was much higher than my more highly
educated partners for discussion.....sadly......

although in
one science article, it did actually boil down to, well, what exactly
*is* a stimulant. it was so broken-down, it was mind-blowing. and the
reason i bring it up, is because i am no so confident that a response
letter would have explained it for me.

i *think*, it's like this. for example, a show on tv, about words. and
they were saying, well, if you use a dictionary, and one word leads to
another word, to come to a higher understanding. well, guess what?
it's a wild goose chase. it's a dog chasing its tail.

what it boils down to, according to this illuminatory (that's not a
word? red squiggle) educational show, was, get this: (actually i think
i mentioned this once before) but:


so there! (says the woman who's worse for wear....yikes!!! :-///)

This is a response to the post seen at:


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