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Your reasoning is excellent -- it's only your basic assumptions that are wrong.

soc / / Re: hello

o Re: hellocheesetray

Subject: Re: hello
From: cheesetray
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2024 12:56 UTC
NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2024 12:56:48 +0000
Subject: Re: hello
From: (cheesetray)
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> cheesetray wrote:
> are there any true gentlemen in here who would like to engage in
some private intelligent intercourse, you just have to start, and i
can contribute with my sharp perspicacity and questioning and/or
additions, all of which are equally stimulating, i have discovered
from the responses of those sharing their higher knowledge with me.
university professors, psychologists, high-priced lawyers, many
scientists (this last one i think in fact of written materials online,
including from MIT and johns hopkins, and i could have written
letters....DESTROYING THEM, but i was too lazy, i didn't care that
much, most of it was due to a higher understanding of semantics and
the construction of english, and how to write, although in cases of
subjects with which i am not familiar, i didn't even know what the
hell was being proposed it was that poorly/illogically written, thus i
would not have been able to provide/suggest proper alternatives)...and
in some cases...even when the topic was outside of my ken but such
that i could contribute with the things i have mentioned, i have
discovered that my intelligence was much higher than my more highly
educated partners for discussion.....sadly......

not referring
to professors at the university. (intelligence)

btw, this is only my opinion as to destroying them, perhaps they saw
it differently, but i believe in that case then, based on prior
experience, my observations would be considered quite bright. since i
was too lazy or didn't care so much about it, i never wrote, and thus
never had the opportunity to receive responses. perhaps it was unfair
of me to jump the gun and say destroy, but honestly, i have never
really had responses countering my contributions, merely just being
impressed, which often is even lost on me, and i can't understand how
they didn't see what i was saying, it seemed so obvious to me.

This is a response to the post seen at:


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