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This was the most unkindest cut of all. -- William Shakespeare, "Julius Caesar"

soc / soc.history.moderated / Re: KKK and Catholics

o Re: KKK and CatholicsMarvin

Subject: Re: KKK and Catholics
From: Marvin
Newsgroups: soc.history.moderated
Organization: Posted via Supernews,
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2007 15:55 UTC
References: 1
From: (Marvin)
Newsgroups: soc.history.moderated
Subject: Re: KKK and Catholics
X-Original-Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2007 11:53:36 -0400
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Allan Adler wrote:
> In a recent discussion on soc.retirement, someone who, as nearly as I
> can tell, is an apologist for the KKK, but who claims to disapprove of
> their violent tendencies when the victims don't deserve it, made a specific
> historical claim. He says that in the past (say during and before the 1950's)
> the KKK was not really anti-Catholic, merely anti-immigrant, and that, since
> many of the foreigners happened to be Catholic, this created the impression
> that they were anti-Catholic. He says his source for this is a discussion
> in the 1950's with a friend of his who happened to be an old Klansman
> and whom he apparently believed uncritically.
> Although I don't find this historical claim credible, I don't have the facts
> to refute it. I'd like to read a history of the KKK which will provide me with
> those facts. Can someone recommend one, or other sources that would suffice
> to settle this historical claim?
The Klan may have been a single organization early on, but
by the time period you mention there were many groups that
were loosely connected. The hatred of Catholics probably
came about when Irish and Italians were the main immigrant
groups. But they really hated anyone who wasn't "us".


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