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soc / soc.history.early-modern / 20 Volumes of BRRAM Re-Attributed 303 Texts from the British Renaissance to 6 Ghostwriters

o 20 Volumes of BRRAM Re-Attributed 303 Texts from the British Renaissance to 6 GhAnna Faktorovich

Subject: 20 Volumes of BRRAM Re-Attributed 303 Texts from the British Renaissance to 6 Ghostwriters
From: Anna Faktorovich
Newsgroups: soc.history.early-modern
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Subject: 20 Volumes of BRRAM Re-Attributed 303 Texts from the British
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The 20 volumes of the British Renaissance Re-Attribution and Modernization series (BRRAM: solve most of the previously critically discussed mysteries concerning the authorship of British Renaissance texts (including the “William Shakespeare” and 122 other bylines) by applying to 303 texts a newly invented for this study computational-linguistics method that uses a combination of 27 different tests. This testing derived that six ghostwriters wrote all of these works: Richard Verstegan, Josuah Sylvester, Gabriel Harvey, Benjamin Jonson, William Byrd and William Percy. This computational method, together with structural, biographical and various other attribution approaches that led to the attribution conclusions, are discussed in the Re-Attribution of the British Renaissance Corpus. A larger portion of this series are the volumes in the Modernization of the Inaccessible British Renaissance section, which test the quantitative attribution-conclusions by closely analyzing and explaining the contents of individual re-attributed texts. The modernized works are uniquely consequential in explaining the revised history of this period, and yet have never been translated into Modern English before. This series is cataloged in the World Shakespeare Bibliography and in the Play Index (EBSCO). A few pieces out of BRRAM have been published in scholarly journals. “Manipulation of Theatrical Audience-Size: Nonexistent Plays and Murderous Lenders” was published in Critical Survey, Issue 34.1, Spring 2022. “‘Michael Cavendish’s’ 14 Airs in Tablature to the Lute (1598)” was published in East-West Cultural Passage, Volume 22, Issue 2, December 2022. The Journal of Information Ethics published two articles on Faktorovich’s re-attribution method: “Publishers and Hack Writers: Signs of Collaborative Writing in the ‘Defoe’ Canon” (Fall 2020) and “Falsifications and Fabrications in the Standard Computational-Linguistics Authorial-Attribution Methods: A Comparison of the Methodology in ‘Unmasking’ with the 28-Tests” (Spring 2022).

The experiment's data, bibliographies, diagrams and various other freely accessible information is available here:

Email me at for free pdf review copies of the series. The series' website includes the detailed descriptions of the findings, press clippings and the like.

I hope to start a discussion here regarding my findings, as I am interested in the public's perspectives.


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