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soc / soc.history.ancient / Vitruvian Man - parts 1-6

o Vitruvian Man - parts 1-6D

Subject: Vitruvian Man - parts 1-6
From: D
Newsgroups: soc.history.ancient
Organization: - The Internet Problem Provider
Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2024 22:06 UTC
Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2024 22:06:02 +0000
From: (D)
Subject: Vitruvian Man - parts 1-6
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Newsgroups: soc.history.ancient
Organization: - The Internet Problem Provider
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Wikimedia Commons - Da Vinci Vitruve (photo L. Viatour) 2,258 x 3,070 pixels, 5.81 MB:

crude photo correction:
rotate -0.62
horizontal +0.7
vertical +0.5
save PNG
(35.56 MB)

import into inkscape:
skew +0.3h
width ~98.7
height 100.0
grid 20x20
square 16x16

"Vitruvius, the architect, says in his architectural work that the measurements
of man are in nature distributed in this manner, that is 4 fingers make a palm,
4 palms make a foot, 6 palms make a cubit, 4 cubits make a man, 4 cubits make
a footstep, 24 palms make a man and these measures are in his buildings. If you
open your legs enough that your head is lowered by 1/14 of your height and raise
your arms enough that your extended fingers touch the line of the top of your
head, let you know that the center of the ends of the open limbs will be the
navel, and the space between the legs will be an equilateral triangle"

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* angle between extended middle finger tips tangent circle-square intersections
is actually 100 degrees; navel at center of circle is 1 1/2 times higher than
1/14 of man's height; angle between raised legs at calf muscle is actually 60
degrees as measured from the center of the square; also, angle between raised
legs at center of ball of foot is 60 degrees as measured from center of circle;

* the line segment between center of circle and center of square is the opposite
side of a right triangle, with adjacent side the horizontal circle radius, and
hypotenuse from the center of the square to the end of that same circle radius,
the angle of which is 80 degrees; the center of square is 2 cubits above floor
line, and its base is tangent to the base of circle at the vertical centerline;
thus solving for "y": y/(y + 2) = tan 10; y = ~0.428148 cubits; 4 cubits/14 is
~0.285714, for a ratio of ~1.49852; very nearly 1 1/2 times higher than "1/14";

* circle radius 2 + y = ~2.428148 cubits; circle diameter 2y + 4 = ~4.856296 cu-
bits; circle area (2 + y)^2 * pi = ~18.522525 square cubits; top of circle is
2y = ~0.856296 cubits above square, segment chord 4 * sqrt(2y) = ~3.701451 cu-
bits, central angle is 2 * arctan (2 * sqrt(2y)/(2 - y)) = ~99.316396 degrees
(inside edge extended middle finger tips); 1 finger is 1/24 cubit = ~0.041667
cubits; 1 palm is 1/6 cubit = ~0.166667 cubits; 1 foot 4/6 = ~0.666667 cubits;

* simplifying the value of "y", y/(y+2)=tan(10): y = 2sin(10)/(cos(10)-sin(10));
circle chord at top of square = 8sqrt(sin(10)/(cos(10)-sin(10))) = ~3.701451;
is central angle of top circle sector ~99.316396 degrees; top circle sector
area = pi(2sin(10)/(cos(10)-sin(10))+2)^2arcTan((cos(10)-sin(10))sqrt(sin(10)
/(cos(10)-sin(10)))/(cos(10)/2-sin(10)))/180 = ~5.109973 square cubits; top
circle segment area = pi(2sin(10)/(cos(10)-sin(10))+2)^2arcTan((cos(10)-sin
(10)-sin(10))-8)sqrt(sin(10)/(cos(10)-sin(10))) = ~2.200907 square cubits;

* circle chord at side of square = 2sqrt((2sin(10)/(cos(10)-sin(10))+2)^2-4) =
~2.753836; central angle of side circle sector = 2arcTan(sqrt((2sin(10)/(cos
(10)-sin(10))+2)^2-4)/2) = ~69.091629 degrees; side circle sector area = pi
-4)/2)/180 = ~3.554865 square cubits; area of side circle segment = pi(2sin
2)/180-2sqrt((2sin(10)/(cos(10)-sin(10))+2)^2-4) = ~0.801029 square cubits;

* circle chord at bottom of square = 4 cubits; central angle of bottom circle
sector = 2arcTan(2/sqrt((2sin(10)/(cos(10)-sin(10))+2)^2-4)) = ~110.908371
degrees; bottom circle sector area = pi(2sin(10)/(cos(10)-sin(10))+2)^2arc
Tan(2/sqrt((2sin(10)/(cos(10)-sin(10))+2)^2-4))/180 = ~5.706397 square cu-
bits; bottom circle segment area = pi(2sin(10)/(cos(10)-sin(10))+2)^2arcTan
sin(10))+2)^2-4) = ~2.952562 square cubits;

* area of bottom square corner outside circle = -pi(2sin(10)/(cos(10)-sin(10))
(cos(10)-sin(10))+2)^2-4)+4sin(10)/(cos(10)-sin(10))+4 = ~0.626179 square
cubits; circle chord at top corner of square = sqrt((-sqrt((2sin(10)/(cos
(10)-sin(10)))+2)^2) = ~0.245524 cubits; central angle of top square corner
circle sector = -arcTan(sqrt((2sin(10)/(cos(10)-sin(10))+2)^2-4)/2)-arcTan
= ~5.795988 degrees; top square corner circle sector area = (2sin(10)/(cos
sin(10)))/360+pi/4) = ~0.298212 square cubits; top square corner circle
segment area = -sqrt(((-sqrt((2sin(10)/(cos(10)-sin(10))+2)^2-4)-2sin(10)
sin(10)))/(cos(10)/2-sin(10)))/360+pi/4) = ~0.000508 square cubits; area
of top square corner outside circle = sqrt(((-sqrt((2sin(10)/(cos(10)-sin
sin(10))+2) = ~0.014041 (= 0.0140410224358...) square cubits;

Click here to read the complete article

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