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soc / soc.history.ancient / Re: Archaeologists of UK are lazy and hate Digging

o Re: Archaeologists of UK are lazy and hate DiggingOh so rich & successful JTEM

Subject: Re: Archaeologists of UK are lazy and hate Digging
From: Oh so rich & suc
Newsgroups: soc.history.ancient
Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2023 02:30 UTC
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Subject: Re: Archaeologists of UK are lazy and hate Digging
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Doctor Denkenstein wrote:
> Archaeologists of UK are lazy and hate Digging

Yes. I've been saying this for decades. It's because of the corrupt monarchy.
They and the nobles own all the land. Everyone else just owns the right to
squat on it, they don't actually own it. So archaeology is a treasure hunt,
retrieving the 1%'s treasure before any of the worthless people grab it.

The first time I saw a video of "Archaeologists" using a backhoe I was like,
"These people are freaking nuts!"

On one episode of Time Team they smashed an ancient skull using heavy
earth moving equipment, and were incapable of mustering enough shame
to hide what they did!

Americans are the best. The Brits actually laugh at the Americans for doing
things like sifting all the soil they remove, and taking care not to smash
anything that may be in the ground...

Yes, the American school is VERY conservative.

Compare this to paleo anthropology, which isn't a science and refuses to
adhere to scientific methods.

-- --


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