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You're not my type. For that matter, you're not even my species!!!

soc / soc.history.ancient / Re: "I had Daniel and Ezekiel bury my Mishkan under Stonehenge, later I had John the Baptist and Jesus Christ move Heel Stone over it. Caesars were hunting for my Mishkan in BC, then in AD, so it needed additional protection."

o Re: "I had Daniel and Ezekiel bury my Mishkan under Stonehenge, later I had JohnDenoco Inc.

Subject: Re: "I had Daniel and Ezekiel bury my Mishkan under Stonehenge, later I had John the Baptist and Jesus Christ move Heel Stone over it. Caesars were hunting for my Mishkan in BC, then in AD, so it needed additional protection."
From: Denoco Inc.
Newsgroups: soc.history.ancient
Date: Sat, 14 Oct 2023 22:08 UTC
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Subject: Re: "I had Daniel and Ezekiel bury my Mishkan under Stonehenge, later
I had John the Baptist and Jesus Christ move Heel Stone over it. Caesars were
hunting for my Mishkan in BC, then in AD, so it needed additional protection."
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On Thursday, October 12, 2023 at 9:34:43 AM UTC-5, Garry Denke wrote:
> "I had Daniel and Ezekiel bury my Mishkan under Stonehenge, later I had John the Baptist and Jesus Christ move Heel Stone over it. Caesars were hunting for my Mishkan in BC, then in AD, so it needed additional protection."
> G-D

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File: Heelstone Mishkan, Stonehenge.gif (111 KB, 1060x1048)
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Anonymous 10/14/23(Sat)06:31:10 No.15736579▶>>15736597
Note that the Heelstone Beasts faced SE towards Israel before Julius Caesar invaded Britain in BCE,
and the Heelstone Beasts faced SW towards Texas before Claudius Caesar invaded Britain in CE.

Daniel the Prophet and Son of man Ezekiel only buried the Tabernacle of God under Stonehole 96,
it was John the Baptist and Son of man Jesus who moved the Heelstone SE from Stonehole 97.

They rotated it 90 degrees Clockwise.
Anonymous 10/14/23(Sat)06:41:34 No.15736597▶
File: Veda4 Dan7 Ez1 Rev4 Cow248.gif (853 KB, 1024x1024)
853 KB
>>15736579 (OP)
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