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soc / soc.history.ancient / Palestinians want my Ark of my Covenant exhumed (Operation Al-Aqsa Flood) and Jews want my Ark of my Covenant crushed

o Palestinians want my Ark of my Covenant exhumed (Operation Al-Aqsa Flood) and JeMajor Tom Threepersons

Subject: Palestinians want my Ark of my Covenant exhumed (Operation Al-Aqsa Flood) and Jews want my Ark of my Covenant crushed
From: Major Tom Threeperso
Newsgroups: soc.history.ancient
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 2023 14:29 UTC
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Subject: Palestinians want my Ark of my Covenant exhumed (Operation Al-Aqsa
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Persians want my Ark of my Covenant exhumed (Operation Al-Aqsa Ark) and Jews want my Ark of my Covenant crushed

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File: Four feet Below stone.jpg (191 KB, 1240x1290)
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Anonymous (ID: SoqMnKnk) 10/09/23(Mon)06:42:55 No.443970767▶>>443973219 >>443974719 >>443975730 >>443976030
Palestinians want my Ark of my Covenant exhumed (Operation Al-Aqsa Flood) and Jews want my Ark of my Covenant crushed.
Persians want my Ark of my Covenant exhumed (Operation Al-Aqsa Ark) and Jews want my Ark of my Covenant crushed.

https://www.gofundme com/f/mishkan-being-crushed-by-heel-stone-in-wiltshire
Anonymous (ID: SoqMnKnk) 10/09/23(Mon)07:07:38 No.443973219▶
>>443970767 (OP)
Russians want my Ark of my Covenant exhumed (Operation Al-Aqsa Flood) and Jews want my Ark of my Covenant crushed.
Chinese want my Ark of my Covenant exhumed (Operation Al-Aqsa Ark) and Jews want my Ark of my Covenant crushed.
Anonymous (ID: eogLaRQ7) 10/09/23(Mon)07:21:45 No.443974719▶>>443975758 >>443976134
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>>443970767 (OP)
i got news for ya kiddo
they already got it
Anonymous (ID: xbsDyeit) 10/09/23(Mon)07:30:36 No.443975730▶
>>443970767 (OP)
Who gives a shit about a box that'll kill you if you touch it?
Anonymous (ID: SoqMnKnk) 10/09/23(Mon)07:30:53 No.443975758▶>>443975932
File: The 3rd Temple.jpg (349 KB, 965x1085)
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The Third Temple
Anonymous (ID: eogLaRQ7) 10/09/23(Mon)07:32:31 No.443975932▶>>443976009
I'm never impressed by threads that are drips and drabs of insinuations. make an effort. do the footwork. present your findings with sources and interpretations. there's no point to everyone yes-manning and pretending to be cool.
Anonymous (ID: eogLaRQ7) 10/09/23(Mon)07:33:01 No.443976009▶
thats what /x/ is for, frankly.
Anonymous (ID: qUUGc91D) 10/09/23(Mon)07:33:07 No.443976030▶>>443976229 >>443976855
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3.98 MB
>>443970767 (OP)
>muh brown people desert fairy tales
Anonymous (ID: xLu0Sx0F) 10/09/23(Mon)07:33:54 No.443976134▶>>443976229
They broke stonhenge? Tell me more about it as to why and when and how.
Anonymous (ID: eogLaRQ7) 10/09/23(Mon)07:34:51 No.443976229▶
see, OP, you just get these kinds of replies if you don't make an effortthread. it's not about the you's

my point is if anything is buried there, they've already gotten their greedy paws all over the site.
Anonymous (ID: SoqMnKnk) 10/09/23(Mon)07:40:34 No.443976855▶
File: The 4th Temple.jpg (310 KB, 931x1124)
310 KB

The Fourth Temple
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Major Tom


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