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soc / soc.history.ancient / Is Qanon 4chan? Or is 4chan Qanon?

o Is Qanon 4chan? Or is 4chan Qanon?Doctor Denkenstein

Subject: Is Qanon 4chan? Or is 4chan Qanon?
From: Doctor Denkenstein
Newsgroups: soc.history.ancient
Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2023 12:49 UTC
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Subject: Is Qanon 4chan? Or is 4chan Qanon?
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Is 4chan Qanon? Or is Qanon 4chan?

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Anonymous (ID: VY4PZCJE) 10/05/23(Thu)04:51:51 No.443380371▶>>443380623 >>443381305 >>443383656 >>443384183 >>443384294
Newbie here. Is Qanon 4chan? Or is 4chan Qanon? Nice site. Thanks.
Anonymous (ID: vz4oXueF) 10/05/23(Thu)04:56:41 No.443380623▶>>443381130 >>443383858
>>443380371 (OP)
Qanon was Jared Kushner, wasting millions of dollars on shit posting so he could stick his cut penis in trumpensteins daughter
Anonymous (ID: VY4PZCJE) 10/05/23(Thu)05:06:51 No.443381130▶
File: Trust the Plan.jpg (75 KB, 1000x996)
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What is your plan? Should I trust your plan? Thanks.
Anonymous (ID: gY5N6XQ3) 10/05/23(Thu)05:10:07 No.443381305▶>>443383804 >>443383933
>>443380371 (OP)
yes, I am Q
Anonymous (ID: 8CKYj8NB) 10/05/23(Thu)05:11:22 No.443381378▶>>443383079
>newbie here
welcome to hell. Q is bruce jenner's final form.
Anonymous (ID: 8d7safCV) 10/05/23(Thu)05:40:27 No.443383079▶
>lurk moar
Anonymous (ID: hdjKsFMl) 10/05/23(Thu)05:50:48 No.443383656▶
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>>443380371 (OP)

Q-Anon is a Jewish Mossad front, paralleling previous such operations they have undertaken.
Anonymous (ID: VY4PZCJE) 10/05/23(Thu)05:53:17 No.443383804▶
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I see Q is ancient as Stone Hedge.
Anonymous (ID: 1gQ8crwZ) 10/05/23(Thu)05:54:05 No.443383840▶
Tailored Access Operations group of the NSA.We are in the middle of the biggest happening possibly in the history of humanity.
Space Force just averted a planetary catastrophe in 2018. It was glorious.
And it is only the beginning. Enjoy the show.
Anonymous (ID: PraU4qxx) 10/05/23(Thu)05:54:22 No.443383858▶>>443386864
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Hey Jared
Anonymous (ID: VY4PZCJE) 10/05/23(Thu)05:55:42 No.443383933▶
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The reason you dress as Pagans?
Anonymous (ID: o4qLWMdI) 10/05/23(Thu)06:00:05 No.443384183▶>>443387011
>>443380371 (OP)
qanon was corey feldman he used to post on 7chan though
Anonymous (ID: Akq/weh4) 10/05/23(Thu)06:01:51 No.443384294▶
>>443380371 (OP)
Qanon is a psyOp
Anonymous (ID: VY4PZCJE) 10/05/23(Thu)06:43:07 No.443386864▶
Paganism (Q) encompasses a diverse community of specific traditions, practices or elements such as ecology, witchcraft, Celtic traditions or certain gods. Wiccans, Druids, Shamans, Sacred Ecologists, Odinists and Heathens all make up parts of the Pagan (Q) community.
Anonymous (ID: VY4PZCJE) 10/05/23(Thu)06:45:26 No.443387011▶
What is your plan? Should I trust your plan? Thanks.
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