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You prefer the company of the opposite sex, but are well liked by your own.

soc / soc.history.ancient / Re: "The Antikythera Mechanism: An Astonishing Invention from Ancient Greece | The 1st Analogue Computer"

o Re: "The Antikythera Mechanism: An Astonishing Invention from Ancient Greece | TOh so rich & successful JTEM

Subject: Re: "The Antikythera Mechanism: An Astonishing Invention from Ancient Greece | The 1st Analogue Computer"
From: Oh so rich & suc
Newsgroups: soc.history.ancient
Date: Sat, 8 Jul 2023 13:35 UTC
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Subject: Re: "The Antikythera Mechanism: An Astonishing Invention from Ancient
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It's actually not astonishing at all.

It's more complex than other machines from the period but
other machines, gearing are known.

Astronomical clocks are known in Europe from the 1300s, and
the Antikythera Mechanism is vastly LESS sophisticated.

It's unpowered -- believed to have operated by turning a crank --
and it of course lacked a clock.

The Antikythera Mechanism is NOT a computer. It does not
compute anything. You might as well insist that your door
knob is a computer as it effectively does the same thing: You
turn it and that results in mechanical motion, opening the door.

The Antikythera Mechanism is a wondrous device, on which
maggots misunderstand and misrepresent.

NOTE: It doesn't even work!

All the so called "Reproductions" you can find -- just Google
it -- either add parts that don't exist or eliminate parts which

-- --


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