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soc / soc.history.ancient / cutting the mistletoe

o cutting the mistletoeDavid Dalton

Subject: cutting the mistletoe
From: David Dalton
Newsgroups: soc.history.ancient, soc.culture.breton, soc.culture.celtic, alt.mythology, alt.folklore, alt.arts.storytelling
Organization: Private individual
Date: Fri, 30 Dec 2022 06:57 UTC
From: (David Dalton)
Newsgroups: soc.history.ancient,soc.culture.breton,soc.culture.celtic,alt.mythology,alt.folklore,alt.arts.storytelling
Subject: cutting the mistletoe
Date: Fri, 30 Dec 2022 03:27:15 -0330
Organization: Private individual
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I have read that druids cut the mistletoe with a golden
coloured sickle on the sixth day of the moon.

Is that six days after modern new (dark) moon, or
six days after ancient new (earliest waxing crescent)
moon? I think the first, which would have been
the evening of December 28. But I have also read
that druids mark the new lunar month by the
easily observable straight edge of the first
quarter moon (which I call D-moon since it is
shaped like a D). So that might imply the second.

Also is the cutting of the mistletoe done on the
first quarter (or day before) closest to the
winter solstice, or the one before the winter

a D.

David Dalton (home page) Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
"And now the angry morning; Gives the early signs of warning; You must face
alone the plans you make; Decisions they will try to break" (S. McLachlan)


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